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It can, when used, summon or stop an ash storm on the area it's used in. If used on lavaland it'll affect the whole outdoors, while if in a room it'll only affect the room. The staff has a 20 seconds cooldown.<br>
It can, when used, summon or stop an ash storm on the area it's used in. If used on lavaland it'll affect the whole outdoors, while if in a room it'll only affect the room. The staff has a 20 seconds cooldown.<br>
Like Lava Staffs, this doubles as a robust melee weapon, with 25 burn damage on hit.
Like Lava Staffs, this doubles as a robust melee weapon, with 25 burn damage on hit.
==Blood-Drunk Miner==
"A miner destined to wander forever, engaged in an endless hunt."
===GPS Signal===
"Resonant Signal"
'''Health:''' 900
'''Melee Damage:''' 20
'''Speed:''' Slow
Effectively a highly aggressive miner, the blood-drunk miner has very few attacks but compensates by being highly aggressive.
The blood-drunk miner's attacks are as follows
- If not in KA range, it will rapidly dash at its target
- If in KA range, it will fire its kinetic accelerator
- If in melee range, will rapidly attack, akin to an actual player
- After any of these attacks, may transform its cleaving saw:
Untransformed, it attacks very rapidly for smaller amounts of damage
Transformed, it attacks at normal speed for higher damage and cleaves enemies hit
When the blood-drunk miner dies, it leaves behind the cleaving saw it was using and its kinetic accelerator.
Difficulty: Medium

Revision as of 06:18, 4 January 2018

Megafauna are huge, extremely powerful creatures found in Lavaland. They emit a GPS Signal that is trackable by any GPS Device, so they are easy to avoid, as long as you're careful.

All types of megafauna will devour unconscious or dead victims, restoring their health by half of the creature's maximum health, and gibbing it.

Types of Megafauna

Ash Drake

An enormous drake that roams the land. Although it's considered the easiest of the megafauna, it is still extremely deadly if you don't avoid its attacks.

GPS Signal

"Fiery Signal"


Health: 2500

Melee Damage: 40

Burn Resistance: 50%

Speed: Slow


Normally, it chases its target trying to bite it. Whenever possible, it will also breathe fire in the four cardinal directions, dealing 20 burn damage and igniting whoever walks into the trail.
It's advisable to carry a fire extinguisher when fighting a drake, in case you can't avoid one of these.

Occasionally, the drake will cause a rain of fire: before the fireballs land, the landing points are marked; anything not marked won't be affected, although flying debris can still hit non-targeted zones.

The drake will also rarely take flight and swoop down on a target, marking a 3x3 area before crushing anyone left inside, dealing 75 brute damage and gibbing unconscious targets.

As the drake gets damaged, swoop and fire rain attacks become more common.
If the drake falls below 50% health, the drake will stop raining fire in favor of swooping more often, and will also start triple swooping, trying to crush its target three times before landing.

{{#if:Drake Loot|}}Loot

The drake leaves a carcass that can be butchered: it contains 5 Diamond ores, 5 Sinew, 10 Ash Drake Hide, and 30 Bones. Ash Drake Hide can be used to make Ash Drake Armour, which is extremely resistant, ash storm proof and fireproof. It will also drop a chest, which can contain one of the following:

  • Spectral Blade: A sword that becomes more powerful with the amount of ghosts orbiting the wielder. The ghosts will also be visible while doing so, and can point but not talk.
  • Lava Staff: A magic staff able to turn, after a brief channel, a tile of floor into lava, or lava into basalt. Has a 10 seconds cooldown between uses. It also doubles as a good melee weapon, with 25 burn damage per hit.
  • Spellbook of Sacred Flame + Wand of Fireball: Sacred Flame lights you and anyone around you on fire. Since you also get a fireproof cloak by butchering a drake, it is a really powerful spell. The wand of fireball shoots the same fireballs that a Wizard can throw, but has limited charges.
  • Bottle of Dragon's Blood: When drunk, it has one of these effects:
    • Transforms the drinker into a dark red lizard with digitigrade legs, preventing the use of shoes.
    • Transforms the drinker into a skeleton, giving it a few racial bonuses.
    • Gives the drinker permanent immunity to lava.
    • Transforms the drinker into a lesser ash drake. The transformation is not instant, but it can't be stopped outside of admin intervention or death. Lesser ash drakes have access to all the attacks of an ash drake, but have less health and no burn damage resistance. To swoop, alt-click on a tile or target.
      Remember:If you weren't one prior to becoming a drake, you are not an antagonist, and should not attack the crew!


A huge, towering being. Slow, but extremely dangerous.

GPS Signal

"Angelic Signal"


Health: 2500

Melee Damage: 40

Burn Resistance: 50%

Speed: Slow


The Colossus, when attacking, shoots Death Bolts in different patterns, telegraphing each burst with a screen shake and a red flash.
Death bolts are slow, and deal 25 brute damage ignoring armor. They'll break rocks, and if on station, walls and reinforced walls on hit.

  • Random Shots: The colossus shoots a random amount of bolts aiming in random directions.
  • Blast: Shoots a shotgun-like blast of death bolts.
  • Directional Shots: Shoots bolts in the 8 cardinal directions.
  • Alternating Directional Shots: Shoots bolts alternating between a + shape and an X shape, four times.
  • Spiral Shot: Shoots following a spiral around the Colossus. Becomes more frequent as the Colossus loses health. The Colossus screams: "Judgement".
  • Double Spiral: Only used when the colossus is below 33% health, shoots two opposite spirals at the same time. The Colossus screams: "Die".

When shot, the Colossus will display glowing yellow shields, but they are cosmetic and do not in fact reduce the damage it takes.

If challenged by someone using Sleeping Carp, the Colossus will enrage and chase him down.

{{#if:Colossus Loot|}}Loot

The colossus drops two items: the Voice of God and the Anomalous Crystal.

Voice of God

See here for the Voice of God.

Anomalous Crystal

An anomalous crystal's activation method and effect is random, and must be tested to find out what it does.

Possible activation methods:

  • On touch: Using the crystal with an empty hand will trigger it.
  • On bump: Moving against the crystal will trigger it.
  • On weapon: Hitting the crystal with anything will trigger it.
  • On heat: Hitting the crystal with a weapon that can ignite will trigger it. (I.E. welders, lighters)
  • On speech: Speaking near the crystal will trigger it.
  • On bomb: Explosions, no matter how weak, will trigger it. Also triggered by Kinetic Accelerator hits.
  • On laser: Laser-like shots will trigger it. (Includes disablers, pratice and laser tag gun lasers too)
  • On bullet: Physical bullets will trigger it. (Also includes syringe gun syringes)
  • On energy: Energy shots will trigger it. (Includes tasers, energy bolas, somatorays, ions)

Possible Effects:

  • HONK: Whover activates the crystal will drop all his equipment and become a clown, with starting equipment included. If this effect is picked, it's only activated by bump or speech.
  • Theme Warp: Transforms the theme of the room the crystal is in, morphing the floor, tables and chairs and spawning some flora. Possible themes are Lavaland, Winter, Jungle and Abductor.
  • Emitter: The crystal shoots a random projectile, chosen between fireball, spellblade, x-ray laser, meteorshot or colossus' death bolt.
  • Dark Reprise: Revives any corpses nearby as a shadowman. Those resurrected this way become unclonable, but can still be resurrected with this crystal.
  • Lightgeists: Once activated, the crystal will allow ghosts to spawn as lightgeists, extremely fragile jelly-like beings that cannot speak and can heal people.
  • Refresher: The crystal will 'refresh' a random item in front of it, transforming them into freshly-spawned versions of themselves; it can, for example, refill a gun. Some items are blacklisted, and admin-spawned items cannot be refreshed.
  • Possession: The crystal will transfer your mind and body into any harmless animal close to the crystal. If no animals are in range, the crystal will spawn a cockroach. Once inside the animal, you can get out at any time, but it will gib the animal's body. If the animal dies while you're possessing it, you'll die as well.


A fleshy monstruosity, making the earth tremble with every step it takes. In what passes for a heirarchy among slaughter demons, this one is king.

GPS Signal

"Bloody Signal"


Health: 2500

Melee Damage: 40

Burn Resistance: 50%

Speed: Slow


Bubblegum's fight is centered on blood: never stand on a bloodied tile if you can help it.

Bubblegum will attempt to hit a target in melee if it is able to; if it cannot, it will start its attack cycle.

When attacking, Bubblegum will prioritize up to 2 targets on blood, then use a blood attack: it can either smack them, dealing 25 instant brute damage, or rarely grab them, pulling them closer to him through the blood. If a target is unconscious and on blood, it is automatically grabbed and devoured.
If Bubblegum finds no targets, it'll shoot a line of blood in a random direction, with increasing range as it loses health. After spraying blood, it'll bloodcrawl onto a random bloodied tile. If it is undamaged it'll wait until the next attack cycle, but as its health drops the chance of a followup attack after bloodcrawling increases.

If Bubblegum either attacked through blood or decided to continue attacking after bloodcrawling:

  • Most of the time it'll charge, destroying terrain and dealing 40 damage to anyone it hits. The end point of the charge is displayed with a large red symbol: use it to avoid its path. Bubblegum will try attacking through blood once more after charging.
  • Rarely, becoming more frequent as Bubblegum gets damaged, it'll spawn up to 6 slaughterlings, small creatures that die in one hit and deal minor damage, but can tank a few shots for Bubblegum and can be dangerous if you let them swarm you.
  • If Bubblegum falls below 50% health, it will either Triple Charge or Blood Charge instead of charging.
    • Triple Charging is, in fact, three quick charges in a row. After each charge Bubblegum will try a blood attack.
    • Blood Charge is a bloodcrawl quickly followed by a charge. This can only happen if Bubblegum succeeded on a blood attack.

When wounded by brute damage, Bubblegum has a chance to spray blood under himself.

{{#if:Bubblegum Loot|}}Loot

Bubblegum, on death, spawns a chest that contains one of these items:

  • Mayhem in a Bottle: When used, it sends everyone on the screen in an unstoppable rage, equipping all of them with chainsaws, giving them adminordrazine, a red screen, and the objective to 'RIP AND TEAR'. They'll see every other person as slaughter demons. This effects lasts two minutes.
  • Blood Contract: When used, it lets you choose a name from every living person. The target will then receive all the effects of a Mayhem in a Bottle victim: chainsaw, adminordrazine, hallucinations. But every other person will receive the objective to kill the target, along with a sharpened butcher's knife.
  • Spellblade: A magic sword that fires slashing projectiles. These projectiles deal 15 burn damage penetrating most armor, and have a high chance of dismembering their target. Spellblades contain up to 4 charges and regenerate them slowly over time. The blade itself is a pretty good weapon as well, dealing 20 brute damage on hit, and blocking 50% of melee attacks.


A horrifying, enormous skull, that is summoned when you knock on the doors of the necropolis.

GPS Signal

"Echoing Signal"


Stages: 5

Stage 1 Health: 800

Stage 2 Health: 480

Stage 3 Health: 288

Stage 4 Health: 173

Stage 5 Health: 104

Total Health: 5960

Melee Damage: 25

Burn Resistance: 50%

Speed: Very Slow


Legion's pattern is simple: It can either summon a legion skull (the same summoned by small legions) or start charging. When charging, Legion spins, gains a speedboost, and tries to attack you directly. If not charging, instead, Legion will avoid coming closer and tries staying 5 tiles away from you.

When a Legion is killed, it splits into two smaller Legions, with less health, but the same attacks and damage. This process repeats five times, then the smallest skulls will shatter into bone instead of splittting.

{{#if:Legion Loot|}}Loot

Every time you shatter a skull (when it's too small to split) there's a 5% chance of it dropping a necropolis tendril loot chest.

When the last piece of Legion is destroyed, it spawns a Staff of Storms.
It can, when used, summon or stop an ash storm on the area it's used in. If used on lavaland it'll affect the whole outdoors, while if in a room it'll only affect the room. The staff has a 20 seconds cooldown.
Like Lava Staffs, this doubles as a robust melee weapon, with 25 burn damage on hit.

Blood-Drunk Miner

"A miner destined to wander forever, engaged in an endless hunt."

GPS Signal

"Resonant Signal"


Health: 900

Melee Damage: 20

Speed: Slow


Effectively a highly aggressive miner, the blood-drunk miner has very few attacks but compensates by being highly aggressive. The blood-drunk miner's attacks are as follows - If not in KA range, it will rapidly dash at its target - If in KA range, it will fire its kinetic accelerator - If in melee range, will rapidly attack, akin to an actual player - After any of these attacks, may transform its cleaving saw: Untransformed, it attacks very rapidly for smaller amounts of damage Transformed, it attacks at normal speed for higher damage and cleaves enemies hit When the blood-drunk miner dies, it leaves behind the cleaving saw it was using and its kinetic accelerator. Difficulty: Medium