Search results
- ...r a 32px by 32px GIF image for animated images. All images should be on an alpha (transparent) background where possible. ...1 KB (190 words) - 18:02, 3 May 2016
- ...s done for them. Most sprites are 32x32 pixels. They use 32b colors (24b + alpha channel). ...e alpha filter being set. Just 'flood' the background with a color with an alpha value of 0 or use 'import', which works fine. ...7 KB (1,267 words) - 13:20, 11 March 2017
- | '''[[Captain|Alpha Dog]]''', '''[[Head of Personnel|Master]]''' | '''[[Centcom Official|Bark, Sniff & Arf]]''', [[Death squad|Bigger Alpha Dogs]], [[Emergency Response Team|Dog Catchers!]], [[Chrono Legionnaire|Tim ...5 KB (680 words) - 06:08, 1 July 2019
- |description = This is the alpha and omega of sanitation. The container inside can be filled with Space Clea ...33 KB (4,988 words) - 13:22, 28 June 2019
- ...and easy to say. The phonetic alphabet can also be useful for this, as in Alpha - A, Bravo - B, Charlie - C and so on. ...20 KB (3,505 words) - 14:54, 12 January 2019
- ...lying object was seen crashing by Recon Team Charlie during expedition #8. Alpha team on expedition #9 located a group of golems, the golems appeared utterl ...65 KB (10,905 words) - 17:43, 4 August 2019
- |/obj/item/projectile/energy/floramut || alpha somatoray ...152 KB (23,224 words) - 09:32, 1 February 2017