Research and Development Tech Web

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//Current rate: 132500 research points in 90 minutes

//Base Node /datum/techweb_node/base id = "base" starting_node = TRUE display_name = "Basic Research Technology" description = "NT default research technologies." design_ids = list("basic_matter_bin", "basic_cell", "basic_scanning", "basic_capacitor", "basic_micro_laser", "micro_mani", "destructive_analyzer", "circuit_imprinter", "experimentor", "rdconsole", "design_disk", "tech_disk", "rdserver", "rdservercontrol", "mechfab", "space_heater") //Default research tech, prevents bricking

/////////////////////////Biotech///////////////////////// /datum/techweb_node/biotech id = "biotech" display_name = "Biological Technology" description = "What makes us tick." //the MC, silly! prereq_ids = list("base") design_ids = list("chem_heater", "chem_master", "chem_dispenser", "sleeper", "pandemic", "defibmount") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/adv_biotech id = "adv_biotech" display_name = "Advanced Biotechnology" description = "Advanced Biotechnology" prereq_ids = list("biotech") design_ids = list("piercesyringe", "plasmarefiller", "limbgrower", "defibrillator") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/bio_process id = "bio_process" display_name = "Biological Processing" description = "From slimes to kitchens." prereq_ids = list("biotech") design_ids = list("smartfridge", "gibber", "deepfryer", "monkey_recycler", "processor", "gibber", "microwave", "reagentgrinder", "dish_drive") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/////////////////////////Advanced Surgery///////////////////////// /datum/techweb_node/adv_surgery id = "adv_surgery" display_name = "Advanced Surgery" description = "When simple medicine doesn't cut it." prereq_ids = list("adv_biotech") design_ids = list("surgery_lobotomy", "surgery_reconstruction") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/exp_surgery id = "exp_surgery" display_name = "Experimental Surgery" description = "When evolution isn't fast enough." prereq_ids = list("adv_surgery") design_ids = list("surgery_revival","surgery_pacify","surgery_vein_thread","surgery_nerve_splice","surgery_nerve_ground","surgery_viral_bond") research_cost = 5000 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/alien_surgery id = "alien_surgery" display_name = "Alien Surgery" description = "Abductors did nothing wrong." prereq_ids = list("exp_surgery", "alientech") design_ids = list("surgery_brainwashing","surgery_zombie") research_cost = 10000 export_price = 5000

/////////////////////////data theory tech///////////////////////// /datum/techweb_node/datatheory //Computer science id = "datatheory" display_name = "Data Theory" description = "Big Data, in space!" prereq_ids = list("base") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/adv_datatheory id = "adv_datatheory" display_name = "Advanced Data Theory" description = "Better insight into programming and data." prereq_ids = list("datatheory") design_ids = list("icprinter", "icupgadv", "icupgclo") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/////////////////////////engineering tech///////////////////////// /datum/techweb_node/engineering id = "engineering" display_name = "Industrial Engineering" description = "A refresher course on modern engineering technology." prereq_ids = list("base") design_ids = list("solarcontrol", "recharger", "powermonitor", "rped", "pacman", "adv_capacitor", "adv_scanning", "emitter", "high_cell", "adv_matter_bin", "atmosalerts", "atmos_control", "recycler", "autolathe", "high_micro_laser", "nano_mani", "weldingmask", "mesons", "thermomachine", "tesla_coil", "grounding_rod", "apc_control", "cell_charger") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/adv_engi id = "adv_engi" display_name = "Advanced Engineering" description = "Pushing the boundaries of physics, one chainsaw-fist at a time." prereq_ids = list("engineering", "emp_basic") design_ids = list("engine_goggles", "diagnostic_hud", "magboots") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/high_efficiency id = "high_efficiency" display_name = "High Efficiency Parts" description = "Finely-tooled manufacturing techniques allowing for picometer-perfect precision levels." prereq_ids = list("engineering", "datatheory") design_ids = list("pico_mani", "super_matter_bin") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/adv_power id = "adv_power" display_name = "Advanced Power Manipulation" description = "How to get more zap." prereq_ids = list("engineering") design_ids = list("smes", "super_cell", "hyper_cell", "super_capacitor", "superpacman", "mrspacman", "power_turbine", "power_turbine_console", "power_compressor") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/////////////////////////Bluespace tech///////////////////////// /datum/techweb_node/bluespace_basic //Bluespace-memery id = "bluespace_basic" display_name = "Basic Bluespace Theory" description = "Basic studies into the mysterious alternate dimension known as bluespace." prereq_ids = list("base") design_ids = list("beacon", "xenobioconsole") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/adv_bluespace id = "adv_bluespace" display_name = "Advanced Bluespace Research" description = "Deeper understanding of how the Bluespace dimension works" prereq_ids = list("practical_bluespace", "high_efficiency") design_ids = list("bluespace_matter_bin", "femto_mani", "triphasic_scanning", "tele_station", "tele_hub", "quantumpad", "launchpad", "launchpad_console", "teleconsole", "bag_holding", "bluespace_crystal", "wormholeprojector", "bluespace_pod") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/practical_bluespace id = "practical_bluespace" display_name = "Applied Bluespace Research" description = "Using bluespace to make things faster and better." prereq_ids = list("bluespace_basic", "engineering") design_ids = list("bs_rped","minerbag_holding", "telesci_gps", "bluespacebeaker", "bluespacesyringe", "bluespacebodybag", "phasic_scanning") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/bluespace_power id = "bluespace_power" display_name = "Bluespace Power Technology" description = "Even more powerful.. power!" prereq_ids = list("adv_power", "adv_bluespace") design_ids = list("bluespace_cell", "quadratic_capacitor") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/////////////////////////plasma tech///////////////////////// /datum/techweb_node/basic_plasma id = "basic_plasma" display_name = "Basic Plasma Research" description = "Research into the mysterious and dangerous substance, plasma." prereq_ids = list("engineering") design_ids = list("mech_generator") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/adv_plasma id = "adv_plasma" display_name = "Advanced Plasma Research" description = "Research on how to fully exploit the power of plasma." prereq_ids = list("basic_plasma") design_ids = list("mech_plasma_cutter") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/////////////////////////robotics tech///////////////////////// /datum/techweb_node/robotics id = "robotics" display_name = "Basic Robotics Research" description = "Programmable machines that make our lives lazier." prereq_ids = list("base") design_ids = list("paicard", "drone_shell") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/adv_robotics id = "adv_robotics" display_name = "Advanced Robotics Research" description = "It can even do the dishes!" prereq_ids = list("robotics") design_ids = list("borg_upgrade_diamonddrill") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/neural_programming id = "neural_programming" display_name = "Neural Programming" description = "Study into networks of processing units that mimic our brains." prereq_ids = list("biotech", "datatheory") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/mmi id = "mmi" display_name = "Man Machine Interface" description = "A slightly Frankensteinian device that allows human brains to interface natively with software APIs." prereq_ids = list("biotech", "neural_programming") design_ids = list("mmi") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/posibrain id = "posibrain" display_name = "Positronic Brain" description = "Applied usage of neural technology allowing for autonomous AI units based on special metallic cubes with conductive and processing circuits." prereq_ids = list("mmi", "neural_programming") design_ids = list("mmi_posi") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/cyborg id = "cyborg" display_name = "Cyborg Construction" description = "Sapient robots with preloaded tool modules and programmable laws." prereq_ids = list("mmi", "robotics") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000 design_ids = list("robocontrol", "sflash", "borg_suit", "borg_head", "borg_chest", "borg_r_arm", "borg_l_arm", "borg_r_leg", "borg_l_leg", "borgupload", "cyborgrecharger", "borg_upgrade_restart", "borg_upgrade_rename")

/datum/techweb_node/cyborg_upg_util id = "cyborg_upg_util" display_name = "Cyborg Upgrades: Utility" description = "Utility upgrades for cybogs." prereq_ids = list("engineering", "cyborg") design_ids = list("borg_upgrade_holding", "borg_upgrade_lavaproof", "borg_upgrade_thrusters", "borg_upgrade_selfrepair", "borg_upgrade_expand", "borg_upgrade_rped") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/cyborg_upg_med id = "cyborg_upg_med" display_name = "Cyborg Upgrades: Medical" description = "Medical upgrades for cyborgs." prereq_ids = list("adv_biotech", "cyborg") design_ids = list("borg_upgrade_defibrillator", "borg_upgrade_piercinghypospray", "borg_upgrade_highstrengthsynthesiser", "borg_upgrade_expandedsynthesiser", "borg_upgrade_pinpointer") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/cyborg_upg_combat id = "cyborg_upg_combat" display_name = "Cyborg Upgrades: Combat" description = "Military grade upgrades for cyborgs." prereq_ids = list("adv_robotics", "adv_engi" , "weaponry") design_ids = list("borg_upgrade_vtec", "borg_upgrade_disablercooler") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/ai id = "ai" display_name = "Artificial Intelligence" description = "AI unit research." prereq_ids = list("robotics", "neural_programming") design_ids = list("aicore", "safeguard_module", "onehuman_module", "protectstation_module", "quarantine_module", "oxygen_module", "freeform_module", "reset_module", "purge_module", "remove_module", "freeformcore_module", "asimov_module", "paladin_module", "tyrant_module", "corporate_module", "default_module", "borg_ai_control", "mecha_tracking_ai_control", "aiupload", "intellicard") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/////////////////////////EMP tech///////////////////////// /datum/techweb_node/emp_basic //EMP tech for some reason id = "emp_basic" display_name = "Electromagnetic Theory" description = "Study into usage of frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum." prereq_ids = list("base") design_ids = list("holosign", "inducer", "tray_goggles", "holopad") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/emp_adv id = "emp_adv" display_name = "Advanced Electromagnetic Theory" description = "Determining whether reversing the polarity will actually help in a given situation." prereq_ids = list("emp_basic") design_ids = list("ultra_micro_laser") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/emp_super id = "emp_super" display_name = "Quantum Electromagnetic Technology" //bs description = "Even better electromagnetic technology." prereq_ids = list("emp_adv") design_ids = list("quadultra_micro_laser") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/////////////////////////Clown tech///////////////////////// /datum/techweb_node/clown id = "clown" display_name = "Clown Technology" description = "Honk?!" prereq_ids = list("base") design_ids = list("air_horn", "honker_main", "honker_peri", "honker_targ", "honk_chassis", "honk_head", "honk_torso", "honk_left_arm", "honk_right_arm", "honk_left_leg", "honk_right_leg", "mech_banana_mortar", "mech_mousetrap_mortar", "mech_honker", "mech_punching_face", "implant_trombone") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

////////////////////////Computer tech//////////////////////// /datum/techweb_node/comptech id = "comptech" display_name = "Computer Consoles" description = "Computers and how they work." prereq_ids = list("datatheory") design_ids = list("cargo", "cargorequest", "stockexchange", "libraryconsole", "aifixer", "mining", "crewconsole", "comconsole", "idcardconsole", "operating", "seccamera") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/computer_hardware_basic //Modular computers are shitty and nearly useless so until someone makes them actually useful this can be easy to get. id = "computer_hardware_basic" display_name = "Computer Hardware" description = "How computer hardware are made." prereq_ids = list("comptech") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000 design_ids = list("hdd_basic", "hdd_advanced", "hdd_super", "hdd_cluster", "ssd_small", "ssd_micro", "netcard_basic", "netcard_advanced", "netcard_wired", "portadrive_basic", "portadrive_advanced", "portadrive_super", "cardslot", "aislot", "miniprinter", "APClink", "bat_control", "bat_normal", "bat_advanced", "bat_super", "bat_micro", "bat_nano", "cpu_normal", "pcpu_normal", "cpu_small", "pcpu_small")

/datum/techweb_node/computer_board_gaming id = "computer_board_gaming" display_name = "Arcade Games" description = "For the slackers on the station." prereq_ids = list("comptech") design_ids = list("arcade_battle", "arcade_orion", "slotmachine") research_cost = 1000 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/comp_recordkeeping id = "comp_recordkeeping" display_name = "Computerized Recordkeeping" description = "Organized record databases and how they're used." prereq_ids = list("comptech") design_ids = list("secdata", "med_data", "prisonmanage", "vendor", "automated_announcement") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/telecomms id = "telecomms" display_name = "Telecommunications Technology" description = "Subspace transmission technology for near-instant communications devices." prereq_ids = list("comptech", "bluespace_basic") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000 design_ids = list("s-receiver", "s-bus", "s-broadcaster", "s-processor", "s-hub", "s-server", "s-relay", "comm_monitor", "comm_server", "s-ansible", "s-filter", "s-amplifier", "ntnet_relay", "s-treatment", "s-analyzer", "s-crystal", "s-transmitter")

/datum/techweb_node/integrated_HUDs id = "integrated_HUDs" display_name = "Integrated HUDs" description = "The usefulness of computerized records, projected straight onto your eyepiece!" prereq_ids = list("comp_recordkeeping", "emp_basic") design_ids = list("health_hud", "security_hud", "diagnostic_hud", "scigoggles") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/NVGtech id = "NVGtech" display_name = "Night Vision Technology" description = "Allows seeing in the dark without actual light!" prereq_ids = list("integrated_HUDs", "adv_engi", "emp_adv") design_ids = list("health_hud_night", "security_hud_night", "diagnostic_hud_night", "night_visision_goggles", "nvgmesons") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

////////////////////////Medical//////////////////////// /datum/techweb_node/cloning id = "cloning" display_name = "Genetic Engineering" description = "We have the technology to make him." prereq_ids = list("biotech") design_ids = list("clonecontrol", "clonepod", "clonescanner", "scan_console", "cloning_disk") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/cryotech id = "cryotech" display_name = "Cryostasis Technology" description = "Smart freezing of objects to preserve them!" prereq_ids = list("adv_engi", "emp_basic", "biotech") design_ids = list("splitbeaker", "noreactsyringe", "cryotube", "cryo_Grenade") research_cost = 2000 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/subdermal_implants id = "subdermal_implants" display_name = "Subdermal Implants" description = "Electronic implants buried beneath the skin." prereq_ids = list("biotech") design_ids = list("implanter", "implantcase", "implant_chem", "implant_tracking") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/cyber_organs id = "cyber_organs" display_name = "Cybernetic Organs" description = "We have the technology to rebuild him." prereq_ids = list("adv_biotech", "cyborg") design_ids = list("cybernetic_heart", "cybernetic_liver", "cybernetic_liver_u", "cybernetic_lungs") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/cyber_implants id = "cyber_implants" display_name = "Cybernetic Implants" description = "Electronic implants that improve humans." prereq_ids = list("adv_biotech", "cyborg", "adv_datatheory") design_ids = list("ci-nutriment", "ci-nutrimentplus", "ci-breather", "ci-gloweyes", "ci-welding", "ci-medhud", "ci-sechud") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/adv_cyber_implants id = "adv_cyber_implants" display_name = "Advanced Cybernetic Implants" description = "Upgraded and more powerful cybernetic implants." prereq_ids = list("neural_programming", "cyber_implants","integrated_HUDs") design_ids = list("ci-toolset", "ci-surgery", "ci-reviver") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/combat_cyber_implants id = "combat_cyber_implants" display_name = "Combat Cybernetic Implants" description = "Military grade combat implants to improve performance." prereq_ids = list("adv_cyber_implants","weaponry","NVGtech","high_efficiency") design_ids = list("ci-xray", "ci-thermals", "ci-antidrop", "ci-antistun", "ci-thrusters") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

////////////////////////Tools//////////////////////// /datum/techweb_node/basic_mining id = "basic_mining" display_name = "Mining Technology" description = "Better than Efficiency V." prereq_ids = list("engineering") design_ids = list("drill", "superresonator", "triggermod", "damagemod", "cooldownmod", "rangemod", "ore_redemption", "mining_equipment_vendor", "cargoexpress")//e a r l y g a m e) research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/adv_mining id = "adv_mining" display_name = "Advanced Mining Technology" description = "Efficiency Level 127" //dumb mc references prereq_ids = list("basic_mining", "adv_engi", "adv_power", "adv_plasma") design_ids = list("drill_diamond", "jackhammer", "hypermod", "plasmacutter", "plasmacutter_adv") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/janitor id = "janitor" display_name = "Advanced Sanitation Technology" description = "Clean things better, faster, stronger, and harder!" prereq_ids = list("adv_engi") design_ids = list("advmop", "buffer", "blutrash", "light_replacer") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/botany id = "botany" display_name = "Botanical Engineering" description = "Botanical tools" prereq_ids = list("adv_engi", "biotech") design_ids = list("diskplantgene", "portaseeder", "plantgenes", "flora_gun", "hydro_tray", "biogenerator", "seed_extractor") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/exp_tools id = "exp_tools" display_name = "Experimental Tools" description = "Highly advanced construction tools." design_ids = list("exwelder", "jawsoflife", "handdrill") prereq_ids = list("adv_engi") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/exp_flight id = "exp_flight" display_name = "Experimental Flight Equipment" description = "Highly advanced construction tools." design_ids = list("flightshoes", "flightpack", "flightsuit") prereq_ids = list("adv_engi","integrated_HUDs", "adv_power" , "high_efficiency") research_cost = 5000 export_price = 5000

/////////////////////////weaponry tech///////////////////////// /datum/techweb_node/weaponry id = "weaponry" display_name = "Weapon Development Technology" description = "Our researchers have found new to weaponize just about everything now." prereq_ids = list("engineering") design_ids = list("pin_testing") research_cost = 10000 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/adv_weaponry id = "adv_weaponry" display_name = "Advanced Weapon Development Technology" description = "Our weapons are breaking the rules of reality by now." prereq_ids = list("adv_engi", "weaponry") design_ids = list("pin_loyalty") research_cost = 10000 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/electric_weapons id = "electronic_weapons" display_name = "Electric Weapons" description = "Weapons using electric technology" prereq_ids = list("weaponry", "adv_power" , "emp_basic") design_ids = list("stunrevolver", "stunshell", "tele_shield") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/radioactive_weapons id = "radioactive_weapons" display_name = "Radioactive Weaponry" description = "Weapons using radioactive technology." prereq_ids = list("adv_engi", "adv_weaponry") design_ids = list("nuclear_gun") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/medical_weapons id = "medical_weapons" display_name = "Medical Weaponry" description = "Weapons using medical technology." prereq_ids = list("adv_biotech", "adv_weaponry") design_ids = list("rapidsyringe", "shotgundartcryostatis") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/beam_weapons id = "beam_weapons" display_name = "Beam Weaponry" description = "Various basic beam weapons" prereq_ids = list("adv_weaponry") design_ids = list("beamrifle", "ioncarbine") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/adv_beam_weapons id = "adv_beam_weapons" display_name = "Advanced Beam Weaponry" description = "Various advanced beam weapons" prereq_ids = list("beam_weapons") design_ids = list("xray_laser") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/explosive_weapons id = "explosive_weapons" display_name = "Explosive & Pyrotechnical Weaponry" description = "If the light stuff just won't do it." prereq_ids = list("adv_weaponry") design_ids = list("temp_gun", "large_Grenade", "pyro_Grenade", "adv_Grenade") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/ballistic_weapons id = "ballistic_weapons" display_name = "Ballistic Weaponry" description = "This isn't research.. This is reverse-engineering!" prereq_ids = list("weaponry") design_ids = list("mag_oldsmg", "mag_oldsmg_ap", "mag_oldsmg_ic") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/tech_shell id = "tech_shell" display_name = "Technological Shells" description = "They're more technological than regular shot." prereq_ids = list("adv_weaponry") design_ids = list("techshotshell") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/gravity_gun id = "gravity_gun" display_name = "One-point Bluespace-gravitational Manipulator" description = "Fancy wording for gravity gun." prereq_ids = list("adv_weaponry", "adv_bluespace") design_ids = list("gravitygun", "mech_gravcatapult") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

////////////////////////mech technology//////////////////////// /datum/techweb_node/mech id = "mecha" display_name = "Mechanical Exosuits" description = "Mechanized exosuits that are several magnitudes stronger and more powerful than the average human." prereq_ids = list("robotics", "adv_engi") design_ids = list("mecha_tracking", "mechacontrol", "mechapower", "mech_recharger", "ripley_chassis", "firefighter_chassis", "ripley_torso", "ripley_left_arm", "ripley_right_arm", "ripley_left_leg", "ripley_right_leg", "ripley_main", "ripley_peri", "mech_hydraulic_clamp") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/adv_mecha id = "adv_mecha" display_name = "Advanced Exosuits" description = "For when you just aren't Gundam enough." prereq_ids = list("adv_robotics", "mecha") design_ids = list("mech_repair_droid") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/odysseus id = "mecha_odysseus" display_name = "EXOSUIT: Odysseus" description = "Odysseus exosuit designs" prereq_ids = list("mecha") design_ids = list("odysseus_chassis", "odysseus_torso", "odysseus_head", "odysseus_left_arm", "odysseus_right_arm" ,"odysseus_left_leg", "odysseus_right_leg", "odysseus_main", "odysseus_peri") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/gygax id = "mech_gygax" display_name = "EXOSUIT: Gygax" description = "Gygax exosuit designs" prereq_ids = list("adv_mecha", "weaponry") design_ids = list("gygax_chassis", "gygax_torso", "gygax_head", "gygax_left_arm", "gygax_right_arm", "gygax_left_leg", "gygax_right_leg", "gygax_main", "gygax_peri", "gygax_targ", "gygax_armor") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/durand id = "mech_durand" display_name = "EXOSUIT: Durand" description = "Durand exosuit designs" prereq_ids = list("adv_mecha", "adv_weaponry") design_ids = list("durand_chassis", "durand_torso", "durand_head", "durand_left_arm", "durand_right_arm", "durand_left_leg", "durand_right_leg", "durand_main", "durand_peri", "durand_targ", "durand_armor") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/phazon id = "mecha_phazon" display_name = "EXOSUIT: Phazon" description = "Phazon exosuit designs" prereq_ids = list("adv_mecha", "weaponry" , "adv_bluespace") design_ids = list("phazon_chassis", "phazon_torso", "phazon_head", "phazon_left_arm", "phazon_right_arm", "phazon_left_leg", "phazon_right_leg", "phazon_main", "phazon_peri", "phazon_targ", "phazon_armor") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/mech_tools id = "mech_tools" display_name = "Basic Exosuit Equipment" description = "Various tools fit for basic mech units" prereq_ids = list("mecha") design_ids = list("mech_drill", "mech_mscanner", "mech_extinguisher", "mech_cable_layer") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/adv_mecha_tools id = "adv_mecha_tools" display_name = "Advanced Exosuit Equipment" description = "Tools for high level mech suits" prereq_ids = list("adv_mecha", "mech_tools") design_ids = list("mech_rcd") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/med_mech_tools id = "med_mech_tools" display_name = "Medical Exosuit Equipment" description = "Tools for high level mech suits" prereq_ids = list("mecha", "adv_biotech", "mech_tools") design_ids = list("mech_sleeper", "mech_syringe_gun", "mech_medi_beam") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/mech_modules id = "adv_mecha_modules" display_name = "Simple Exosuit Modules" description = "An advanced piece of mech weaponry" prereq_ids = list("adv_mecha", "bluespace_power") design_ids = list("mech_energy_relay", "mech_ccw_armor", "mech_proj_armor", "mech_generator_nuclear") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/mech_scattershot id = "mecha_tools" display_name = "Exosuit Weapon (LBX AC 10 \"Scattershot\")" description = "An advanced piece of mech weaponry" prereq_ids = list("mecha", "adv_weaponry", "ballistic_weapons") design_ids = list("mech_scattershot") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/mech_carbine id = "mech_carbine" display_name = "Exosuit Weapon (FNX-99 \"Hades\" Carbine)" description = "An advanced piece of mech weaponry" prereq_ids = list("mecha", "adv_weaponry", "ballistic_weapons") design_ids = list("mech_carbine") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/mech_ion id = "mmech_ion" display_name = "Exosuit Weapon (MKIV Ion Heavy Cannon)" description = "An advanced piece of mech weaponry" prereq_ids = list("mecha", "adv_weaponry", "emp_adv") design_ids = list("mech_ion") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/mech_tesla id = "mech_tesla" display_name = "Exosuit Weapon (MKI Tesla Cannon)" description = "An advanced piece of mech weaponry" prereq_ids = list("mecha", "weaponry", "adv_power") design_ids = list("mech_tesla") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/mech_laser id = "mech_laser" display_name = "Exosuit Weapon (CH-PS \"Immolator\" Laser)" description = "A basic piece of mech weaponry" prereq_ids = list("mecha", "beam_weapons") design_ids = list("mech_laser") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/mech_laser_heavy id = "mech_laser_heavy" display_name = "Exosuit Weapon (CH-LC \"Solaris\" Laser Cannon)" description = "An advanced piece of mech weaponry" prereq_ids = list("mecha", "adv_weaponry", "adv_beam_weapons") design_ids = list("mech_laser_heavy") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/mech_grenade_launcher id = "mech_grenade_launcher" display_name = "Exosuit Weapon (SGL-6 Grenade Launcher)" description = "An advanced piece of mech weaponry" prereq_ids = list("mecha", "explosive_weapons") design_ids = list("mech_grenade_launcher") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/mech_missile_rack id = "mech_missile_rack" display_name = "Exosuit Weapon (SRM-8 Missile Rack)" description = "An advanced piece of mech weaponry" prereq_ids = list("mecha", "explosive_weapons") design_ids = list("mech_missile_rack") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/clusterbang_launcher id = "clusterbang_launcher" display_name = "Exosuit Module (SOB-3 Clusterbang Launcher)" description = "An advanced piece of mech weaponry" prereq_ids = list("mecha", "weaponry") design_ids = list("clusterbang_launcher") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/mech_teleporter id = "mech_teleporter" display_name = "Exosuit Module (Teleporter Module)" description = "An advanced piece of mech Equipment" prereq_ids = list("mecha", "mech_tools", "adv_bluespace") design_ids = list("mech_teleporter") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/mech_wormhole_gen id = "mech_wormhole_gen" display_name = "Exosuit Module (Localized Wormhole Generator)" description = "An advanced piece of mech weaponry" prereq_ids = list("mecha", "mech_tools", "adv_bluespace") design_ids = list("mech_wormhole_gen") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/mech_taser id = "mech_taser" display_name = "Exosuit Weapon (PBT \"Pacifier\" Mounted Taser)" description = "A basic piece of mech weaponry" prereq_ids = list("mecha", "adv_weaponry") design_ids = list("mech_taser") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/mech_lmg id = "mech_lmg" display_name = "Exosuit Weapon (\"Ultra AC 2\" LMG)" description = "An advanced piece of mech weaponry" prereq_ids = list("adv_mecha", "adv_weaponry", "ballistic_weapons") design_ids = list("mech_lmg") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

/datum/techweb_node/mech_diamond_drill id = "mech_diamond_drill" display_name = "Exosuit Diamond Drill" description = "A diamond drill fit for a large exosuit" prereq_ids = list("mecha", "adv_mining") design_ids = list("mech_diamond_drill") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 5000

////////////////////////Alien technology//////////////////////// /datum/techweb_node/alientech //AYYYYYYYYLMAOO tech id = "alientech" display_name = "Alien Technology" description = "Things used by the greys." prereq_ids = list("biotech","engineering") boost_item_paths = list(/obj/item/gun/energy/alien = 0, /obj/item/scalpel/alien = 0, /obj/item/hemostat/alien = 0, /obj/item/retractor/alien = 0, /obj/item/circular_saw/alien = 0, /obj/item/cautery/alien = 0, /obj/item/surgicaldrill/alien = 0, /obj/item/screwdriver/abductor = 0, /obj/item/wrench/abductor = 0, /obj/item/crowbar/abductor = 0, /obj/item/device/multitool/abductor = 0, /obj/item/weldingtool/abductor = 0, /obj/item/wirecutters/abductor = 0, /obj/item/circuitboard/machine/abductor = 0, /obj/item/abductor_baton = 0, /obj/item/device/abductor = 0) research_cost = 5000 export_price = 20000 hidden = TRUE design_ids = list("alienalloy")

/datum/techweb_node/alien_bio id = "alien_bio" display_name = "Alien Biological Tools" description = "Advanced biological tools." prereq_ids = list("alientech", "adv_biotech") design_ids = list("alien_scalpel", "alien_hemostat", "alien_retractor", "alien_saw", "alien_drill", "alien_cautery") boost_item_paths = list(/obj/item/gun/energy/alien = 0, /obj/item/scalpel/alien = 0, /obj/item/hemostat/alien = 0, /obj/item/retractor/alien = 0, /obj/item/circular_saw/alien = 0, /obj/item/cautery/alien = 0, /obj/item/surgicaldrill/alien = 0, /obj/item/screwdriver/abductor = 0, /obj/item/wrench/abductor = 0, /obj/item/crowbar/abductor = 0, /obj/item/device/multitool/abductor = 0, /obj/item/weldingtool/abductor = 0, /obj/item/wirecutters/abductor = 0, /obj/item/circuitboard/machine/abductor = 0, /obj/item/abductor_baton = 0, /obj/item/device/abductor = 0) research_cost = 2500 export_price = 20000 hidden = TRUE

/datum/techweb_node/alien_engi id = "alien_engi" display_name = "Alien Engineering" description = "Alien engineering tools" prereq_ids = list("alientech", "adv_engi") boost_item_paths = list(/obj/item/screwdriver/abductor = 0, /obj/item/wrench/abductor = 0, /obj/item/crowbar/abductor = 0, /obj/item/device/multitool/abductor = 0, /obj/item/weldingtool/abductor = 0, /obj/item/wirecutters/abductor = 0, /obj/item/circuitboard/machine/abductor = 0, /obj/item/abductor_baton = 0, /obj/item/device/abductor = 0) design_ids = list("alien_wrench", "alien_wirecutters", "alien_screwdriver", "alien_crowbar", "alien_welder", "alien_multitool") research_cost = 2500 export_price = 20000 hidden = TRUE

/datum/techweb_node/syndicate_basic id = "syndicate_basic" display_name = "Illegal Technology" description = "Dangerous research used to create dangerous objects." prereq_ids = list("adv_engi", "adv_weaponry", "explosive_weapons") design_ids = list("decloner", "borg_syndicate_module", "suppressor", "largecrossbow") research_cost = 10000 export_price = 5000 hidden = TRUE