Makeshift weapons
Makeshift weapons are offensive weaponry or equipment that can be made with relatively common and low tech items. They are significantly less effective than more modern and effective Security items, but these weapons can prove to be very useful in a pinch and can surprise even the most hardy of people.
Cable cuffs are makeshift handcuffs. They are easier to break out of, and wirecutters will remove them instantly, but otherwise they still function as normal handcuffs. You need at least 15 coils.
Requires |
15 x ![]() |
Click on the Cable Coil in your hand and select "Make Cable Restraints". Alternatively, you can hold some cable and click 'Make Cable Restraints' in the object tab.
The spear is a makeshift melee weapon which can only be held in hand or on your back. It does 10 brute when wielded with one hand, and 18 brute when wielded in both hands. You can impale a decapitated head on the spear, and display it for all to see. However, this essentially nullifies the spear as a weapon. (you can just make another one, but, eh...)
Requires |
1 x ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Make Cable Restraints from the Cable Coil. Use the Rods on the Cable Restraints. Use the Glass Shard on the Wired Rod.
Explosive Lance[edit]
The explosive lance is a simple spear, which when striking someone in melee with it while wielding it with both hands, activates the grenade attached to it on the target's tile. Does not explode from being thrown. A 100 Potassium/Water mix has a 1 tile gibbing radius, an effective and makeshift way of permanently taking care of a Wizard. (A meth explosion mix is a tad bit too destructive, and might lead to innocent bystanders sustaining serious injuries, as well as a rather large hull breach being generated.)
Requires |
1 x ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Make Cable Restraints from the Cable Coil. Use the Rods on the Cable Restraints. Use the Glass Shard on the Wired Rod. Attach a Grenade to the resulting Spear.
The Stunprod is a makeshift Stun Baton which consumes much more battery life, stuns for less when used, and is much, much bulkier, which means that it can't be stored in backpacks. (it will only fit on your back slot) Nonetheless, it will keep a target down for about five seconds which is enough time to slap some cuffs on. Expect to get thrown in the brig if caught with this weapon by Security. It is possible to recharge a Stunprod after depleting its power supply, simply use a Screwdriver on the prod to remove the Power Cell and either replace it with a fresh cell or put the dead cell in a Cell Charger. Rechargers are also surprisingly compatible with Stunprods.
While the Stunprod is great for self-defence, it deals poor damage. Best usage of the Stunprod is to subdue your target or use it to get distance between yourself and them.
Note that basic power cells can't be inserted into a stunprod. You'll be told that you need a higher-capacity cell for them.
Requires |
1 x ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Make Cable Restraints from 15 Cable Coil. Use the Rods on the Cable Restraints Use the Igniter on the Rods Use the Power Cell on the assembled rod. =========Alternatively============= Collect all components and place them within one tile of you. Open the crafting menu (T hud icon). Find and select "Stunprod" and wait a few seconds.
The Teleprod is similar to the Stunprod, but instead of stunning the target, it teleports the target a short distance away. Hopefully it sends the target straight off into deep-space.
Requires |
1 x ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Make Cable Restraints from the Cable Coil. Use the Rods on the Cable Restraints Use the Igniter on the Rods Use the Bluespace Crystal on the assembled rod. =========Alternatively============= Collect all components and place them within one tile of you. Open the crafting menu (T hud icon). Find and select "Teleprod" and wait a few seconds.
Strobe Shield[edit]
A standard issue security riot shield, but it has a built in flash with the ability to blind and disorient the target.
Requires |
1 x ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Use the Mounted Flash Frame on the Riot Shield Use the Flash on the Strobe Shield assembly =========Alternatively============= Collect all components and place them within one tile of you. Open the crafting menu (T hud icon). Find and select "Strobe Shield" and wait a few seconds.
The Chainsaw is a glorified version of the circular saw, with extra robustness. You can even surgically replace your arms with chainsaws, if you would like your dream about the unstoppable Double Chainsaw Griffon Man to come true. They can be crafted using a circular saw, a plasteel sheet, some cable coil, and a welding tool. Don't forget to turn it on!
Requires |
1 x ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Collect all components and place them within one tile of you. Open the crafting menu (T hud icon). Find and select "Chainsaw" and wait a few seconds.
Improvised Explosive Device (IED)[edit]
The IED is a firebomb made out of a soda can. It is weak but it can do lots of damage if used correctly, from setting fire to crew to breaking power wires. It has a random timer between 0 and 8 seconds, so use it wisely!
Requires |
1 x soda can, 1 x ![]() ![]() |
Fill the can with welding fuel. Put the can, the igniter, and the cable coil within one tile of you. Open the crafting menu (T hud icon). Find and select "Improvised Explosive Device" and wait a few seconds.
Molotov Cocktail[edit]
Bash it on your target, watch him burst into flames. Highly recommended for rioters and revolutionaries alike. Light and toss. Fwooosh.
Requires |
1 x ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Fill the bottle with 100 units of an accelerant, a highly flammable substance which will go up in flames when set alight. (Examples include: Ethanol, Welding Fuel, Chlorine Trifluoride, Phlogiston, Napalm, Hellwater, Liquid Plasma, and Burning Spore Toxin.) Use the rag on the bottle filled with an accelerant.
The flamethrower creates a stream of flame that superheats the air and causes those caught in the flame to catch on fire. It has a range of about three tiles and is most effective against alien weeds and space vines; while very effective against the aforementioned two infestations, the flamer is at best a suppression weapon against human targets and at worst a suicide attack to yourself. You are better off using a Stun Prod or a Toolbox to do direct damage, however the flamethrower is great for area denial, AoE attacks, and damage done over time (both from catching on fire and the hot state that it leaves the surrounding air in). When using a flamethrower either wear a Firesuit to protect you against the high heat or move back as soon as you fire the weapon.
May simply cause masses of plasma to be spewed everywhere if the pressure settings are too high.
Also, keep in mind that the tank can contain anything - from a burnmix over N20 to supercooled water vapor.
Requires |
1 x ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Screwdriver the Welder Add Rods to the Welder to create the Flamethrower Screwdriver the Igniter Add the Igniter to the Flamethrower Screwdriver to finish Load a Plasma Tank =========Alternatively============= Put the Welder, Rods, and Igniter within one tile of you. Have a screwdriver available. Open the crafting menu (T hud icon). Find and select "Flamethrower" and wait a few seconds. Load a Plasma Tank
You can also get one from a hacked Autolathe, minus the plasma tank.
It should also be noted that the fuel inside the plasma tank determines the properties of the shot flame. Mixes of plasma and other gases can create different results when using the flamethrower, namely in temperature.
Improvised Shotgun[edit]
Essentially a tube that aims shotgun shells.
Requires |
1 x ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Collect all the materials (make Modular Receiver from a hacked Autolathe, make Rifle Stock from 10 wooden planks) Put them within one tile of you. Have a Screwdriver available, Collect all components and place them within one tile of you. Open the crafting menu (T hud icon). Find and select "Improvised Shotgun" and wait a few seconds.
Improvised Shotgun Shell[edit]
An improvised, short range buckshot shell.
Requires |
1 x Chemical Grenade Casing, 10u Welding Fuel, 1x Metal Sheet, 1x Cable Piece, ![]() |
Collect all components and place them within one tile of you. Have a Screwdriver available. Open the crafting menu (T hud icon). Find and select "Improvised Shotgun Shell" and wait a few seconds.
Meteorshot Shell[edit]
A shotgun shell rigged with CMC technology, which launches a massive slug when fired. The meteor shot stuns and knocks around normally immovable objects like airlocks.
Requires |
1 x Tech Shell, 1x Compressed Matter Cartridge, 2x Micro-Manipulator, ![]() |
Collect all components and place them within one tile of you. Have a Screwdriver available. Open the crafting menu (T hud icon). Find and select "Meteorshot Shell" and wait a few seconds.
Pulse Slug Shell[edit]
A delicate device which can be loaded into a shotgun. This shell fires a pulse beam, which causes high damage and breaks walls.
Requires |
1 x Tech Shell, 2x Advanced Capacitor, 1x Ultra-High-Power Micro-Laser, ![]() |
Collect all components and place them within one tile of you. Have a Screwdriver available. Open the crafting menu (T hud icon). Find and select "Pulse Slug Shell" and wait a few seconds.
Dragonsbreath Shell[edit]
A shotgun shell which fires a spread of incendiary pellets.
Requires |
1 x Tech Shell, 5u Phosphorus, ![]() |
Collect all components and place them within one tile of you. Have a Screwdriver available. Open the crafting menu (T hud icon). Find and select "Dragonbreath Shell" and wait a few seconds.
Scatter Laser Shell[edit]
A shotgun shell which fires a spread of six laser beams.
Requires |
1 x Tech Shell, 1x Advanced Capacitor, 1x High-Power Micro-Laser ![]() |
Collect all components and place them within one tile of you. Have a Screwdriver available. Open the crafting menu (T hud icon). Find and select "Scatter Laser Shell" and wait a few seconds.
FRAG-12 Shell[edit]
A shotgun shell which fires an explosive slug.
Requires |
1 x Tech Shell, 5u Glycerol, 5u Sulphuric Acid, 5u Fluorosulphuric Acid, ![]() |
Collect all components and place them within one tile of you. Have a Screwdriver available. Open the crafting menu (T hud icon). Find and select "FRAG-12 Shell" and wait a few seconds.
Pneumatic Cannon[edit]
A unique gas-powered gun that can fire anything loaded into it.
Comes with three pressure settings, which increase the amount of gas, throw speed and range of items loaded into it. The third setting knocks the user down.
In practice, the cannon is best used with items that embed and hurt when thrown - such as combat knives, survival knives, bone daggers, eswords/edaggers and throwing stars.
The second and third setting provide no real advantage, as they don't increase the damage dealt.
Requires |
2 x ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Collect all components and place them within one tile of you. Have the tools available. Open the crafting menu (T hud icon). Find and select "Pneumatic Cannon" and wait a few seconds. Acquire a medium-large sized gas tank (even plasma works) to power the cannon.
A simple device fashioned from a cable and weights on the end, designed to entangle enemies by wrapping around their legs upon being thrown at them. The victim can remove them rather quickly, however.
Requires |
1x ![]() ![]() |
Collect all components and place them within one tile of you. Have the tools available. Open the crafting menu (T hud icon). Find and select "Bola" and wait a few seconds.
Lets you reach things that are 2 tiles away and interact with them as if you were using your bare hand on them. Too long and awkward to use on things that are adjacent to you though. Basically you can fistfight/disarm people from a tile away assuming they don't close the distance or anything, plus you can unlock lockers or open doors from a tile away and stuff.
Requires |
1 x ![]() ![]() |
Attach a boxing glove to the cyborg arm
Baseball Bat[edit]
The baseball bat does moderate damage and knocks back mobs.
Requires |
5x ![]() |
Click on the wooden planks in your hand and select "baseball bat".
Liz O' Nine Tails[edit]
For displaying your dominance over those filthy lizards.
Requires |
1x ![]() ![]() |
Attach a piece of cable coil to a cut off lizard tail.
Cat O' Nine Tails[edit]
For displaying your dominance over those filthy catgirls.
Requires |
1x ![]() ![]() |
Attach a piece of cable coil to a cut off cat tail.
Singletank Bomb[edit]
Singletank bombs are, unlike TTV bombs, constructed from a singular tank. As a result, they tend towards less explosive power but make up for it by being very easy to create in comparison. Experiment with gas mixtures.
Requires |
1x ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Create an igniter assembly, usually this is a signaler, by screwdrivering the igniter and detonator and combining them by slapping them together. (If you're using a signaler, make sure to change it from default frequency to reduce the risk of someone randomly signaling your bomb). Attach the assembly to the tank by hitting it on the tank. Weld a pressure hole into the tank with a welding tool.
Chemical Payload[edit]
Two Grenade casings and a piece of C4 or Gibtonite are stuffed into a matter bin. The finished payload can then be loaded with 2-7 beakers. If you used large grenade casings you get room for one extra beaker each, and a higher quality matter bin increases this number by 1 per tier, up to the maximum of 7.
You should ideally place the payload into a bomb assembly (crafted from 10 plasteel) to provide a way to actually detonate it. Merge the wires of the bomb assembly with a wirecutter before finishing or the bomb will give an error when trying to activate it. Finish the assembly by closing it with a screwdriver. You can now drag it and activate it to set a timer. If the bomb is wrenched down and its timer is ticking, it cannot be unwrenched unless disarmed or unbolted through Hacking.
A useful way to bypass the countdown of the bomb (and create an instant explosion) is to strap a signaler onto the boom wire of the bomb. If you can get your hand on some bluespace beakers, the chemical payload can theoretically detonate 2100 units of chemicals/toxins. Capable of very great destruction or other things.
Requires |
1x ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Step 1: Put two Grenade casings into the matter bin Put the detonator (the C4 or Gibtonite) into the matter bin =========Alternatively============= Collect all components and place them within one tile of you. Open the crafting menu (T hud icon). Find and select "Chemical Payload" and wait a few seconds. Step 2: Fill the Chemical Payload with 2-7 beakers of chemicals Use 10 plasteel to make a bomb assembly Put the Chemical Payload into the bomb assembly Merge the bomb wires with a wirecutter Attach a signaller onto the boom wire of the bomb (optional) Screwdriver to close the assembly Make the bomb actually go boom (optional)