
From /VM/station wiki
(Redirected from Dormitories)

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Recreational Area
This is where the braindead people go to have a long nap.
Obvious exits South to Central Primary Hallway, north to two maintenances, south to maintenance
Purpose For napping and longer sleeps
Access level Public
Noteworthy contents A boxing ring, showers, a Personal AI, violin, silver coin, balaclava, boxing gear and laser tag gear
Clearance Everyone
Security level Low
Style Dorms
Balance Requirements
Other Notes
Locations on /tg/station

Located by near the Bridge and between the Courtroom and Library, the dormitory exists as a place where the general staff can go for some R&R. Includes luxury cabins, a laundry room, a fitness center, a holodeck and toilets.


This is a great place to camp if you're AFK. Get satchels and headsets in the dorm locker. Play some laser tag and annoy security. The cabins can all be bolted shut with a button on the wall.

This is also a great place for unsavory activities, whether traitorous evil deeds, or other kinds of activities (let's not get into it). The AI almost never checks fitness. (key words: "almost.")

Personal AI[edit]

The main reason to come to this room. The easiest to obtain Personal AI device is in here. Once one of the ghosts haunting the shuttle enable themselves to be selected for PAIs, you can make a friend in here.

Fitness Room[edit]

There is a small list of things you can actually do in Fitness, like have a huge boxing tournament that will probably end after the first round with the victor being thrown in jail and the loser being cloned.

Shower Room[edit]

This room is for washing up after a hard day of exercise. There are four shower heads and a rubber ducky. The shower heads are set to a nice, warm temperature, but can be adjusted with a wrench. Adjusting once will make the water deathly cold, and adjusting twice will make the water scalding hot. Remaining too long under either setting will result in death. A third adjustment returns it to normal temperature.

A cyborg recharging unit is located by the bathrooms.

Escaping from harm[edit]

If you're being gunned down by a Traitor, then run here and hide in a dorm. You can hit the button on the wall to bolt yourself inside. </tab> <tab name="MetaStation">

Recreational Area
This is where the braindead people go to have a long nap.
Obvious exits South to Locker Room, north west to Eecurity Maintenance, south west to bathrooms and showers, east to Maintenance
Purpose For napping and longer sleeps
Access level Public
Noteworthy contents A boxing ring, bathrooms, washing machines, laser tag gear, holodeck, arcade and escape pod.
Clearance Everyone
Security level Low
Style Dorms
Balance Requirements
Other Notes
Locations on /tg/station

Located after the Locker Room, the dormitory exists as a place where the general staff can go for some R&R. Includes luxury cabins, a laundry room, a fitness center, a holodeck and toilets.


This is a great place to camp if you're AFK. Get satchels and headsets in the dorm locker. Play some laser tag and annoy security. The cabins can all be bolted shut with a button on the wall.

This is also a great place for unsavory activities, whether traitorous evil deeds, or other kinds of activities (let's not get into it). The AI almost never checks fitness. (key words: "almost.")

Fitness Room[edit]

There is a small list of things you can actually do in Fitness, like have a huge boxing tournament that will probably end after the first round with the victor being thrown in jail and the loser being cloned.

Shower Room[edit]

This room is for washing up after a hard day of exercise. There are four shower heads and a rubber ducky. The shower heads are set to a nice, warm temperature, but can be adjusted with a wrench. Adjusting once will make the water deathly cold, and adjusting twice will make the water scalding hot. Remaining too long under either setting will result in death. A third adjustment returns it to normal temperature.

A cyborg recharging unit is located by the bathrooms.

Escaping from harm[edit]

If you're being gunned down by a Traitor, then run here and hide in a dorm. You can hit the button on the wall to bolt yourself inside. </tab> <tab name="PubbyStation">

Recreational Area
This is where the braindead people go to have a long nap.
Obvious exits Southwest to Starboard Primary Hallway, southeast to maintenance through the showers, east to holodeck, north to space/monastery shuttle, north west to maintenance through the laundry room
Purpose For napping and longer sleeps
Access level Public
Noteworthy contents A fitness room, bathrooms, washing machines, laser tag gear, holodeck, arcade and escape pod that doubles as a monastery shuttle.
Clearance Everyone
Security level Low
Style Dorms
Balance Requirements
Other Notes
Locations on /tg/station

The PubbyStation dormitory is more compact than most, with a scant three dorm rooms. These rooms have windows into space, but have closable shutters if extra privacy is needed. While it lacks a boxing ring, it has all the other facilities you could ever require, and the fully-stocked abandoned bar is located not far away in northwest maintenance. The fitness room also has a variety of clothing lockers, which is useful if you find yourself in your birthday suit or have to go undercover.

In place of an escape pod, the PubbyStation dorms have a shuttle that leads to and from the Space Monastery, which doubles as an extra-large escape pod in the event of an emergency evacuation. Be careful though, as you might run to the dorms seconds before launch only to find that the shuttle is docked elsewhere. </tab> </tabs> <tabs> <tab name="Box Station">

Locations on Box Station
General Recreational Medical Logistics Science Engineering Security Command Upkeep Outside

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Locations on Meta Station
General Recreational Medical Logistics Science Engineering Security Command Upkeep Outside

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Locations on PubbyStation
General Recreational Medical Logistics Science Engineering Security Command Upkeep Outside
