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==Flower Power==
[[File:Hydroponics.png|frame|right|Hydroponics. This is your home.]]

[[Hydroponics]] and the [[Botanist]]s who work there are important people on the station, especially in longer rounds. [[Botanist]]s grow plants, obviously.
== Basics of Botany ==
Without plants, the [[Chef]] cannot make many types of food. Without those types of food, the denizens of the station will either have to live off of beef jerky and space twinkies, or starve to death. Now that you understand why this is important, let's get started!

[[Hydroponics]] and the [[Botanist]]s who work there are important to the station, especially in longer rounds. Botanists grow plants that the [[Chef]] can use for food. Without botany, the station will have to live off of beef jerky and space twinkies, or starve to death.

Here is a chart with the types of plants you can grow, in case you forgot.
=== Your Area ===

{| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" align="center"
Hydroponics is divided into two rooms. The big section is where you'll spend most of your time growing goods. Trays are available where you grow plants and two vending machines, one with seeds and the other with miscellaneous items such as nutrients and tools for your job. The bio-generator can be used to grind plants and produce things for the station. In tandem is the seed dispenser used to reproduce your product. The northern area is where you can grab most of the equipment needed to work in botany.
Plants require nutrients (fertilizer) and water to grow. They are also bothered by pests and weeds.<br>
Trays come equipped with alerts that flash specific colors to tell you what's happening with your plant.
From left to right -
!Mutates into
* '''Green''': Ready to harvest.
* '''Red''': Low health, caused by weeds/pests/toxins/end of lifespan.
* '''Yellow''': Low nutrients.
* '''Blue''': Low water.
Tools that are of use in botany -
* {{anchor|Plant_Analyzer}}'''Plant Analyzer''': Shows detailed detailed plant statistics. Very useful for growing fragile plants like Ambrosia Deus.
* {{anchor|Cultivator}}'''Cultivator''': Kills Weeds.
* '''Plant Bag''': Collects up to 50 items or 100 seeds from your harvest. Useful for moving those into the fridge or biogenerator.
* '''Wrench''': Used to move your trays around.
* '''Wirecutters''': Used to set up the irrigation system. If 30u or more of water is put into trays while the irrigation is set up, water will be shared across trays. This will also distribute things like mutagen and plant killer.
* {{anchor|Hatchet}}'''Hatchet''': Chops tower-caps into planks, chops other things. This is also a robust tool that fits in pockets.
* {{anchor|Shovel}}'''Shovel''': Digs up grass floors and cleaning the dirt.
* {{anchor|Spade}}'''Spade''': Removes and destroys plants in a tray.
* '''All-In-One Grinder''': This is how you extract reagents from plants - throw them in and hit the "grind" button.
* '''Portable Seed Extractor''': This can harvest and pick up plants and turn up to 100 plants into seeds. Less efficient than the machine.
=== [[File:Seed_Extractor.gif|Seed Extractor]] Plant growing 101 ===
Take some seeds from the vendor and put them into the trays. Now, take a look at the tray with a plant analyzer. For now, you only need to pay attention to the bottom five stats - '''Water/Nutrition''' and '''Weeds/Toxic/Pest''' levels.<br>
Now, fill a bucket from the water tank and grab fertilizer from the vending machine. You get rid of weeds with the cultivator and remove pests with pest spray. [[Chemistry]] can give you better chemicals for this, which will be explained later in the guide.<br>
Some plants have a varied growth times, such as wheat growing faster while watermelons or apple trees take a little longer before you can harvest from them.<br>
Once your tray flashes green, you're set to harvest. If you want to replicate the plant to continue growing more, just insert it into the seed extractor.
=== [[File:Biogenerator.gif|Bio-generator]] Biogenerator ===
The Biogenerator makes items out of the nutriment in plants. As a rule of thumb: More nutriment = more biomass. Watermelons and pumpkins are commonly used due to their 20% nutriment boost [[#Traits|trait]].<br>
To get biomass, grab a spare bucket and equip the machine with it, then use the plant bag to put fruits inside.<br>
If you somehow run out of fertilizer in the vendors, remember you can print the three standard fertilizers here. Keep in mind that you can craft a whole bunch of useful items from the leather/cloth sheets the biogenerator creates.
=== [[File:plant dna manip.gif]]DNA Extractor ===
The DNA extractor allows you to extract and modify seed stats and [[#Traits|traits]]. This machine is what lets you become a [[Chemist]] on speed.
This is a little complex, so look at: [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Advanced_Botany|Advanced Botany]]
== Stats, reagents and traits ==
Three things determine how your plant will turn out: Their '''stats''', '''reagents''' and '''[[#Traits|traits]]'''.
=== Stats ===
Stats determine whether your plants are small and grow slowly, or are big and fast-growing.
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Click expand to see what stats do:
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* '''Potency''': The most important stat (0 to 100). This affects the amount of chemicals in the plant, though some have additional effects, such as stun length for bananas.<br>
To get the amount of a given chemical in a plant, multiply the reagent in the chart by the potency: for example, 10% nutriment will be 5 nutriment at 50 potency.
* '''Yield''': How much product you get each harvest. Between 0 and 10. Pay attention to this, because if it drops to 0, you won't harvest anything.
* '''Production Speed''': How fast your plant reaches harvest. Between 1 and 10 -- the '''lower''' the faster. The plant has to wait (Production Speed) age cycles before each harvest.
* '''Maturation Speed''': Age cycles before the plant can start production. The first harvest will be (Maturation Speed + Production Speed).
* '''Lifespan''': When the age is above lifespan, the plant starts losing health. Between 10 and 100. Only important for plants with the Perennial Growth [[#Traits|trait]].
* '''Age''': Age of the plant. Only relevant in terms of the lifespan stat.
* '''Endurance''': Max health. Between 10 and 100. Not very useful, unless you leave your garden often.
* '''Weed growth rate''': Determines how quickly weeds grow in the plant tray. Only relevant with very high values.
* '''Weed vulnerability''': The higher, the more easily a plant is overtaken by weeds. Only relevant with very high values.
=== Reagents/Content ===
This determines what chemicals are present in a grown plant - the [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Advanced_Botany|DNA extractor]] lets you extract and splice these.<br>
With a bit of creativity, you can mix your own mutagen, produce unique healing chemicals or turn tomatoes into napalm grenades. Solid [[Guide_to_chemistry|Chemistry]] knowledge will help you out immensely.<br>
For a detailed list, check out: [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Plant reference chart|Plant reference chart]]
=== Traits ===
Traits give your plants unique properties. There are plenty - Perennial Growth for example lets you harvest plants multiple times.<br>
These can be transferred, just like reagents.
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Click expand to see a list of traits:
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{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:100%; text-align:left" border="1" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
! scope="col" style='widtg:150px; background-color:#BEF781;'|Trait name
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style='background-color:#BEF781;'|Properties
|Causes the plant to glow, emitting light equal to 10% of potency. Varieties include '''Shadow Emission''' and '''Red Electrical Glow'''.
!{{anchor|Strong Bioluminescence}}Strong Bioluminescence
|Causes the plant to glow, emitting light equal to 20% of potency.
!{{anchor|Bluespace Activity}}Bluespace Activity
|Gives the plant bluespace properties, making it teleport people hit if the plant has Liquid Contents, and on slip if it has Slippery Skin. Max radius is determined by potency.
!{{anchor|Capacitive Cell Production}}Capacitive Cell Production
|Plants with this trait can be made into batteries with the addition of wire. Electrical Activity increases the cell's maximum charge.
!{{anchor|Densified Chemicals}}Densified Chemicals
|Doubles the reagent capacity of the plant. Keep in mind that reagent traits will still add a fixed amount to the plant (this just increases how much can fit in it).
!{{anchor|Electrical Activity}}Electrical Activity
|Gives the plant electrical charge, making it recharge batteries when eaten; it will also electrocute on slip if it also has Slippery Skin and on hit if it has Liquid Contents.
!{{anchor|Fire Resistance}}Fire Resistance
|Makes the seeds and produce fireproof.
!{{anchor|Fungal Vitality}}Fungal Vitality
|The plant acquires mushroom-like properties, removing the need for water and greatly reducing damage from lack of light. Minimum yield is always 1 and the tray can't be overtaken by weeds.
!{{anchor|Gaseous Decomposition}}Gaseous Decomposition
|Plants with this trait emit a smoke cloud when squashed, spewing reagents everywhere. Requires Liquid Contents to be useful. Only available through [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Strange seeds|Strange seeds]].
!{{anchor|Hypodermic Prickles}}Hypodermic Prickles
|Plants with this trait will sting when thrown (or slipped on with Liquid Contents), transferring a portion of their chemicals to the target.
!{{anchor|Liquid Contents}}Liquid Contents
|Causes the plant to squash when thrown or slipped on (Slippery Skin), applying the reagents inside on the target and destroying the plant.
!{{anchor|Perennial Growth}}Perennial Growth
|Plants with this trait don't die on harvest (and can be harvested multiple times).
!{{anchor|Separated Chemicals}}<s>Separated Chemicals</s>
|<s>Makes plant reagents not react with each other until squashed. Otherwise, they will mix on harvest. Requires Liquid Contents to be useful.</s> ''Removed January 2019.''
!{{anchor|Slippery Skin}}Slippery Skin
|Causes the plant, or any products of the plant, to become slippery. The stun time is (Potency * 0.08), divided by 3 unless the plant has lube or is a banana. Maximum stun is 7 seconds. Triggers Hypodermic Prickes and Liquid Contents when combined with them.
!{{anchor|Weed Adaptation}}Weed Adaptation
|The plant acquires weed-like properties, removing the need for nutrients. Plant growth doesn't get slowed by weeds and the tray can't be overtaken by them.
== [[File:Sunflower.png]] Plant reference chart ==
All you need to know about plants - their reagents, [[#Traits|traits]] and what they can mutate into.
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Plant Chart ('''mouse over the reagents to have a brief effect description''')
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:100%; text-align:center" border="1" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
! scope="col" style='background-color:#BEF781;'|Name
! scope="col" style='background-color:#BEF781;'|Type
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style='background-color:#BEF781;'|Seed
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style='background-color:#BEF781;'|Potting
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style='background-color:#BEF781;'|Product
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style='background-color:#BEF781;'|Reagent Production
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style='background-color:#BEF781;'|Traits
! scope="col" style='background-color:#BEF781;'|Available from
! scope="col" style='background-color:#BEF781;'|Mutates into
!{{anchor|Ambrosia deus}}Ambrosia deus
|5% nutriment, <span title="Heals everything">15% omnizine</span>, <span title="Heals hallucinations, confusion and stuns">15% synaptizine</span>, <span title="Gets you high, also messes up your walking a little">10% space drugs</span>, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>
|Perennial Growth
|Mutate [[#Ambrosia vulgaris|Ambrosia vulgaris]]
|[[#Ambrosia gaia|Ambrosia gaia]]
!{{anchor|Ambrosia gaia}}Ambrosia gaia
|6% nutriment, <span title="Heals everything a LOT, but gives a bit of brain damage">5% earthsblood</span>, <span title="Take them">5% vitamin</span>
|Mutate [[#Ambrosia deus|Ambrosia deus]]
!{{anchor|Ambrosia vulgaris}}Ambrosia vulgaris
|5% nutriment, <span title="Heals brute damage">10% Sanguiose</span>, <span title="Heals burn damage">10% Frogenite</span>, <span title="Gets you high, also messes up your walking a little">15% space drugs</span>, <span title="Deals toxin damage">10% toxin</span>, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>
|Perennial Growth
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]]
|[[#Ambrosia deus|Ambrosia deus]]
|10% nutriment, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>. [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Fermentation_Barrel|Fermentation]]: [[Guide_to_food_and_drinks#Hard_cider|Hard cider]]
|Perennial Growth
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]]
|[[#Gold apple|Gold apple]]
|Harvesting results in bamboo logs. Cut these logs with a hatchet to produce stackable bamboo cuttings. Use the bamboo cuttings in hand to craft a either a punji stick trap ([[Status_Effects#Paralyze|paralyzes]] and hurts those who step on it) or a blow gun (makeshift [[Medical_items#Syringe_Guns|syringe gun]] that takes time to fire and deals stamina and suffocation damage to the user).
|Perennial Growth
|Mutate [[#Sugarcane|Sugarcane]], [[Exotic Seeds Crate]]
|10% banana juice, 10% potassium, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>, 2% nutriment. [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Fermentation_Barrel|Fermentation]]: [[Guide_to_food_and_drinks#Banana_Honk|Banana Honk]]
|Slippery Skin, Perennial Growth
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]], [[Exotic Seeds Crate]]
|[[#Mimana|Mimana]], [[#Blue-space banana|Blue-space banana]]
|10% nutriment, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>. [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Fermentation_Barrel|Fermentation]]: [[Guide_to_food_and_drinks#Gin|Gin]]
|Perennial Growth
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]], [[Seeds Crate]]
|[[#Glow-berry|Glow-berry]], [[#Poison-berry|Poison-berry]]
!{{anchor|Blood tomato}}Blood tomato
|10% nutriment, <span title="Literally blood, type 0-">20% blood</span>, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>. [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Fermentation_Barrel|Fermentation]]: [[Guide_to_food_and_drinks#Bloody_Mary|Bloody Mary]]
|Liquid Contents, Perennial Growth
|Mutate [[#Tomato|Tomato]]
!{{anchor|Blue-space banana}}Blue-space banana
|<span title="Alcoholic Drink">20% singulo</span>, 10% banana juice, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>, 2% nutriment
|Slippery Skin, Bluespace Activity, Perennial Growth
|Mutate [[#Banana|Banana]]
!{{anchor|Blue-space tomato}}Blue-space tomato
|10% nutriment, <span title="Alcoholic drink">20% singulo</span>, <span title="Makes floors slippery">20% space lube</span>, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>. [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Fermentation_Barrel|Fermentation]]: [[Guide_to_chemistry#Laughter|Laughter]]
|Slippery Skin, Bluespace Activity, Liquid Contents, Perennial Growth
|Mutate [[#Blue tomato|Blue tomato]]
!{{anchor|Blue cherry}}Blue cherry
|7% nutriment, 7% sugar
|Perennial Growth
|Mutate [[#Cherry|Cherry]]
!{{anchor|Blue tomato}}Blue tomato
|10% nutriment, <span title="Makes ground slippery">20% space lube</span>, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>
|Slippery Skin, Perennial Growth
|Mutate [[#Tomato|Tomato]]
|[[#Blue-space tomato|Blue-space tomato]]
|20% ammonia, 10% chlorine, 20% nutriment
|Perennial Growth
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]], mutate [[#Pumpkin|Pumpkin]]
|10% nutriment, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>
|Perennial Growth
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]]
|[[#Replica pod|Replica pod]]
|<span title="Makes your screen trippy">15% space drugs</span>, <span title="Makes you hungry">35% lipolicide</span>
|Perennial Growth
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]] (hacked)
|[[#Rainbow weed|Rainbow weed]], [[#Deathweed|Deathweed]], [[#Lifeweed|Lifeweed]], [[#Omega weed|Omega weed]]
|2% nutriment, 5% hydrogen
|Perennial Growth
|Mutate [[#Grass|Grass]]
|5% nutriment, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>, <span title="Heals non-genetic eye damage">25% oculine</span>
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]], [[Seeds Crate]]
|10% nutriment
|Fungal Vitality
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]], [[Seeds Crate]], can overtake a tray
|7% nutriment, 7% sugar
|Perennial Growth
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]]
|[[#Blue cherry|Blue cherry]]
!{{anchor|Cherry Bomb}}Cherry Bomb
|10% nutriment, 10% sugar, 70% blackpowder
|Perennial Growth
|Only available from Xenobiology
|4% nutriment, <span title="Heats up">25% capsaicin</span>, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>
|Perennial Growth
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]]
|[[#Ghost chili|Ghost chili]], [[#Ice Pepper|Ice Pepper]]
|10% nutriment, <span title="Has nutritious value">25% cocoa</span>. [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Fermentation_Barrel|Fermentation]]: [[Guide_to_food_and_drinks#Creme_de_Cacao|Creme de Cacao]]
|Perennial Growth
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]]
!{{anchor|Coffee arabica}}Coffee arabica
|<span title="Weak toxin">10% coffee powder</span>, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>. [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Fermentation_Barrel|Fermentation]]: [[Guide_to_food_and_drinks#Kahlua|Kahlua]]
|Perennial Growth
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]]
|[[#Coffee robusta|Coffee robusta]]
!{{anchor|Coffee robusta}}Coffee robusta
|<span title="Weak toxin">10% coffee powder</span>, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>, <span title="Makes you run very fast">10% ephedrine</span>
|Perennial Growth
|Mutate [[#Coffee arabica|Coffee arabica]]
!{{anchor|Combustible Lemon}}Combustible Lemon
|5% nutriment (can be thrown like an IED)
|Perennial Growth
|Mutate [[#Lemon|Lemon]]
|10% nutriment, 20% corn oil, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>. [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Fermentation_Barrel|Fermentation]]: [[Guide_to_food_and_drinks#Whiskey|Whiskey]]
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]], [[Seeds Crate]]
!{{anchor|Corpse Flower}}Corpse Flower
|Right before it blooms, it starts producing miasma until harvested. Miasma production only works around normal pressure. Potency determines how high the pressure must be for miasma production to work. 50-60 potency is needed in standard pressure. Yield determines the output rate of the miasma.
|Mutate [[#Starthistle|Starthistle]]
|None. Can be turned into fabrics by using a loom, buildable with planks.
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]]
!{{anchor|Death berry}}Death berry
|10% nutriment, 8% <span title="Causes toxin damage and loss of breath">coniine</span>, 10% <span title="Causes stamina damage">tirizene</span>, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>
|Perennial Growth
|Mutate [[#Poison-berry|Poison-berry]]
!{{anchor|Death nettle}}Death nettle
|<span title="Acid">50% fluorosulphuric acid</span>, <span title="Acid">50% sulphuric acid</span>
|Perennial Growth, Weed Adaptation, Hypodermic Prickles
|Mutate [[#Nettle|Nettle]], weed mutation
|<span title="Causes toxin and oxygen damage">35% cyanide</span>, <span title="Makes your screen trippy">15% space drugs</span>, <span title="Makes you hungry">15% lipolicide</span>
|Perennial Growth
|Mutate [[#Cannabis|Cannabis]]
!{{anchor|Destroying angel}}Destroying angel
|Mushroom||[[File:Angleseeds.png]]||[[File:Angleplant.png]]||[[File:Angle.png]]<!-- Dyslexics, untie! -->
|<span title="Deals toxic damage">10% amatoxin</span>, <span title="Makes you stutter, makes you dizzy, makes screen trippy">4% mushroom hallucinogen</span>, <span title="Powerful delayed toxin">20% amanitin</span>
|Fungal Vitality
|Mutate [[#Fly amanita|Fly amanita]]
|None. Can be turned into durable fabrics by using a loom, buildable with planks.
|Mutate [[#Cotton|Cotton]]
|10% nutriment, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>
|Perennial Growth
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]], [[Seeds Crate]]
|10% nutriment, egg inside. [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Fermentation_Barrel|Fermentation]]: [[Guide_to_food_and_drinks#Eggnog|Eggnog]]
|Perennial Growth
|Mutate [[#Eggplant|Eggplant]], [[Exotic Seeds Crate]]
|<span title="Makes luminescent fungi grow on your skin">4% tinea luxor</span>, 2% vitamin, 2% space drugs
|Fungal Metabolism, Bioluminescence, Fire Resistance
!{{anchor|Extradimensional Orange}}Extradimensional orange
|5% nutriment, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>. [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Fermentation_Barrel|Fermentation]]: [[Guide_to_food_and_drinks#Triple_Sec|Triple Sec]]
|Perennial Growth
|Mutate [[#Orange|Orange]]
!{{anchor|Fly amanita}}Fly amanita
|<span title="Deals toxic damage">35% amatoxin</span>, <span title="Makes you stutter, makes you dizzy, makes screen trippy">4% mushroom hallucinogen</span>, 10% growth serum
|Fungal Vitality
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]] (hacked), [[Exotic Seeds Crate]], can overtake a tray
|[[#Destroying angel|Destroying angel]]
!{{anchor|Fruiting Cactus}}Fruiting Cactus
|2% vitamin, 2% nutriment, 4% vitrium froth
|Fire Resistance
|<span title="Heals cooks but makes others smell.">15% garlic juice</span>, 10% nutriment
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]]
!Ambrosia Deus
|<span title="No effect">10% sulfur</span>, <span title="No effect">10% carbon</span>, <span title="No effect">7% nitrogen</span>, <span title="No effect">5% potassium</span>, [[Revolver|a goddamn .357 revolver]]
|Perennial Growth
|The elite's choice. Contains Space Drugs, Bicaridine, Synaptizine and Hyperzine.
! /
!Ambrosia Vulgaris
|5% nutriment, <span title="Heals brute damage">20% sanguiose</span>
| Contains Space Drugs, Bicaridine, Kelotane and toxins. (Space weed)
|Mutate [[#Poppy|Poppy]]
! Ambrosia Deus
|10% nutriment, <span title="Radioactive">25% uranium</span>, 20% iodine, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>. Luminosity: 20%.
|Strong Bioluminescence, Perennial Growth
| A piece of Eden.
|Mutate [[#Berry|Berry]]
! Gold Apple
!{{anchor|Ghost chili}}Ghost chili
|4% nutriment, <span title="Heats up">55% capsaicin</span>, <span title="Pepper spray">30% condensed capsaicin</span>
|Perennial Growth
| Once eaten, gives a slippery peel.
|Mutate [[#Chili|Chili]]
! /
|<span title="Radioactive">10% radium</span>, 10% phosphorus, 4% nutriment. Glow: 10%
|Bioluminescence, Fungal Vitality
| Can be mashed into jam.
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]] (hacked)
!Poison Berry, Glow Berry
!Blood Tomato
|<span title="Shocks">10% teslium</span>. Glow: 10%.  
|Electrical Activity, Red Electrical Glow, Fungal Vitality
| They are so red... and indeed have Blood in them.
|Mutate [[#Glowshroom|Glowshroom]]
! /
!Blue Space Tomato
|Occasionally teleports thrower/target to a random location. Experts baffled.
! /
!Blue Tomato
!{{anchor|Gold apple}}Gold apple
|10% nutriment, 20% gold, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>
|Perennial Growth
| Slippery...
|Mutate [[#Apple|Apple]]
! Blue Space Tomato
|10% nutriment, 10% sugar, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>. [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Fermentation_Barrel|Fermentation]]: [[Guide_to_food_and_drinks#Wine|Wine]]
|Perennial Growth
| Ewwww...
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]]
! /
|[[#Green grapes|Green grapes]]
|2% nutriment, 5% hydrogen
|Perennial Growth
| Good for your eyes!
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]]
! /
!Cash Tree
!{{anchor|Green grapes}}Green grapes
|10% nutriment, <span title="Heals burn damage">20% frogenite</span>, 10% sugar, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>. [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Fermentation_Barrel|Fermentation]]: [[Guide_to_food_and_drinks#Cognac|Cognac]]
|It prints money!
|Mutate [[#Grapes|Grapes]]
! /
|4% nutriment. [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Fermentation_Barrel|Fermentation]]: [[Guide_to_food_and_drinks#Vermouth|Vermouth]]
|Weed Adaptation
|For pies and jelly. They can't be used as earrings ; a shame.
|Can overtake a a tray
! /
|<span title="Wards off evil entities">20% holy water</span>, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>, 10% nutriment. Has anti-magic properties when held in hand. Has limited anti-magic charges. Will block 1 spell per 20 potency.
|Perennial Growth
| Very Spicy!
|Mutate [[#Watermelon|Watermelon]]
!Ice Pepper
!Cocoa Pod
!{{anchor|Ice Pepper}}Ice Pepper
|2% nutriment, <span title="Cools down">25% frost oil</span>, <span title="Take them">2% vitamin</span>
|Perennial Growth
| Give it to the chef to fill station with happiness.
|Mutate [[#Chili|Chili]]
! /
!{{anchor|Inocybe Mushroom}}Inocybe Mushroom
|4% mindbreaker toxin, 8% entropic polypnium, 4% mushroom hallucinogen
|Fungal Metabolism, Fire Resistance
| Use a hatchet on a bare cob to make a pipe for that sweet Ambrosia! May have more nefarious applications as well...
! /
!Death Berries
!{{anchor|Killer tomato}}Killer tomato
|10% nutriment, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>, [[Critters|can be awoken]]. [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Fermentation_Barrel|Fermentation]]: [[Guide_to_food_and_drinks#Demons_Blood|Demon's Blood]]
|Liquid Contents
| EXTREMELY poisonous berries.
|Mutate [[#Tomato|Tomato]]
! /
!Death Nettle
|5% nutriment, 10% <span title="Very rare ingredient, used to make zombie powder or rezadone">carpotoxin</span>, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>
|Perennial Growth
| A red nettle that knocks people down with massive damage. <strike>Highly illegal</strike> Contains Polytrinic acid
|Mutate [[#Soybean|Soybean]]
! /
|2% nutriment, <span title="Heals toxin damage">4% charcoal</span>
|Perennial Growth, Weed Adaptation
| Not too special.
|Mutagen weed mutation
|Special, see [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Kudzu|this.]]
|5% nutriment, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>
|Perennial Growth
| At least, eggs which don't come covered in chicken shit.
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]]
! /
|[[#Combustible Lemon|Combustible Lemon]]
!Glow Berries
|2% nutriment, <span title="Makes you stutter, makes you dizzy, makes screen trippy">25% mushroom hallucinogen</span>
|Fungal Vitality
| Berries that glows in the dark. Might not be wise to consume, they grow radium.
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]] (hacked), [[Exotic Seeds Crate]], weed mutation
! /
!Gold Apple
|<span title="Heals all damage">35% omnizine</span>, <span title="Makes your screen trippy">15% space drugs</span>, <span title="Makes you hungry">15% lipolicide</span>
|Perennial Growth
|Divine, and probably edible. A steady source of gold.
|Mutate [[#Cannabis|Cannabis]]
! /
|5% nutriment, <span title="Heals brute damage">20% sanguiose</span>
|Perennial Growth
| Very grapy
|Mutate [[#Poppy|Poppy]]
!Green Grapes
|5% nutriment, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>
|Perennial Growth
| Instrumental in turning the station into your own groovy love jungle.
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]], mutate [[#Orange|Orange]]
! /
!Green Grapes
|5% nutriment, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>. When harvested, you can get "meat" and blood from this.
| These grapes can cure burns! WOOO!
|Mutate [[#Wheat|Wheat]]
! /
|10% nothing, <span title="Prevents speaking">10% mute toxin</span>, 2% nutriment. [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Fermentation_Barrel|Fermentation]]: [[Guide_to_food_and_drinks#Silencer|Silencer]]
|Slippery Skin, Perennial Growth
|[[Exotic Seeds Crate]], Mutate [[#Banana|Banana]]
|2% nutriment, <span title="Take them">2% vitamin</span>, <span title="Alcoholic drink">20% moonshine</span>. [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Fermentation_Barrel|Fermentation]]: [[Guide_to_food_and_drinks#Absinthe|Absinthe]]
| So useless only your bio generator will be happy to get some.
|Mutate [[#Sunflower|Sunflower]]
! /
|<span title="Acid">50% sulphuric acid</span>
|Perennial Growth, Weed Adaptation
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]] (hacked), [[Exotic Seeds Crate]], can overtake a tray
|[[#Death nettle|Death nettle]]
|<span title="Pepper spray">25% condensed capsaicin</span>, <span title="Heats up">30% capsaicin</span>, 4% nutriment
|Mutate [[#Sunflower|Sunflower]]
|4% nutrient. [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Fermentation_Barrel|Fermentation]]: [[Guide_to_food_and_drinks#Ale|Ale]]
|Mutate [[#Wheat|Wheat]]
!{{anchor|Omega weed}}Omega weed
|<span title="Makes your screen trippy">30% space drugs</span>, <span title="Makes you hallucinate">30% mindbreaker toxin</span>, <span title="Deals toxin damage">15% mercury</span>, <span title="Causes random movement">15% lithium</span>, <span title="Rapidly heals damage when in crit">15% atropine</span>, <span title="Removes drugs and their effects">15% haloperidol</span>, <span title="Makes you VERY fast, reduces stuns, deals brain damage">15% methamphetamine</span>, <span title="Heats up">15% capsaicin</span>, <span title="Grows your hair">15% barber's aid</span>, <span title="Reduces stuns, makes you lose motor control, deals brain damage">15% bath salts</span>, <span title="Makes you itch">15% itching powder</span>, <span title="Reduces stuns">15% crank</span>, <span title="Gives peaceful messages">15% krokodil</span>, <span title="Causes brute and eye damage">15% histamine</span>, <span title="Makes you hungry">15% lipolicide</span>
|Perennial Growth
|Mutate [[#Cannabis|Cannabis]]
!{{anchor|Onion Sprouts}}Onion Sprouts
|4% vitamin, 10% nutriment
|[[#Red Onion Sprouts|Red Onion Sprouts]]
|5% nutriment, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>. [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Fermentation_Barrel|Fermentation]]: [[Guide_to_food_and_drinks#Triple_Sec|Triple Sec]]
|Perennial Growth
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]], mutate [[#Lime|Lime]]
|<span title="Take them">5% vitamin</span>, 5% nutriment
|Mutate [[#Carrot|Carrot]]
!{{anchor|Plump helmet}}Plump helmet
|10% nutriment, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>. [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Fermentation_Barrel|Fermentation]]: [[Guide_to_food_and_drinks#The_Manly_Dorf|Manly Dorf]]
|Fungal Vitality
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]] (hacked), [[Exotic Seeds Crate]], can overtake a tray
|[[#Walking mushroom|Walking mushroom]]
|20% nutriment, 4% water, <span title="Take them">2% vitamin</span>
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]]
|10% nutriment, <span title="Deals toxin and oxygen damage">15% cyanide</span>, <span title="Deals stamina damage">20% tirizene</span>, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>
|Perennial Growth
|Mutate [[#Berry|Berry]]
|[[#Death berry|Death berry]]
!{{anchor|Poisoned apple}}Poisoned apple
|50% cyanide, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>, 1% nutriment
!{{anchor|Polypore Mushroom}}Polypore Mushroom
|6% sugar, 4% ethanol, 6% stabilizing agent, 2% mint. You can craft mushroom bowls from this.
|Fungal Metabolism, Fire Resistance
|5% nutriment, <span title="Heals brute damage">20% sanguiose</span>. [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Fermentation_Barrel|Fermentation]]: [[Guide_to_food_and_drinks#Vermouth|Vermouth]]
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]]
|[[#Geranium|Geranium]], [[#Lily|Lily]]
!Ice Pepper
!{{anchor|Porcini Mushroom}}Porcini Mushroom
|6% nutriment, 4% vitrium froth, 4% nicotine
|Fungal Metabolism, Fire Resistance
|Instead of being hot, those mutated Chilis are cold (?). Chef can use them.
! /
!Killer Tomato
|10% nutriment, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>. Can be turned into a potato battery by using [[Engineering_items#Cable_Coil|cable coil]] [[File:CableCoils.png]] on it. Increase potency and add the Electrical Activity [[#Traits|trait]] for higher capacity. [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Fermentation_Barrel|Fermentation]]: [[Guide_to_food_and_drinks#Vodka|Vodka]]
|Capacitive Cell Production
| Not very deadly though. Use it on itself and you too can have a pet like one of the Heads!
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]], [[Seeds Crate]]
! /
|[[#Sweet Potato|Sweet Potato]]
|20% nutriment, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>
|Perennial Growth
| Ugh... sour... Give these to the Bartender.
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]]
! Cash Tree
!{{anchor|Rainbow weed}}Rainbow weed
|<span title="Causes hallucinations">15% mindbreaker toxin</span>, <span title="Makes you hungry">35% lipolicide</span>
|Perennial Growth
| A very sour fruit. Another fruit used in cocktails.
|Mutate [[#Cannabis|Cannabis]]
! /
|5% nutriment, <span title="Take them">5% vitamin</span>
|Densified Chemicals
| Take with botanical gloves, whip intruders. Contains Sulfuric acid
|Mutate [[#Whitebeet|Whitebeet]]
!Death Nettle
!{{anchor|Red Onion Sprouts}}Red Onion Sprouts
|4% vitamin, 10% nutriment, <span title="Blurs your vision and makes you cry">5% tear juice</span>
| Sweet and sour!
|Mutate [[#Onion Sprouts|Onion Sprouts]]
! /
!Poison Berries
|4% nutrient. [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Fermentation_Barrel|Fermentation]]: [[Guide_to_food_and_drinks#Sake|Sake]]
| Very poisonous berries.
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]]
! Death Berries
|<span title="Heals toxic damage and removes chemicals from body">35% charcoal</span>, <span title="Prevents slowdown, makes you sleepy">35% morphine</span>
|Fungal Vitality
| Looks relaxing. Contains Barcaridine.
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]] (hacked), can overtake a tray
! /
!{{anchor|Replica pod}}Replica pod
| Caroline.
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]], [[Exotic Seeds Crate]], Mutate [[#Cabbage|Cabbage]]
! /
|20% radium, 4% nutriment
|Shadow Emission, Fungal Metabolism
| Carve this into a scary face or a hat!
|Mutate [[#Glowshroom|Glowshrooms]]
! /
!Replica Pod
|10% nutriment, 20% corn oil, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>
|Mutate [[#Corn|Corn]]
| Nature's own way to defy God. Check the Pod People section to learn more.
! /
|5% nutriment, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>
|Perennial Growth
| Vegetarian delights!
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]], [[Seeds Crate]]
! /
!{{anchor|Space tobacco}}Space tobacco
|3% nutriment, <span title="Slightly reduces stuns">8% nicotine</span>, <span title="Heals oxygen damage">5% salbutamol</span>
|Mutate [[#Tobacco|Tobacco]]
| You can't harvest from this you disgrace to space-gaia. Only plant worth eradicating anytime.
! /
| Come and get the sugar from the cane!
|Can overtake a tray
! /
|[[#Corpse_Flower|Corpse Flower]]
|None. You can harvest metal rods from this.
|Fungal Vitality
| It's like being home again.
|Mutate [[#Towercap|Towercap]]
! /
!{{anchor|Strange seeds}}Strange seeds
|[[Guide_to_hydroponics#Strange seeds|Random, read this]]. [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Fermentation_Barrel|Fermentation]]: Wine with 10-150 boozepower, and tiny chance of 200.  
| Staple in making ketchup and expressing yourself to the clown.
|Hacked vending machine, cargo crates
!Blue Tomato, Blood Tomato, Killer Tomato
|25% sugar. [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Fermentation_Barrel|Fermentation]]: [[Guide_to_food_and_drinks#Rum|Rum]]
|Perennial Growth
| Filled with watery goodness and regular boring biomass.
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]], [[Seeds Crate]]
! /
|8% corn oil, 4% nutriment
| Grind into flour!
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]], [[Seeds Crate]]
! /
|[[#Moonflower|Moonflower]], [[#Novaflower|Novaflower]]
!{{anchor|Sweet Potato}}Sweet Potato
|10% nutriment, 10% sugar, <span title="Take them">10% vitamin</span>. [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Fermentation_Barrel|Fermentation]]: [[Guide_to_food_and_drinks#Sbiten|Sbiten]]
| Unbeetable
|Mutate [[#Potato|Potato]]
! /
!{{anchor|Tea aspera}}Tea aspera
|<span title="Weak toxin">10% tea powder</span>, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>
|Perennial Growth
| Contains amatoxin and psilocybin
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]]
!Destroying Angel
|[[#Tea astra|Tea astra]]
!{{anchor|Tea astra}}Tea astra
|<span title="Weak toxin">10% tea powder</span>, <span title="Heals confusion and stuns">10% synaptizine</span>, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>
|Perennial Growth
| Not as tasty as Plump Helmets.
|Mutate [[#Tea aspera|Tea aspera]]
! /
!Destroying Angel
|<span title="Slightly reduces stuns">3% nicotine</span>, 3% nutriment. [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Fermentation_Barrel|Fermentation]]: [[Guide_to_food_and_drinks#Creme_de_Menthe|Creme de Menthe]]
| Kills you dead, with poison.
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]]
! /
|[[#Space tobacco|Space tobacco]]
|10% nutriment, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>. [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Fermentation_Barrel|Fermentation]]: [[Guide_to_food_and_drinks#Enzyme|Enzyme]]
|Liquid Content, Perennial Growth
| Shroomy glowberries. Contains radium.
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]], [[Seeds Crate]]
! /
|[[#Blood tomato|Blood]], [[#Blue tomato|Blue]] or [[#Killer tomato|Killer]] tomato
!Liberty Cap
|None. You can harvest wood from this.
|Fungal Vitality
| Full of psilocybin!
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]], can overtake a tray
! /
!Plump Helmet
|25% vanilla, 10% nutriment. [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Fermentation_Barrel|Fermentation]]: Vanilla
|Perennial Growth
| Tasty!
|Mutate [[#Cocoa|Cocoa]]
! Walking Mushroom
!{{anchor|Walking mushroom}}Walking mushroom
|15% nutriment, <span title="Take them">5% vitamin</span>
|Fungal Vitality
| A mushroom with muscle-relaxing toxins.
|Mutate [[#Plump helmet|Plump helmet]]
! /
|20% nutriment, 20% water, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>
|Perennial Growth
| Cut trunks with the hatchet to make wooden planks.
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]]
! /
|4% nutriment. [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Fermentation_Barrel|Fermentation]]: [[Guide_to_food_and_drinks#Beer|Beer]]
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]], [[Seeds Crate]]
|[[#Oat|Oat]], [[#Meatwheat|Meatwheat]]
!Walking Mushroom
|5% nutriment, 20% sugar, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>
| This is just <strike>creepy</strike> adorable. Resist the urge to plant, they reproduce fast enough to warp space-time.
|[[MegaSeed Servitor]]
! /
== [[File:Vendnutri.gif]] Chemicals ==
A lot of chemicals influence plants - get these from the vending machine, [[Chemistry]] or by growing your own!
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-uncollapsed">
Click expand to see a list of chemicals:
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
=== Fertilizers ===
* Nutriment: A fertilizer that adds 1u of nutrient to the tray and heals plants. You can get it by putting your plants and regular food in the grinder. Heals the plant.
* [[Ammonia]]: Similar to nutriment, but also increases yield. Get it from the [[Chemist]] or hack the Nutri-Vend to get this.
* [[Diethylamine]]: Even better than Ammonia - this adds 2u of nutrient to the tray, increases yield even more, heals the plant AND also kills pests. Get it the same way you get Ammonia.
* Saltpetre: Heals your plant, increases potency and decreases production time. Doesn't add nutrient to the tray.
* Robust Harvest: Increases plant yield by 30% without mutating it. Doesn't work on plants with 0 yield.
=== Pest Removal ===
* Pest Killer: Kills pests, and adds a small amount of toxicity.
* Weed Killer: Same as above, but for Weeds.
=== Mutation ===
* E-Z-Nutrient: Makes your plant mutate once every time it's ready for harvesting, and has no effect on the yield.
* Left 4 Zed: Makes your plant mutate twice, but the yield will be 1 at best - if the plant's yield is 0, then nothing is produced! You'll have to use another mutagen to harvest the normal yield of the plant.
* [[Unstable Mutagen]]: Used to randomly mutate plants - 5u for a chance to change the plant type, 1u/2u to only change stats.
* Radium and Uranium: Also usable for mutation (10u for plant type, 2u/5u for stats), but damages plants and adds toxicity. Radium is more damaging.
=== Plant Meds ===
* [[Ash]]: Heals your plant and kills weeds, but adds only half a unit of nutrient to the tray.
* Charcoal: Makes your plant less toxic. You can get it by whining to anyone who works in [[Medbay]].
* [[Cryoxadone]]: Heals your plant, via <s>miracles</s> science. Also lowers toxicity. Don't expect the [[Chemist]] to give this to you, but the medbay probably has  extra beakers of this.
* Holy water: If you can get the [[Chaplain]]'s attention and make him bless your water, it will heal your plant a bit.
=== Unorthodox chemicals ===
* Soda Water: Mostly adds water, but also heals the plant and adds nutrient to the tray by a tiny amount.
* Milk: Adds some water and a tiny but of nutrient to the tray.
* Beer: Adds a bit of water and nutrient to the tray, but damages the plant a little.
* Blood: Feeds both your plant and pests.
* Virus Food: Adds nutrient to the tray while damaging the plant.
* Nicotine: Kills pests while adding toxicity.
=== The bad stuff ===
* Sugar: Makes pests and weeds grow stronger. Unless you [[Traitor|plan to use unstable mutagen to unleash giant spiders or Kudzu upon the station]], it's of no use.
* Toxin: Increases toxicity. Good job!
* Plant-B-Gone, Sulphuric Acid, Fluorosulfuric Acid: Damages the plant, adds toxicity and kills weeds. What do you think would happen?
* Fluorine, Chlorine: Same as above, but also drains water.
* Phosphorus: Same as Flourine/Chlorine, but adds nutrients to the tray instead of toxicity. Just use a spade.
* Napalm: Kills weeds, hurts plant and adds toxicity. This is just going downhill. Unless your plant has the fireproof [[#Traits|trait]], you might as well space the whole tray. On fireproof plants it will just kill weeds.
* [[Guide_to_chemistry#Strange_Reagent|Strange Reagent]]: Is supposed to spawn hostile plant creatures but currently doesn't work.
== [[File:Apiary.png|Beekeeping]] [[Beekeeping]] ==
Bees greatly increase plant yield, potency and the probability of you getting lynched. Great stuff, and very useful even if you're no traitor!
[[File:Bee.gif]] [[Beekeeping|For more info, click here for the guide on beepeeking.]] [[File:Bee.gif]]
== Advanced Botany ==
This is where you get to PLAY GOD and mess with the stats, reagents and [[#Traits|traits]] of plants.<br>
=== Using the DNA manipulator ===
1. Go to the locker in the back and take out the box of plant data disks.<br>
2. Load a disk into the machine along with any seed of choice.<br>
3. Extract any gene, this will destroy the seed and save it to the disk.<br>
4. Put in another seed.<br>
5. You can now modify the seed's stats and genes based on what's on the plant data disk.<br>
Obviously, this can be quite powerful in the right hands, and even for more basic tasks it can be a major boon.
It is worth noting, however, that the DNA manipulator has an upper limit on how high a stat can be when you try to extract it and save it to disk, and any stats higher than that will be brought down to that cap. Though these caps can be lowered or eliminated if you can get RnD to upgrade your machine, at round-start the caps are very bad, with certain stats like production speed being capped at a level worse than what nearly every plant has initially. [[#Traits|Traits]], on the other hand, can be extracted just fine no matter what parts are used.
Useful genes from default seeds:
* Wheat has a production speed of 1, the fastest possible.
* Tower-caps have very long lifespans (around 80), as well as potency and endurance stats of 50.
* Tobacco plants have a yield of 10, the cap for that stat.
* Apples have the perennial growth [[#Traits|trait]], which allows for you to get multiple harvests from a single plant.
* Watermelon has an endurance nearly on par with tower-caps, making it a good substitute when starting out so you can avoid using up all of your starting tower-cap seeds.
=== Mutations ===
You can mutate plants to A) change stats or B) mutate them into a different subspecies. To do this in a timely manner, you'll need to work with the [[Chemistry]] department.
* The agonizingly slow way is using '''E-Z Nutriment''' to make the plant mutate once every time it's ready to harvest. '''Left 4 Zed''' makes it mutate twice, but kills the yield!

==Growing The Afforementioned Plants==
* You can speed up the process to bearable levels by asking your local [[Chemist]] for a few bottles of '''[[Guide_to_chemistry#Unstable Mutagen|Unstable Mutagen]]'''.<br>

[[File:HydroponicsTraysRow.PNG|thumb|These are some pots. You grow stuff in them.]]
Pour 5 units on your plant and prepare for...

First, locate the hydroponics trays, sometimes referred to as "planting pots".
* 10% chance of '''mutation into a related species'''. This destroys the old plant and plants a new one. See the [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Plant reference chart|Plant reference chart]] for information on these mutations.
this is where you will be planting the seeds. Take a seed in your hand, and click the pot. You will then get a message saying "you plant the seed in the pot.", or something along those lines. You can only plant one seed per pot. If you click the pot with an empty hand, you will get a basic analysis of the plant, and the nutrient and water level of the pot. Here is an example:
* 10% chance of the '''plant losing lots of health instantly'''. The plant can die because of this
* 15% chance of '''heavy stat mutation''' with a 3% chance of a new [[#Traits|trait]] appearing.
* 15% chance of '''normal stat mutation'''.
* 20% chance of '''nothing'''. You get a message when this happens.
* 10% chance of '''weeds mutating'''. If weed level is less than 5, nothing happens, otherwise you get a random, special mutated weed (Kudzu, Deathnettle, Destroying Angel, Liberty Cap).
* 10% chance of '''pests mutating'''. Again, if pest level is less than 5, nothing happens. Otherwise, spiderlings are spawned.
** This is '''bad'''. If the spiderlings escape, they'll grow big and you'll likely get lynched.  

'''This pot has [plant] planted.'''
Or, if you don't want to bother with species mutation, pour 2 units for a guaranteed heavy stat mutation with a 3% chance of a new [[#Traits|trait]] appearing, or even 1 for a guaranteed normal stat mutation. This method is safe even if you don't have backup seeds, and you can use a bottle for it.

'''Water: 75/100'''
* You can use '''radium''' and '''uranium''', but they cause ill effects, and if you can get radium, you can get mutagen.

'''Nutrients: 8/10'''
* R&D can also research a wonderful thing called a '''Floral Somatoray'''. It has two options: increase yield and mutate the plant. In yield more mode, every time you fire it at the plant, there is a chance the yield will increase. The chance becomes very small when you reach high levels, but it's very useful for low-yield plants. It can even raise yield from zero! In mutation mode, it will always induce a normal stat mutation.

This is an easy way to identify the plant, if you are not familiar with what they look like. It is also a good way to check on new species that have found their way into the "farm". If this happens, you will get a red message that says soemthing like "hydroponics tray has been overtaken by [plant]!". This can be good, bad, or a combination of both. Best case: a few Liberty Cap spores lodge themselves in the tray, and you get super duper high. Worst case: starthistle. These grow fast and serve no purpose. All they do is take up space (get it? cause you're growing stuff on a space station?).
=== Fixing awful stats ===

The trays themselves can be un-wrenched and placed elsewhere, if you feel like a change of scenery. The trays you start with aren't the only place you can plant, either! Dirt planting trays can also be created.
Mutating plants has a chance of really ruining stats. Luckily, there are a few ways to fix them:

An example of a useful weed (not the smokable kind), is the humble '''nettle'''. Nettles are a very useful plant, and a powerful weapon if grown properly. If you play the [[Botanist]] and get picked to be a [[Traitor]], then do not fret. Just wait for some nettles to show up in your garden and kill those targets with FLOWER POWER! Nettles are poisonous to begin with, but with skillful harvesting and increases of the Potency level, the nettles can deal a lot of damage, and have a very high knockout chance. However, they only can be used a few times before they leaves fall off and leave you with nothing.
* Unstable Mutagen. Using 1u slightly changes stats, 2u has more drastic effects.
* Saltpetre. Increases potency and decreases production time.
* Floral Somatoray. Increases yield and works as a substitute for Unstable Mutagen.

[[File:Nettle.PNG|thumb|This is a Nettle. nettles are your friends.]]
=== Dude weeds ===

==Invasion of the Pod People==
Trays, whether empty or occupied by plants, can be occasionally overtaken by a weed if their level is 5 or more. In that case the old plant is destroyed, and a new one will sprout in its place.  
Hydroponics get a very special type of seed, Replicate Pod Seeds. These are experimental, genetically engineered plants that grow (physically deformed) human beings. They are easy to grow, but take time just like cloning some one in a cloning pod.
====How do I potato people?====
Using a replication pod is simple! Just follow the following steps:
#Find a dead person who is in need of cloning.
#Take a blood sample with a syringe.
#Inject a seed pack with the blood sample.
#Plant the seeds.
#Tend to the plants water and nutrition levels until it is time to harvest the cloned human.

Most of the time, crew members cloned via Replica Pod will be identical to their former selves. However, they can occasionally reborn more plant than man, their skin being covered by vegetation.
Possible plants include:
* 1/6 chance for Reishi/Starshittle.
* 1/9 chance for Nettle/Harebell/Amanita/Chanterelle/Tower Cap/Plump Helmets

Do NOT attempt to recreate this effect during a critical situation. Replica Pod seeds are very limitated, since you cannot get some from already grown Replica Pods. If you require more pod seeds, plant them without any blood injected into it, you can potentially harvest more than one seed pack from it. It is recommended to use any nutrient but Left 4 Zed on Replica Pods, as they might die before harvest comes due to their short lifespan.
Using 5u of unstable mutagen on high weed level trays results in different plants:
* Kudzu, Deathnettle, Destroying Angel, Liberty Cap

Remember: Potato people create the most succulent and delicious of mashed potatoes. If you happen upon one, grab your fork.
== Other Notes ==

==Caring for your Vegetable Friends==

Mushrooms: Just feed these fertilizer, don't need to water them.
=== [[file:Bottle.png]] Growing your own mutagen ===

Weeds: Just water them, they don't need plant food. Nettles are considered weeds.
Not robust enough to steal a chem dispenser? Try this out.

Everything else: Feed them water AND Fertilizer.
* First, plant pumpkins and mutate them into blumpkins.
* Now, insert their Chlorine production [[#Traits|trait]] into glowshrooms and remove the Nutriment one.
* That's it! You now have a plant that grows unstable mutagen - just pop the produce into the grinder.
* You might want to add Densified Chemicals from Redbeets as well as Perennial Growth to optimize your harvest.

The hydroponics tray will warn you of any issues with your plants with colored lights.
=== [[File:Dispenser.png]] Other ways to mutagen ===

*'''Green Light:''' Ready for harvest
Chemistry is <s>busy curing the plague</s> too high to help you out?
*'''Blue Light:''' Low water
*'''Yellow Light:''' Low nutrients
*'''Red Light:''' Low health
*'''Red/Blue Flashing Light:''' Alert: Weeds/Pests/Toxins

To fix the water problem, take your bukkit, fill it with water at one of the water tanks or sinks inside the farm, and pour the appropriate amount of water onto the plant. You can simplify this task by changing the amount of water used per transfer. To do this pick up a bucket, or stand next to a water tank and type "Set transfer amount" into the chat, or go to the "Object" tab and click "Set transfer amount". If a pot is full of water, you will not be able to add any more and the excess will splash onto the floor.
* Bad idea: Steal a chem dispenser. This will start a blood feud and is one of the biggest reasons why Botanists are hated by some. Think of it as someone stealing all your plant trays.
* Better: Ask Medbay to print you a spare chem dispenser board. After very basic research (Biological Technology), the medical protolathe is able to print chem dispenser boards.
* Or: Grab the spare chem dispenser board from tech storage. The AI, silicons and all members of the Engineering department can let you in.
* For stock parts: Print them from a public autolathe (if such has been built) or ask RnD/Engineering for a part replacer with stock parts. The parts are:<br> 2 matter bins, 1 capacitor, 1 micro-manipulator, 1 power cell, 1 glass sheet.
* For stock parts you can also disassemble a hydroponics tray and a cell charger. A cell can then be found or gotten from disassembling a cyborg recharger.

To fix the nutrients, replace the solution using the nutrient dispenser, then taking the vial and clicking on the tray. Only do this if the tray needs nutrients. The easiest way to be a Failmer (Fail Farmer) is to replace the solution when there are 9 units left. The excess fertilizer dissapears forever, and the dispenser has a finite supply.  
=== [[file:Ambrosia_gaia.png]] Upgrading plant trays ===

Weeds can be removed by clicking on the tray while holding a mini-hoe in your hand. Keep clicking until you see the message "This plot is completely devoid of weeds. It doesn't need uprooting.".  
Composting enough plants that contain Earthsblood (for example [[#Ambrosia gaia|Ambrosia Gaia]]) into a tray will give it a golden shine. Now it will no longer require water, fertilizer or weed/pest removal.

If a plant is dead, a single click will empty it from the tray. If your tray decides to sprout some annoying harebell or unwanted crops, a few sprays with the Plant-Be-Gone will kill it, albeit rather slowly.
This is great in combination with plants that have the Perennial Growth [[#Traits|trait]]! A lot of Botanists will upgrade their trays before getting started with actual hydroponics.

==Your Badge of Office==
Upgraded trays permanently contain the last fertilizer you used before the upgrade. Robust Harvest is usually the best choice.
Don't forget to prioritise the creation of your badge of office, the Pumpkin Hat. Grow a pumpkin, and then use the Hatchet from the back room to carve your heraldic visage into the vessel. Then don the symbol of your people, and go about your business with pride.

==Chemicals, Wonderful Chemicals==
Instead of keeping the original Gaia plant that most likely has gimped stats - insert the Earthsblood production [[#Traits|trait]] into a more robust plant.
Certain chemicals do special effects on plants and mushrooms. Either it kills, heals, feeds, or mutates the plant.

===Things that you should feed your plants===
If your DNA extractor hasn't been upgraded yet: Wheat has a production speed of 1 and good overall stats. If you're lucky, your station will have 50 potency Wheat bushels just lying around at roundstart.

'''Unstable Mutagens''': Will either mutate the plant's stats, kill the plant, or change the plant's species. Does not add toxicity to the water. This is how Ice Peppers are made. Whine to and/or robust the [[Geneticist]]/[[Chemist]] to get some of this.
You can speed up the process by removing all contents but Earthsblood production and adding the Densified Chemicals (Redbeet) [[#Traits|trait]].

'''Radium''': Lower chance to mutate plants, and causes more ill effects (and toxicity to the plant).
=== [[file:Replicapodplant.png]] Replica Pod Cloning ===

'''Nutriment''': A fertilizer. You can get it from the [[Chef]]
Replica pods can be used to grow dead people back to life - even when their brain and head are missing.  

'''Ammonia''': A more pure fertilizer. Get it from the [[Chemist]] or hack the Nutri-Vend to get this.
To clone someone, follow these simple steps:

'''Diethylamine''': A very powerful fertilizer. Get it the same way you get Ammonia.
* Take a blood sample from the body using a syringe.
* Inject it into the bag of seeds.
* Plant the seeds.
* Let the plant grow and then harvest it.
* If the ghost of the corpse is still online, and did not turn on "Do not Resuscitate", that person will be cloned as a [[Podman]].
* If there was no ghost available, the resulting harvest will simply produce a new pack of seeds.  

'''Anti-toxins''': Makes your plant less toxic. You can get it by whining to anyone who works in [[Medbay]]
The [[Podman|podmen]] are a little different from normal humans. E.g. they regenerate in light but suffer in darkness and don't get attacked by bees.

'''Cyroxodone''': Heals your plant, via miracles. Get it from the [[Chemist]], or find a nice doctor to steal some from cryogenics.
Cabbage can be mutated into Replica Pod.

===These will kill your plants===
===Strange Seeds===

'''Toxins''': DUH.
Strange seeds (from hacked vendors or cargo crates) have completely random reagents and [[#Traits|traits]].  

'''Acids''': DUH.
Notable examples are:
* Gaseous Decomposition
* Nitroglycerin
* Microbes (Fungal Tuberculosis)
* Any drink, like Gin Tonic or Beepsky Smash
* Glitter
* Plasmaman Mutation Toxin
* Hell Water

==Go Forth and Procreate==
Of course, this is pretty gimmicky and unreliable.

This section is about making new plants from existing ones. Remember, the seed dispenser will run dry very early into the round. And if you ask the QM for a seed crate, he will most likely laugh in your face and kick you in the dick for being stupid. So to make more seeds, you will need the help of Mr. '''Seed Extractor'''.  
=== [[file:Kudzuplant.png]] Kudzu {{anchor|Kudzu}} ===

This little box (located next to the NutriMax) is your best friend in long rounds. It is possible to use your leet [[Hacking]] skills on the seed dispenser to get more, but these are all either poisonous or full of space drugs. To extract seeds from a plant, pick up a plant product (Fruit, Vegetables, Shrooms, etc.). Then, click the seed extractor. You will then get 1-4 bags of seeds or mycellium from the product. Then, dump out the contents of one of those shiny hydroponics crates you have and put the extra seeds inside, or simply pick them up with your plant bag and put them in your SmartFridge. This will keep the seeds neat and organized.  
Kudzu is a weed that can appear when adding 5u [[Guide_to_chemistry#Unstable Mutagen|Unstable Mutagen]] to a tray with a weed level of 5 or above. The tray version of kudzu will grow normally in its tray. When harvested it will produce kudzu pods. The kudzu pod is like any other fruit/vegetable and can be eaten or grinded. To create wild-spreading kudzu, you must put a kudzu pod into a seed extractor, which will create packs of kudzu seeds. Then activate a kudzu seed in your hand to start planting wild-spreading kudzu on the floor. <br>

If a new species sprouts in your farm, keep it alive so you can make seeds from it and grow more.
Some plant stats will affect the wild-spreading version of kudzu in specific ways:

==Analyzing the Analysis==
* Potency of the seed will make kudzu mutate more on spread, the chance to mutate on each new piece is '''[potency / 10]'''
* Production will affect how fast the kudzu can spread, usual kudzu spreads at a rate of 20% of the amount of pieces per tick but no more than 30, production changes the cap '''[30 * production / 50]''' and the percent of processed pieces per tick '''[20 * (production / 50)]'''

Upon selecting the [[Botanist]], you will find that your apron contains a handy-dandy Plant Analyzer. You use this to get a highly detailed analysis of the targeted plant. The readout looks like this:
Killing the last piece of kudzu will create a kudzu seed in its place with all the ackumulated mutations saved in the seed. So if you reactivate it, the new kudzu on the floor will have all the same mutations the seed had, and will spread it to all its progenitors. You can examine a wild kudzu to see what mutations it has. When mutating it typically changes color. <br>

Kudzu can gain mutations only on spread, here is the list of all of them:
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
Click expand to see Kudzu [[#Traits|traits]] and mutations:
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
* '''CO2 consumption''' - ''positive'' mutation, consumes CO2 from the air
* <s>'''Space covering''' - ''positive'' mutation, makes vines grow vine floors over space</s> Removed as of August 23 2017.
* '''Light''' - ''positive'' mutation, about 40% of the vines with this mutation emit light slightly more powerful than PDA
* '''Transparency''' - ''positive'' mutation, makes vines look-through
* '''Toxins consumption''' - ''positive'' mutation, absorbs plasma from the air
* <s>'''Bluespace vines''' - ''minor negative'' mutation, makes vines be able to grow through anything</s> Removed as of August 23 2017.
* '''Explosive''' - ''minor negative'' mutation, on death vines with this mutation explode with 0,0,2 power, so clusters of this vine will chain-explode one after another
* '''Fire resistant''' - ''minor negative'' mutation, makes vines ignore fire damage, be it plasma fires or welders
* '''Vine eating''' - ''minor negative'' mutation, vines with this mutation will eat vines without it
* '''Toxicity''' - ''negative'' mutation, eating vine with this mutation or walking thought it will cause you toxin damage
* '''Aggressive spreading''' - ''negative'' mutation, on spreading vines will cause effect of mini-explosion on the tile they spread to, mobs buckled by this vine will also experience effects akin to minor explosion
* '''O2 consumption''' - ''negative'' mutation, absorbs O2 from the air around
* '''N2 consumption''' - ''negative'' mutation, absorbs N2 from the air
* '''Thorns''' - ''negative'' mutation, makes mobs touching or going through vines recieve physical damage
* '''Hardening''' - ''negative'' mutation, makes vines not die fast from sharp objects, but makes non-sharp objects(hands included) be more effective agaisnt them, on the full maturation block the passage
* '''Flowering''' - ''negative'' mutation, makes vines very entangly and spawns harmful flowers occasionally, flowers after destruction spawn flower mob that is agressive and attacks

'''Age: How old the plant is. When a plant's age is higher than its lifespan, it starts losing health.'''

'''Endurance: Determines the plant's health. If this is high, the plant can suffer more neglect or abuse before it dies.'''
Adding special chemicals to the tray when the seeds are growing will affect the specific kudzu mutations:
* Adding ''5u'' of '''welding fuel''' will remove random ''positive'' mutation with a ''20%'' probability
* Adding ''5u'' of '''phenol''' will remove a random ''minor negative'' mutation with a ''20%'' probability
* Adding ''5u'' of '''sterilizine''' will remove a random ''negative'' mutation with a ''20%'' probability
* Adding ''15u'' of '''blood''' will change the production value of the seeds by a random number in the range from ''-5 to +15''
* Adding ''5u'' of '''amatoxin''' will change the production value of the seeds by a random number in the range from ''-15 to +5''
* Adding ''5u'' of '''plasma''' will change the potency value of the seeds by a random number in the range from ''-15 to +5''
* Adding ''10u'' of '''holy water''' will change a potency value of the seeds by a random number in the range from ''-5 to +15''

'''Lifespan: How long the plant will live before it starts to lose health.'''
=== Sandstone and Soil ===

'''Yield: How many products it will produce at once.'''
If you pick up the grass and use it (click on it in your hand), you will prepare astroturf. Get a crowbar and remove some floor tiles, then place astroturf in their place. In addition to looking nice, it can be used to get some sand. Just dig it with your spade and you'll get two piles. Now, pick up the sand and use it; you will make a sandstone brick. Using three bricks, you can make a soil plot, which is like a tray, except you can walk over it and there are no lights. You can also build a sandstone door with 10 bricks.

'''Production: Determines how long it will take for the plant to be ready for harvest.'''
Science can [[Guide_to_advanced_construction#Hydroponics_Tray|build]] hydroponics trays. They can also upgrade them by replacing the matter bins, and this increases the water and nutrient capacity of the tray.

'''Potency: The FLOWER POWER the plant posesses. If it is a chili, this equals hotness or coldness (for ice peppers). For shrooms, this equals toxicity. For drugs, this equals how long it gets you high. For Nettles, this equals damage dealt.'''
=== Wood and Drying Racks ===

The analyzer also shows you the status of the pot. Weeds and pests can be remedied by hoeing or a few squirts of Pest Spray. Toxicity is important for shrooms, because it tells you how deadly it is. The water and nutrition levels are self-explanatory.
First you need to get some tower-caps, grow them and harvest them. You can then use hatchet (and some other things, but it's not important) on the logs to chop some planks. They have many uses: you can make chairs, tables, wooden floors and so on. A unique thing here is a drying rack. You can use it to dry a plant, and then smoke it. First, build a rack with 10 planks. Then, grab a plant you want to dry and put it in the rack. Click on the rack and toggle drying so that the red arrows light up. Give it a few seconds and it's done.

==Maximizing the Benefits==
Note: you can dry ''any'' plant, and smoking it will give you all chemicals that were in it. You can smoke dried apples if you want, and get nutriment from them.


A correct botanist will harvest two or three times what he sowed. A good botanist will have his plants produce so much right-clicking on a tile will cause a mini-lag. But becoming the first station food provider doesn't come with luck. The educated businessman knows how to use what he possesses to take the maximum out of it.
===[[File:Wooden_barrel.png]] Fermentation Barrel===
You can craft wooden barrels with the crafting menu (under tribal), which requires 30 wood planks [[File:Planks.png]]. Clicking it will toggle it between open and closed. When open you can insert plants or liquid. When closed you can draw liquid by using a container on it. <br>

To make tons of food, you need fertilizers. Nutri-Vend gets you some, but not enough to build your long-term farming empire. Here comes in action your '''Biogenerator'''. This fella accepts any kind of plants (but no Nettles because it'd be too easy), and can make meat, milk, fertilizers and anything leather-related (including tool-belts) out of the biomass it brews. Most botanists relies on unwanted plants, such as Amanita Flies, to fill it up, but we do not seek such pusillanimous spirits here.  
Inserting a plant into the barrel will ferment the plant after a few seconds (even if not closing it). This will grind the plant, adding all the plant's contained reagents to the barrel. But it can also add an additional reagent depending on plant used. Most plants will create a special [[Guide_to_food_and_drinks#Wine|wine]] with varied boozepower depending on plant used. Some plants will create other reagents than wine, and some plants will not work at all.

To get a large amount of biomass, plant a seed with a either large yields like apples or a seed with lots of nutritious produce such as watermelons or pumpkins, give him a Robust Harvest, and take the resulting harvest to the Biogenerator. Turns the biomass into Robust Harvest, ''and voila'', you have completed the cycle of mass production.
=== Things You Can Make Out of Your Plants ===

==On the Origin of Mutant Tomatoes==
* <s>Separated Chemicals + Liquid Contents lets you grow grenades. Glow-berry Uranium + Towercap Iron = EMP. Watermelon Water + Banana Potassium = Boom.</s> ''Separated chems [[#Traits|trait]] removed january 2019.''
* Add some cable to a potato to make a potato battery. Botany cells have potential to be better than bluespace cells.
* Glowberries and glowshrooms, as the name suggests, glow.
* You can carve a pumpkin with a hatchet. Carved pumpkins can be worn and you can toggle them to emit a weak light.
* You can make a cob-pipe out of a corn cob.
* You can carve a carrot with a hatchet to make a shiv. It's not very strong but it's good at slicing things.
* Flowers and ambrosia can be worn on your head.
* Add dried ambrosia, wheat, tea aspera tips or tobacco leaves to a tower cap log to make a torch.
* Dried ambrosia, tobacco or any mutations of those are able to be smoked from wrapping paper, found in smoking vending machines. You can also grind them and put the liquid in an e-cig.

Forcing your plants to take the next step on the slippery stairs of Evolution is one of the funniest activities you'll experience as a Botanist. The joy you'll feel when your first glowing abominations will pop out of their sprouts! The surprise on your colleagues's faces once walking mushrooms will have invaded Captain's quarters!
== Todo list for this guide ==

Tools for playing amateur geneticist, sadly, aren't on your possession at the beginning of the round. Go ask [[chemist]]s for '''Unstable Mutagen''' in '''bottles''' (or they'll cry back at you for not returning their precious Beaker). If you're lucky/persuasive, [[Scientist|R&D]] will provide you with a '''Floral Somatoray''', which emits precise amounts of radiation to mutate your vegetal friends even more efficiently. In case of reluctance, pretend the Chef asked you to.
* Add missing/fix outdated entries in the plant reference chart
* Add some icons and pictures to break up the wall of text

If you went for the Chemist's way, take a Syringe from your dispenser, fill it with Unstable Mutagen and inject it directly into the plant you want to mutate. Mutations are entirely random: it may affect the pests, the weeds, or even kill your plant. It's recommended to inject '''minimum''' doses (5 units) so that you don't spoil 30 units of Mutagen in killing your Apple Tree, since a successful mutation doesn't depend of the amount of Mutagen injected. A mutated plant will grow as a new mutated one, thus the growing cycle will go back to its initial state; don't try your mutations when the plant is already fully grown, it'll only be a waste of time (except if you want to, say, harvest Chilis to make new Chili seeds before trying to turn it into Ice Peppers).
== Another guide ==

Weeds and pests can mutate too. The new mutated plant will annihilate the seeds you previously put in that tray, which can be good or bad depending on how much you cared about whatever you had planted previously. Pest mutations will result in horrible spiderlings that will eventually grow into man-eaters, so use that pest spray before you start shooting up mutagen everywhere!
Since Botany is relatively easy to learn but hard to master, here is an extra guide that focuses on a more practical, step-by-step point of view.
Also includes a lot of extra "recipes" for what you can turn your plants into.

==Hey Kids, Try This at Home!==
[[ Click here for that long ass bonus guide.]]
(its old as hell though, and addition of grey bull helps you not need gloves)

<youtube id=Ah3zrGRmx80>

Latest revision as of 18:00, 5 August 2019

Hydroponics. This is your home.

Basics of Botany[edit]

Hydroponics and the Botanists who work there are important to the station, especially in longer rounds. Botanists grow plants that the Chef can use for food. Without botany, the station will have to live off of beef jerky and space twinkies, or starve to death.

Your Area[edit]

Hydroponics is divided into two rooms. The big section is where you'll spend most of your time growing goods. Trays are available where you grow plants and two vending machines, one with seeds and the other with miscellaneous items such as nutrients and tools for your job. The bio-generator can be used to grind plants and produce things for the station. In tandem is the seed dispenser used to reproduce your product. The northern area is where you can grab most of the equipment needed to work in botany.

Plants require nutrients (fertilizer) and water to grow. They are also bothered by pests and weeds.
Trays come equipped with alerts that flash specific colors to tell you what's happening with your plant.

From left to right -

  • Green: Ready to harvest.
  • Red: Low health, caused by weeds/pests/toxins/end of lifespan.
  • Yellow: Low nutrients.
  • Blue: Low water.

Tools that are of use in botany -

  • {{#if:Plant_Analyzer|}}Plant Analyzer: Shows detailed detailed plant statistics. Very useful for growing fragile plants like Ambrosia Deus.
  • {{#if:Cultivator|}}Cultivator: Kills Weeds.
  • Plant Bag: Collects up to 50 items or 100 seeds from your harvest. Useful for moving those into the fridge or biogenerator.
  • Wrench: Used to move your trays around.
  • Wirecutters: Used to set up the irrigation system. If 30u or more of water is put into trays while the irrigation is set up, water will be shared across trays. This will also distribute things like mutagen and plant killer.
  • {{#if:Hatchet|}}Hatchet: Chops tower-caps into planks, chops other things. This is also a robust tool that fits in pockets.
  • {{#if:Shovel|}}Shovel: Digs up grass floors and cleaning the dirt.
  • {{#if:Spade|}}Spade: Removes and destroys plants in a tray.
  • All-In-One Grinder: This is how you extract reagents from plants - throw them in and hit the "grind" button.
  • Portable Seed Extractor: This can harvest and pick up plants and turn up to 100 plants into seeds. Less efficient than the machine.

Seed Extractor Plant growing 101[edit]

Take some seeds from the vendor and put them into the trays. Now, take a look at the tray with a plant analyzer. For now, you only need to pay attention to the bottom five stats - Water/Nutrition and Weeds/Toxic/Pest levels.
Now, fill a bucket from the water tank and grab fertilizer from the vending machine. You get rid of weeds with the cultivator and remove pests with pest spray. Chemistry can give you better chemicals for this, which will be explained later in the guide.
Some plants have a varied growth times, such as wheat growing faster while watermelons or apple trees take a little longer before you can harvest from them.
Once your tray flashes green, you're set to harvest. If you want to replicate the plant to continue growing more, just insert it into the seed extractor.

Bio-generator Biogenerator[edit]

The Biogenerator makes items out of the nutriment in plants. As a rule of thumb: More nutriment = more biomass. Watermelons and pumpkins are commonly used due to their 20% nutriment boost trait.
To get biomass, grab a spare bucket and equip the machine with it, then use the plant bag to put fruits inside.
If you somehow run out of fertilizer in the vendors, remember you can print the three standard fertilizers here. Keep in mind that you can craft a whole bunch of useful items from the leather/cloth sheets the biogenerator creates.

DNA Extractor[edit]

The DNA extractor allows you to extract and modify seed stats and traits. This machine is what lets you become a Chemist on speed.

This is a little complex, so look at: Advanced Botany

Stats, reagents and traits[edit]

Three things determine how your plant will turn out: Their stats, reagents and traits.


Stats determine whether your plants are small and grow slowly, or are big and fast-growing.

Click expand to see what stats do:


This determines what chemicals are present in a grown plant - the DNA extractor lets you extract and splice these.
With a bit of creativity, you can mix your own mutagen, produce unique healing chemicals or turn tomatoes into napalm grenades. Solid Chemistry knowledge will help you out immensely.
For a detailed list, check out: Plant reference chart


Traits give your plants unique properties. There are plenty - Perennial Growth for example lets you harvest plants multiple times.
These can be transferred, just like reagents.

Click expand to see a list of traits:

Plant reference chart[edit]

All you need to know about plants - their reagents, traits and what they can mutate into.

Plant Chart (mouse over the reagents to have a brief effect description)

Name Type Seed Potting Product Reagent Production Traits Available from Mutates into
}}Ambrosia deus Normal 5% nutriment, 15% omnizine, 15% synaptizine, 10% space drugs, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Ambrosia vulgaris Ambrosia gaia
}}Ambrosia gaia Normal 6% nutriment, 5% earthsblood, 5% vitamin Mutate Ambrosia deus
}}Ambrosia vulgaris Normal File:Ambrosiavulgarisseed.png File:Ambrosiavulgarisplant.png File:Ambrosiavulgaris.png 5% nutriment, 10% Sanguiose, 10% Frogenite, 15% space drugs, 10% toxin, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Ambrosia deus
}}Apple Normal 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Hard cider Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Gold apple
}}Bamboo Normal Harvesting results in bamboo logs. Cut these logs with a hatchet to produce stackable bamboo cuttings. Use the bamboo cuttings in hand to craft a either a punji stick trap (paralyzes and hurts those who step on it) or a blow gun (makeshift syringe gun that takes time to fire and deals stamina and suffocation damage to the user). Perennial Growth Mutate Sugarcane, Exotic Seeds Crate
}}Banana Normal 10% banana juice, 10% potassium, 4% vitamin, 2% nutriment. Fermentation: Banana Honk Slippery Skin, Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Exotic Seeds Crate Mimana, Blue-space banana
}}Berry Normal 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Gin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Glow-berry, Poison-berry
}}Blood tomato Normal 10% nutriment, 20% blood, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Bloody Mary Liquid Contents, Perennial Growth Mutate Tomato
}}Blue-space banana Normal 20% singulo, 10% banana juice, 4% vitamin, 2% nutriment Slippery Skin, Bluespace Activity, Perennial Growth Mutate Banana
}}Blue-space tomato Normal 10% nutriment, 20% singulo, 20% space lube, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Laughter Slippery Skin, Bluespace Activity, Liquid Contents, Perennial Growth Mutate Blue tomato
}}Blue cherry Normal 7% nutriment, 7% sugar Perennial Growth Mutate Cherry
}}Blue tomato Normal 10% nutriment, 20% space lube, 4% vitamin Slippery Skin, Perennial Growth Mutate Tomato Blue-space tomato
}}Blumpkin Normal 20% ammonia, 10% chlorine, 20% nutriment Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, mutate Pumpkin
}}Cabbage Normal 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Replica pod
}}Cannabis Normal 15% space drugs, 35% lipolicide Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor (hacked) Rainbow weed, Deathweed, Lifeweed, Omega weed
}}Carpet Normal 2% nutriment, 5% hydrogen Perennial Growth Mutate Grass
}}Carrot Normal 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin, 25% oculine MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Parsnip
}}Chanterelle Mushroom 10% nutriment Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate, can overtake a tray
}}Cherry Normal 7% nutriment, 7% sugar Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Blue cherry
}}Cherry Bomb Normal 10% nutriment, 10% sugar, 70% blackpowder Perennial Growth Only available from Xenobiology
}}Chili Normal 4% nutriment, 25% capsaicin, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Ghost chili, Ice Pepper
}}Cocoa Normal 10% nutriment, 25% cocoa. Fermentation: Creme de Cacao Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Vanilla
}}Coffee arabica Normal 10% coffee powder, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Kahlua Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Coffee robusta
}}Coffee robusta Normal 10% coffee powder, 4% vitamin, 10% ephedrine Perennial Growth Mutate Coffee arabica
}}Combustible Lemon Normal 5% nutriment (can be thrown like an IED) Perennial Growth Mutate Lemon
}}Corn Normal 10% nutriment, 20% corn oil, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Whiskey MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Snapcorn
}}Corpse Flower Normal Right before it blooms, it starts producing miasma until harvested. Miasma production only works around normal pressure. Potency determines how high the pressure must be for miasma production to work. 50-60 potency is needed in standard pressure. Yield determines the output rate of the miasma. Mutate Starthistle
}}Cotton Normal None. Can be turned into fabrics by using a loom, buildable with planks. MegaSeed Servitor Durathread
}}Death berry Normal 10% nutriment, 8% coniine, 10% tirizene, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Poison-berry
}}Death nettle Weed 50% fluorosulphuric acid, 50% sulphuric acid Perennial Growth, Weed Adaptation, Hypodermic Prickles Mutate Nettle, weed mutation
}}Deathweed Normal 35% cyanide, 15% space drugs, 15% lipolicide Perennial Growth Mutate Cannabis
}}Destroying angel Mushroom 10% amatoxin, 4% mushroom hallucinogen, 20% amanitin Fungal Vitality Mutate Fly amanita
}}Durathread Normal None. Can be turned into durable fabrics by using a loom, buildable with planks. Mutate Cotton
}}Eggplant Normal 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Egg-plant
}}Egg-plant Normal 10% nutriment, egg inside. Fermentation: Eggnog Perennial Growth Mutate Eggplant, Exotic Seeds Crate
}}Embershroom Normal 4% tinea luxor, 2% vitamin, 2% space drugs Fungal Metabolism, Bioluminescence, Fire Resistance Lavaland
}}Extradimensional orange Normal 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Triple Sec Perennial Growth Mutate Orange
}}Fly amanita Mushroom 35% amatoxin, 4% mushroom hallucinogen, 10% growth serum Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), Exotic Seeds Crate, can overtake a tray Destroying angel
}}Fruiting Cactus Normal 2% vitamin, 2% nutriment, 4% vitrium froth Fire Resistance Lavaland
}}Garlic Normal 15% garlic juice, 10% nutriment MegaSeed Servitor
}}Gatfruit Normal 10% sulfur, 10% carbon, 7% nitrogen, 5% potassium, a goddamn .357 revolver Perennial Growth Xenobiology
}}Geranium Normal 5% nutriment, 20% sanguiose Mutate Poppy
}}Glow-berry Normal 10% nutriment, 25% uranium, 20% iodine, 4% vitamin. Luminosity: 20%. Strong Bioluminescence, Perennial Growth Mutate Berry
}}Ghost chili Normal 4% nutriment, 55% capsaicin, 30% condensed capsaicin Perennial Growth Mutate Chili
}}Glowshroom Mushroom 10% radium, 10% phosphorus, 4% nutriment. Glow: 10% Bioluminescence, Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked) Glowcap
}}Glowcap Mushroom 10% teslium. Glow: 10%. Electrical Activity, Red Electrical Glow, Fungal Vitality Mutate Glowshroom
}}Gold apple Normal 10% nutriment, 20% gold, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Apple
}}Grapes Normal 10% nutriment, 10% sugar, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Wine Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Green grapes
}}Grass Normal 2% nutriment, 5% hydrogen Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Carpet
}}Green grapes Normal 10% nutriment, 20% frogenite, 10% sugar, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Cognac Mutate Grapes
}}Harebell Weed 4% nutriment. Fermentation: Vermouth Weed Adaptation Can overtake a a tray
}}Holymelon Normal 20% holy water, 4% vitamin, 10% nutriment. Has anti-magic properties when held in hand. Has limited anti-magic charges. Will block 1 spell per 20 potency. Perennial Growth Mutate Watermelon
}}Ice Pepper Normal 2% nutriment, 25% frost oil, 2% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Chili
}}Inocybe Mushroom Normal 4% mindbreaker toxin, 8% entropic polypnium, 4% mushroom hallucinogen Fungal Metabolism, Fire Resistance Lavaland
}}Killer tomato Normal 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin, can be awoken. Fermentation: Demon's Blood Liquid Contents Mutate Tomato
}}Koibean Normal 5% nutriment, 10% carpotoxin, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Soybean
}}Kudzu Weed 2% nutriment, 4% charcoal Perennial Growth, Weed Adaptation Mutagen weed mutation Special, see this.
}}Lemon Normal 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Combustible Lemon
}}Liberty-cap Mushroom 2% nutriment, 25% mushroom hallucinogen Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), Exotic Seeds Crate, weed mutation
}}Lifeweed Normal 35% omnizine, 15% space drugs, 15% lipolicide Perennial Growth Mutate Cannabis
}}Lily Normal 5% nutriment, 20% sanguiose Perennial Growth Mutate Poppy
}}Lime Normal 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, mutate Orange Orange
}}Meatwheat Normal 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin. When harvested, you can get "meat" and blood from this. Mutate Wheat
}}Mimana Normal 10% nothing, 10% mute toxin, 2% nutriment. Fermentation: Silencer Slippery Skin, Perennial Growth Exotic Seeds Crate, Mutate Banana
}}Moonflower Normal 2% nutriment, 2% vitamin, 20% moonshine. Fermentation: Absinthe Mutate Sunflower
}}Nettle Weed 50% sulphuric acid Perennial Growth, Weed Adaptation MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), Exotic Seeds Crate, can overtake a tray Death nettle
}}Novaflower Normal 25% condensed capsaicin, 30% capsaicin, 4% nutriment Mutate Sunflower
}}Oat Normal 4% nutrient. Fermentation: Ale Mutate Wheat
}}Omega weed Normal 30% space drugs, 30% mindbreaker toxin, 15% mercury, 15% lithium, 15% atropine, 15% haloperidol, 15% methamphetamine, 15% capsaicin, 15% barber's aid, 15% bath salts, 15% itching powder, 15% crank, 15% krokodil, 15% histamine, 15% lipolicide Perennial Growth Mutate Cannabis
}}Onion Sprouts Normal 4% vitamin, 10% nutriment Red Onion Sprouts
}}Orange Normal 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Triple Sec Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, mutate Lime Lime
}}Parsnip Normal 5% vitamin, 5% nutriment Mutate Carrot
}}Plump helmet Mushroom 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Manly Dorf Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), Exotic Seeds Crate, can overtake a tray Walking mushroom
}}Pineapple Normal 20% nutriment, 4% water, 2% vitamin MegaSeed Servitor
}}Poison-berry Normal 10% nutriment, 15% cyanide, 20% tirizene, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Berry Death berry
}}Poisoned apple Normal 50% cyanide, 4% vitamin, 1% nutriment Xenobiology
}}Polypore Mushroom Normal 6% sugar, 4% ethanol, 6% stabilizing agent, 2% mint. You can craft mushroom bowls from this. Fungal Metabolism, Fire Resistance Lavaland
}}Poppy Normal 5% nutriment, 20% sanguiose. Fermentation: Vermouth MegaSeed Servitor Geranium, Lily
}}Porcini Mushroom Normal 6% nutriment, 4% vitrium froth, 4% nicotine Fungal Metabolism, Fire Resistance Lavaland
}}Potato Normal 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin. Can be turned into a potato battery by using cable coil on it. Increase potency and add the Electrical Activity trait for higher capacity. Fermentation: Vodka Capacitive Cell Production MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Sweet Potato
}}Pumpkin Normal 20% nutriment, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Blumpkin
}}Rainbow weed Normal 15% mindbreaker toxin, 35% lipolicide Perennial Growth Mutate Cannabis
}}Redbeet Normal 5% nutriment, 5% vitamin Densified Chemicals Mutate Whitebeet
}}Red Onion Sprouts Normal 4% vitamin, 10% nutriment, 5% tear juice Mutate Onion Sprouts
}}Rice Normal 4% nutrient. Fermentation: Sake MegaSeed Servitor
}}Reishi Mushroom 35% charcoal, 35% morphine Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), can overtake a tray
}}Replica pod Normal Special MegaSeed Servitor, Exotic Seeds Crate, Mutate Cabbage
}}Shadowshroom Normal 20% radium, 4% nutriment Shadow Emission, Fungal Metabolism Mutate Glowshrooms
}}Snapcorn Normal 10% nutriment, 20% corn oil, 4% vitamin Mutate Corn
}}Soybean Normal 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Koibean
}}Space tobacco Normal 3% nutriment, 8% nicotine, 5% salbutamol Mutate Tobacco
}}Starthistle Weed None Can overtake a tray Corpse Flower
}}Steelcap Mushroom None. You can harvest metal rods from this. Fungal Vitality Mutate Towercap
}}Strange seeds Normal File:Question.gif File:Question.gif Random, read this. Fermentation: Wine with 10-150 boozepower, and tiny chance of 200. Random Hacked vending machine, cargo crates
}}Sugarcane Normal 25% sugar. Fermentation: Rum Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Bamboo
}}Sunflower Normal 8% corn oil, 4% nutriment MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Moonflower, Novaflower
}}Sweet Potato Normal 10% nutriment, 10% sugar, 10% vitamin. Fermentation: Sbiten Mutate Potato
}}Tea aspera Normal 10% tea powder, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Tea astra
}}Tea astra Normal 10% tea powder, 10% synaptizine, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Tea aspera
}}Tobacco Normal 3% nicotine, 3% nutriment. Fermentation: Creme de Menthe MegaSeed Servitor Space tobacco
}}Tomato Normal 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Enzyme Liquid Content, Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Blood, Blue or Killer tomato
}}Towercap Mushroom None. You can harvest wood from this. Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor, can overtake a tray Steelcap
}}Vanilla Normal 25% vanilla, 10% nutriment. Fermentation: Vanilla Perennial Growth Mutate Cocoa
}}Walking mushroom Mushroom 15% nutriment, 5% vitamin Fungal Vitality Mutate Plump helmet
}}Watermelon Normal 20% nutriment, 20% water, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Holymelon
}}Wheat Normal 4% nutriment. Fermentation: Beer MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Oat, Meatwheat
}}Whitebeet Normal 5% nutriment, 20% sugar, 4% vitamin MegaSeed Servitor Redbeet


A lot of chemicals influence plants - get these from the vending machine, Chemistry or by growing your own!

Click expand to see a list of chemicals:


  • Nutriment: A fertilizer that adds 1u of nutrient to the tray and heals plants. You can get it by putting your plants and regular food in the grinder. Heals the plant.
  • Ammonia: Similar to nutriment, but also increases yield. Get it from the Chemist or hack the Nutri-Vend to get this.
  • Diethylamine: Even better than Ammonia - this adds 2u of nutrient to the tray, increases yield even more, heals the plant AND also kills pests. Get it the same way you get Ammonia.
  • Saltpetre: Heals your plant, increases potency and decreases production time. Doesn't add nutrient to the tray.
  • Robust Harvest: Increases plant yield by 30% without mutating it. Doesn't work on plants with 0 yield.

Pest Removal[edit]

  • Pest Killer: Kills pests, and adds a small amount of toxicity.
  • Weed Killer: Same as above, but for Weeds.


  • E-Z-Nutrient: Makes your plant mutate once every time it's ready for harvesting, and has no effect on the yield.
  • Left 4 Zed: Makes your plant mutate twice, but the yield will be 1 at best - if the plant's yield is 0, then nothing is produced! You'll have to use another mutagen to harvest the normal yield of the plant.
  • Unstable Mutagen: Used to randomly mutate plants - 5u for a chance to change the plant type, 1u/2u to only change stats.
  • Radium and Uranium: Also usable for mutation (10u for plant type, 2u/5u for stats), but damages plants and adds toxicity. Radium is more damaging.

Plant Meds[edit]

  • Ash: Heals your plant and kills weeds, but adds only half a unit of nutrient to the tray.
  • Charcoal: Makes your plant less toxic. You can get it by whining to anyone who works in Medbay.
  • Cryoxadone: Heals your plant, via miracles science. Also lowers toxicity. Don't expect the Chemist to give this to you, but the medbay probably has extra beakers of this.
  • Holy water: If you can get the Chaplain's attention and make him bless your water, it will heal your plant a bit.

Unorthodox chemicals[edit]

  • Soda Water: Mostly adds water, but also heals the plant and adds nutrient to the tray by a tiny amount.
  • Milk: Adds some water and a tiny but of nutrient to the tray.
  • Beer: Adds a bit of water and nutrient to the tray, but damages the plant a little.
  • Blood: Feeds both your plant and pests.
  • Virus Food: Adds nutrient to the tray while damaging the plant.
  • Nicotine: Kills pests while adding toxicity.

The bad stuff[edit]

  • Sugar: Makes pests and weeds grow stronger. Unless you plan to use unstable mutagen to unleash giant spiders or Kudzu upon the station, it's of no use.
  • Toxin: Increases toxicity. Good job!
  • Plant-B-Gone, Sulphuric Acid, Fluorosulfuric Acid: Damages the plant, adds toxicity and kills weeds. What do you think would happen?
  • Fluorine, Chlorine: Same as above, but also drains water.
  • Phosphorus: Same as Flourine/Chlorine, but adds nutrients to the tray instead of toxicity. Just use a spade.
  • Napalm: Kills weeds, hurts plant and adds toxicity. This is just going downhill. Unless your plant has the fireproof trait, you might as well space the whole tray. On fireproof plants it will just kill weeds.
  • Strange Reagent: Is supposed to spawn hostile plant creatures but currently doesn't work.

Beekeeping Beekeeping[edit]

Bees greatly increase plant yield, potency and the probability of you getting lynched. Great stuff, and very useful even if you're no traitor!

For more info, click here for the guide on beepeeking.

Advanced Botany[edit]

This is where you get to PLAY GOD and mess with the stats, reagents and traits of plants.

Using the DNA manipulator[edit]

1. Go to the locker in the back and take out the box of plant data disks.
2. Load a disk into the machine along with any seed of choice.
3. Extract any gene, this will destroy the seed and save it to the disk.
4. Put in another seed.
5. You can now modify the seed's stats and genes based on what's on the plant data disk.

Obviously, this can be quite powerful in the right hands, and even for more basic tasks it can be a major boon.

It is worth noting, however, that the DNA manipulator has an upper limit on how high a stat can be when you try to extract it and save it to disk, and any stats higher than that will be brought down to that cap. Though these caps can be lowered or eliminated if you can get RnD to upgrade your machine, at round-start the caps are very bad, with certain stats like production speed being capped at a level worse than what nearly every plant has initially. Traits, on the other hand, can be extracted just fine no matter what parts are used.

Useful genes from default seeds:

  • Wheat has a production speed of 1, the fastest possible.
  • Tower-caps have very long lifespans (around 80), as well as potency and endurance stats of 50.
  • Tobacco plants have a yield of 10, the cap for that stat.
  • Apples have the perennial growth trait, which allows for you to get multiple harvests from a single plant.
  • Watermelon has an endurance nearly on par with tower-caps, making it a good substitute when starting out so you can avoid using up all of your starting tower-cap seeds.


You can mutate plants to A) change stats or B) mutate them into a different subspecies. To do this in a timely manner, you'll need to work with the Chemistry department.

  • The agonizingly slow way is using E-Z Nutriment to make the plant mutate once every time it's ready to harvest. Left 4 Zed makes it mutate twice, but kills the yield!
  • You can speed up the process to bearable levels by asking your local Chemist for a few bottles of Unstable Mutagen.

Pour 5 units on your plant and prepare for...

  • 10% chance of mutation into a related species. This destroys the old plant and plants a new one. See the Plant reference chart for information on these mutations.
  • 10% chance of the plant losing lots of health instantly. The plant can die because of this
  • 15% chance of heavy stat mutation with a 3% chance of a new trait appearing.
  • 15% chance of normal stat mutation.
  • 20% chance of nothing. You get a message when this happens.
  • 10% chance of weeds mutating. If weed level is less than 5, nothing happens, otherwise you get a random, special mutated weed (Kudzu, Deathnettle, Destroying Angel, Liberty Cap).
  • 10% chance of pests mutating. Again, if pest level is less than 5, nothing happens. Otherwise, spiderlings are spawned.
    • This is bad. If the spiderlings escape, they'll grow big and you'll likely get lynched.

Or, if you don't want to bother with species mutation, pour 2 units for a guaranteed heavy stat mutation with a 3% chance of a new trait appearing, or even 1 for a guaranteed normal stat mutation. This method is safe even if you don't have backup seeds, and you can use a bottle for it.

  • You can use radium and uranium, but they cause ill effects, and if you can get radium, you can get mutagen.
  • R&D can also research a wonderful thing called a Floral Somatoray. It has two options: increase yield and mutate the plant. In yield more mode, every time you fire it at the plant, there is a chance the yield will increase. The chance becomes very small when you reach high levels, but it's very useful for low-yield plants. It can even raise yield from zero! In mutation mode, it will always induce a normal stat mutation.

Fixing awful stats[edit]

Mutating plants has a chance of really ruining stats. Luckily, there are a few ways to fix them:

  • Unstable Mutagen. Using 1u slightly changes stats, 2u has more drastic effects.
  • Saltpetre. Increases potency and decreases production time.
  • Floral Somatoray. Increases yield and works as a substitute for Unstable Mutagen.

Dude weeds[edit]

Trays, whether empty or occupied by plants, can be occasionally overtaken by a weed if their level is 5 or more. In that case the old plant is destroyed, and a new one will sprout in its place.

Possible plants include:

  • 1/6 chance for Reishi/Starshittle.
  • 1/9 chance for Nettle/Harebell/Amanita/Chanterelle/Tower Cap/Plump Helmets

Using 5u of unstable mutagen on high weed level trays results in different plants:

  • Kudzu, Deathnettle, Destroying Angel, Liberty Cap

Other Notes[edit]

Growing your own mutagen[edit]

Not robust enough to steal a chem dispenser? Try this out.

  • First, plant pumpkins and mutate them into blumpkins.
  • Now, insert their Chlorine production trait into glowshrooms and remove the Nutriment one.
  • That's it! You now have a plant that grows unstable mutagen - just pop the produce into the grinder.
  • You might want to add Densified Chemicals from Redbeets as well as Perennial Growth to optimize your harvest.

Other ways to mutagen[edit]

Chemistry is busy curing the plague too high to help you out?

  • Bad idea: Steal a chem dispenser. This will start a blood feud and is one of the biggest reasons why Botanists are hated by some. Think of it as someone stealing all your plant trays.
  • Better: Ask Medbay to print you a spare chem dispenser board. After very basic research (Biological Technology), the medical protolathe is able to print chem dispenser boards.
  • Or: Grab the spare chem dispenser board from tech storage. The AI, silicons and all members of the Engineering department can let you in.
  • For stock parts: Print them from a public autolathe (if such has been built) or ask RnD/Engineering for a part replacer with stock parts. The parts are:
    2 matter bins, 1 capacitor, 1 micro-manipulator, 1 power cell, 1 glass sheet.
  • For stock parts you can also disassemble a hydroponics tray and a cell charger. A cell can then be found or gotten from disassembling a cyborg recharger.

Upgrading plant trays[edit]

Composting enough plants that contain Earthsblood (for example Ambrosia Gaia) into a tray will give it a golden shine. Now it will no longer require water, fertilizer or weed/pest removal.

This is great in combination with plants that have the Perennial Growth trait! A lot of Botanists will upgrade their trays before getting started with actual hydroponics.

Upgraded trays permanently contain the last fertilizer you used before the upgrade. Robust Harvest is usually the best choice.

Instead of keeping the original Gaia plant that most likely has gimped stats - insert the Earthsblood production trait into a more robust plant.

If your DNA extractor hasn't been upgraded yet: Wheat has a production speed of 1 and good overall stats. If you're lucky, your station will have 50 potency Wheat bushels just lying around at roundstart.

You can speed up the process by removing all contents but Earthsblood production and adding the Densified Chemicals (Redbeet) trait.

Replica Pod Cloning[edit]

Replica pods can be used to grow dead people back to life - even when their brain and head are missing.

To clone someone, follow these simple steps:

  • Take a blood sample from the body using a syringe.
  • Inject it into the bag of seeds.
  • Plant the seeds.
  • Let the plant grow and then harvest it.
  • If the ghost of the corpse is still online, and did not turn on "Do not Resuscitate", that person will be cloned as a Podman.
  • If there was no ghost available, the resulting harvest will simply produce a new pack of seeds.

The podmen are a little different from normal humans. E.g. they regenerate in light but suffer in darkness and don't get attacked by bees.

Cabbage can be mutated into Replica Pod.

Strange Seeds[edit]

Strange seeds (from hacked vendors or cargo crates) have completely random reagents and traits.

Notable examples are:

  • Gaseous Decomposition
  • Nitroglycerin
  • Microbes (Fungal Tuberculosis)
  • Any drink, like Gin Tonic or Beepsky Smash
  • Glitter
  • Plasmaman Mutation Toxin
  • Hell Water

Of course, this is pretty gimmicky and unreliable.

Kudzu {{#if:Kudzu|}}[edit]

Kudzu is a weed that can appear when adding 5u Unstable Mutagen to a tray with a weed level of 5 or above. The tray version of kudzu will grow normally in its tray. When harvested it will produce kudzu pods. The kudzu pod is like any other fruit/vegetable and can be eaten or grinded. To create wild-spreading kudzu, you must put a kudzu pod into a seed extractor, which will create packs of kudzu seeds. Then activate a kudzu seed in your hand to start planting wild-spreading kudzu on the floor.

Some plant stats will affect the wild-spreading version of kudzu in specific ways:

  • Potency of the seed will make kudzu mutate more on spread, the chance to mutate on each new piece is [potency / 10]
  • Production will affect how fast the kudzu can spread, usual kudzu spreads at a rate of 20% of the amount of pieces per tick but no more than 30, production changes the cap [30 * production / 50] and the percent of processed pieces per tick [20 * (production / 50)]

Killing the last piece of kudzu will create a kudzu seed in its place with all the ackumulated mutations saved in the seed. So if you reactivate it, the new kudzu on the floor will have all the same mutations the seed had, and will spread it to all its progenitors. You can examine a wild kudzu to see what mutations it has. When mutating it typically changes color.

Kudzu can gain mutations only on spread, here is the list of all of them:

Click expand to see Kudzu traits and mutations:

Sandstone and Soil[edit]

If you pick up the grass and use it (click on it in your hand), you will prepare astroturf. Get a crowbar and remove some floor tiles, then place astroturf in their place. In addition to looking nice, it can be used to get some sand. Just dig it with your spade and you'll get two piles. Now, pick up the sand and use it; you will make a sandstone brick. Using three bricks, you can make a soil plot, which is like a tray, except you can walk over it and there are no lights. You can also build a sandstone door with 10 bricks.

Science can build hydroponics trays. They can also upgrade them by replacing the matter bins, and this increases the water and nutrient capacity of the tray.

Wood and Drying Racks[edit]

First you need to get some tower-caps, grow them and harvest them. You can then use hatchet (and some other things, but it's not important) on the logs to chop some planks. They have many uses: you can make chairs, tables, wooden floors and so on. A unique thing here is a drying rack. You can use it to dry a plant, and then smoke it. First, build a rack with 10 planks. Then, grab a plant you want to dry and put it in the rack. Click on the rack and toggle drying so that the red arrows light up. Give it a few seconds and it's done.

Note: you can dry any plant, and smoking it will give you all chemicals that were in it. You can smoke dried apples if you want, and get nutriment from them.

Fermentation Barrel[edit]

You can craft wooden barrels with the crafting menu (under tribal), which requires 30 wood planks . Clicking it will toggle it between open and closed. When open you can insert plants or liquid. When closed you can draw liquid by using a container on it.

Inserting a plant into the barrel will ferment the plant after a few seconds (even if not closing it). This will grind the plant, adding all the plant's contained reagents to the barrel. But it can also add an additional reagent depending on plant used. Most plants will create a special wine with varied boozepower depending on plant used. Some plants will create other reagents than wine, and some plants will not work at all.

Things You Can Make Out of Your Plants[edit]

  • Separated Chemicals + Liquid Contents lets you grow grenades. Glow-berry Uranium + Towercap Iron = EMP. Watermelon Water + Banana Potassium = Boom. Separated chems trait removed january 2019.
  • Add some cable to a potato to make a potato battery. Botany cells have potential to be better than bluespace cells.
  • Glowberries and glowshrooms, as the name suggests, glow.
  • You can carve a pumpkin with a hatchet. Carved pumpkins can be worn and you can toggle them to emit a weak light.
  • You can make a cob-pipe out of a corn cob.
  • You can carve a carrot with a hatchet to make a shiv. It's not very strong but it's good at slicing things.
  • Flowers and ambrosia can be worn on your head.
  • Add dried ambrosia, wheat, tea aspera tips or tobacco leaves to a tower cap log to make a torch.
  • Dried ambrosia, tobacco or any mutations of those are able to be smoked from wrapping paper, found in smoking vending machines. You can also grind them and put the liquid in an e-cig.

Todo list for this guide[edit]

  • Add missing/fix outdated entries in the plant reference chart
  • Add some icons and pictures to break up the wall of text

Another guide[edit]

Since Botany is relatively easy to learn but hard to master, here is an extra guide that focuses on a more practical, step-by-step point of view. Also includes a lot of extra "recipes" for what you can turn your plants into.

[Click here for that long ass bonus guide.] (its old as hell though, and addition of grey bull helps you not need gloves)