Clothing and Accessories

From /VM/station wiki
(Redirected from Earmuffs)

Clothing is what keeps you warm in the winter, let alone the dead of space. Below are the objects which you can wear.

Short guide to clothes[edit]


Your character has following slots that are always available:

  • Jumpsuit
  • External suit
  • Back
  • Mask
  • Shoes
  • Gloves
  • Ears
  • Glasses
  • Hat

Jumpsuit unlocks for you:

  • Belt
  • Pockets
  • ID slot

And external suit unlocks for you an external suit storage.

Contents of your pockets are not visible for others, but if someone tries to empty them you do not get a message unless you move. Pockets can hold tiny and small items. They can also hold mining satchel, despite it being a normal-sized item.

If you have a storage item in one of your slots, you can click on it to open it. If you want to take it to your hand, drag it to the hand slot with your mouse. You can also drag an item to your character on the map to open it. This will work with a pill bottle in your pocket, for example, or if you have something in your hands.

Damage protection[edit]

There are several types of damage in the game. Various pieces of clothing offer protection for the body parts they cover.

  • Melee
  • Bullet
  • Laser
  • Energy
  • Bomb
  • Biological
  • Radiation
  • Fire
  • Acid

Temperature protection[edit]

Some pieces of clothing offer protection from high/low temperatures. High-temperature protection is needed when everything is on fire. Low-temperature protection is needed when you are in space or very close to being in space. Items only protect body parts they cover.


Having a jumpsuit is extremely important. Without a jumpsuit you will not have an ID slot, a belt slot, or any pocket slots. The jumpsuit is also useful in identifying your department at a glance, and so can be used as part of a disguise. In addition, jumpsuits now have a full suite of sensors that can be toggled and adjusted by right-clicking on it. They can give out data to the bridge including your location, your health, and your mortality. Some jumpsuits made to be practical will offer minor protection, which will be noted in it's description. For example, the virologist's jumpsuit has minor projection to biohazards, while the Head of Security's will have a small amount of protection from blunt trauma. Plasmaman jumpsuits prevent plasmamen from being on fire when worn with a plasmaman helmet.

A bit different from the others is the prisoner's jumpsuit. In addition to its distinctive colour, its suit sensors are always on maximum.

You can wash a jumpsuit in a washing machine with a crayon to paint it.


{{#if:|Chameleon jumpsuit.gif|Jumpsuits}}
Found in: Everyone starts with one, several more are found in lockers all around the station
Used for: To hide your naked body, jumpsuits provides a belt slot, ID slot and two pockets for storage. They also come equipped with adjustable suit sensors which, when enabled will show useful information about the wearer on crew monitoring consoles
Strategy: Just wear it at all times as they're useful and practical
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Jumpsuits are the clothing standard on the station. Everyone starts off with one, which describes which job they do. Additional ones are usually found in the changing room, in the dormitory, in job-specific wardrobes and in the lockers for heads of staff.

Job-specific jumpsuits offer minor protection from for example radiation (engineering), brute (security) or acid (science).
There are some additional, gimmicky ones in the theater.

| {{#if:Just wear it at all times as they're useful and practical|

{{#if:|Chameleon jumpsuit.gif|Jumpsuits}}
Found in: Everyone starts with one, several more are found in lockers all around the station
Used for: To hide your naked body, jumpsuits provides a belt slot, ID slot and two pockets for storage. They also come equipped with adjustable suit sensors which, when enabled will show useful information about the wearer on crew monitoring consoles
Strategy: Just wear it at all times as they're useful and practical
{{#if:Jumpsuits are the clothing standard on the station. Everyone starts off with one, which describes which job they do. Additional ones are usually found in the changing room, in the dormitory, in job-specific wardrobes and in the lockers for heads of staff.

Job-specific jumpsuits offer minor protection from for example radiation (engineering), brute (security) or acid (science).
There are some additional, gimmicky ones in the theater.|Jumpsuits are the clothing standard on the station. Everyone starts off with one, which describes which job they do. Additional ones are usually found in the changing room, in the dormitory, in job-specific wardrobes and in the lockers for heads of staff.
Job-specific jumpsuits offer minor protection from for example radiation (engineering), brute (security) or acid (science).
There are some additional, gimmicky ones in the theater.|No description}}

| {{#if:To hide your naked body, jumpsuits provides a belt slot, ID slot and two pockets for storage. They also come equipped with adjustable suit sensors which, when enabled will show useful information about the wearer on crew monitoring consoles|

{{#if:|Chameleon jumpsuit.gif|Jumpsuits}}
Found in: Everyone starts with one, several more are found in lockers all around the station
Used for: To hide your naked body, jumpsuits provides a belt slot, ID slot and two pockets for storage. They also come equipped with adjustable suit sensors which, when enabled will show useful information about the wearer on crew monitoring consoles
{{#if:Jumpsuits are the clothing standard on the station. Everyone starts off with one, which describes which job they do. Additional ones are usually found in the changing room, in the dormitory, in job-specific wardrobes and in the lockers for heads of staff.

Job-specific jumpsuits offer minor protection from for example radiation (engineering), brute (security) or acid (science).
There are some additional, gimmicky ones in the theater.|Jumpsuits are the clothing standard on the station. Everyone starts off with one, which describes which job they do. Additional ones are usually found in the changing room, in the dormitory, in job-specific wardrobes and in the lockers for heads of staff.
Job-specific jumpsuits offer minor protection from for example radiation (engineering), brute (security) or acid (science).
There are some additional, gimmicky ones in the theater.|No description}}

| {{#if:Jumpsuits|

{{#if:|Chameleon jumpsuit.gif|{{#ifexist: File:Chameleon jumpsuit.gif| Jumpsuits}}|no image}}

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}


Different kinds of hats for various purposes.

{{#if:Hard Hat|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|HardHat.png|Hard Hat}}
Hard Hat
Found in: Engineering
Used for: Providing light in dark areas and ghetto EVA
Strategy: Wear it to be recognized as a competent engineer
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} All engineers spawn with one of these on their head. These make your head pressureproof and protect a bit from heat.
A functionally identical version of this is the Firefighter Helmet. They can be found in Maintenance and Atmospherics.

| {{#if:Wear it to be recognized as a competent engineer|

{{#if:|HardHat.png|Hard Hat}}
Hard Hat
Found in: Engineering
Used for: Providing light in dark areas and ghetto EVA
Strategy: Wear it to be recognized as a competent engineer
{{#if:All engineers spawn with one of these on their head. These make your head pressureproof and protect a bit from heat.
A functionally identical version of this is the Firefighter Helmet. They can be found in Maintenance and Atmospherics.|All engineers spawn with one of these on their head. These make your head pressureproof and protect a bit from heat.
A functionally identical version of this is the Firefighter Helmet. They can be found in Maintenance and Atmospherics.|No description}}

| {{#if:Providing light in dark areas and ghetto EVA|

{{#if:|HardHat.png|Hard Hat}}
Hard Hat
Found in: Engineering
Used for: Providing light in dark areas and ghetto EVA
{{#if:All engineers spawn with one of these on their head. These make your head pressureproof and protect a bit from heat.
A functionally identical version of this is the Firefighter Helmet. They can be found in Maintenance and Atmospherics.|All engineers spawn with one of these on their head. These make your head pressureproof and protect a bit from heat.
A functionally identical version of this is the Firefighter Helmet. They can be found in Maintenance and Atmospherics.|No description}}

| {{#if:Hard Hat|

{{#if:|HardHat.png|{{#ifexist: File:HardHat.png| Hard Hat}}|no image}}
Hard Hat

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Atmospheric Technician's Firefighting Helmet|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Hardhat-atmos.png|Atmospheric Technician's Firefighting Helmet}}
Atmospheric Technician's Firefighting Helmet
Found in: Atmospherics
Used for: Providing light in dark areas, protecting your head from fire and pressure, concealing identity, ghetto EVA
Strategy: Wear it with the firesuit and you'll be cool while walking through plasma fires.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} An upgraded hard hat that completely protects you from heat and pressure. Obscures your face.

| {{#if:Wear it with the firesuit and you'll be cool while walking through plasma fires.|

{{#if:|Hardhat-atmos.png|Atmospheric Technician's Firefighting Helmet}}
Atmospheric Technician's Firefighting Helmet
Found in: Atmospherics
Used for: Providing light in dark areas, protecting your head from fire and pressure, concealing identity, ghetto EVA
Strategy: Wear it with the firesuit and you'll be cool while walking through plasma fires.
An upgraded hard hat that completely protects you from heat and pressure. Obscures your face.|No description}}

| {{#if:Providing light in dark areas, protecting your head from fire and pressure, concealing identity, ghetto EVA|

{{#if:|Hardhat-atmos.png|Atmospheric Technician's Firefighting Helmet}}
Atmospheric Technician's Firefighting Helmet
Found in: Atmospherics
Used for: Providing light in dark areas, protecting your head from fire and pressure, concealing identity, ghetto EVA
An upgraded hard hat that completely protects you from heat and pressure. Obscures your face.|No description}}

| {{#if:Atmospheric Technician's Firefighting Helmet|

{{#if:|Hardhat-atmos.png|{{#ifexist: File:Hardhat-atmos.png| Atmospheric Technician's Firefighting Helmet}}|no image}}
Atmospheric Technician's Firefighting Helmet

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Welding Helmet|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|WeldingHelmet.png|Welding Helmet}}
Welding Helmet
Found in: Engineering, Atmospherics
Used for: Keeping your eyes safe when welding
Strategy: Wear it while using a welding tool, or to get by flashers. Wearing them makes you practically blind. Clicking the Welding Helmet while in hand, will flip it up so it doesn't cover the face
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} A head-mounted face cover designed to protect the wearer completely from space-arc eye and getting flashed. Cargo can manufacture these with their autolathe or they can order some.

| {{#if:Wear it while using a welding tool, or to get by flashers. Wearing them makes you practically blind. Clicking the Welding Helmet while in hand, will flip it up so it doesn't cover the face|

{{#if:|WeldingHelmet.png|Welding Helmet}}
Welding Helmet
Found in: Engineering, Atmospherics
Used for: Keeping your eyes safe when welding
Strategy: Wear it while using a welding tool, or to get by flashers. Wearing them makes you practically blind. Clicking the Welding Helmet while in hand, will flip it up so it doesn't cover the face
A head-mounted face cover designed to protect the wearer completely from space-arc eye and getting flashed. Cargo can manufacture these with their autolathe or they can order some.|No description}}

| {{#if:Keeping your eyes safe when welding|

{{#if:|WeldingHelmet.png|Welding Helmet}}
Welding Helmet
Found in: Engineering, Atmospherics
Used for: Keeping your eyes safe when welding
A head-mounted face cover designed to protect the wearer completely from space-arc eye and getting flashed. Cargo can manufacture these with their autolathe or they can order some.|No description}}

| {{#if:Welding Helmet|

{{#if:|WeldingHelmet.png|{{#ifexist: File:WeldingHelmet.png| Welding Helmet}}|no image}}
Welding Helmet

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Bio Hood|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|BioHood.png|Bio Hood}}
Bio Hood
Found in: Engineering, Medbay, Custodial Closet, Virology
Used for: Bio Hoods and Overalls decreases the chance of being affected by reagents in smoke and also protects from facehuggers
Strategy: A chemist with one of these suits is invincible against against their own smoke bombs, no more suicide gassing
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Wear this with the Bio suit to complete the look. They also hide your identity.

| {{#if:A chemist with one of these suits is invincible against against their own smoke bombs, no more suicide gassing|

{{#if:|BioHood.png|Bio Hood}}
Bio Hood
Found in: Engineering, Medbay, Custodial Closet, Virology
Used for: Bio Hoods and Overalls decreases the chance of being affected by reagents in smoke and also protects from facehuggers
Strategy: A chemist with one of these suits is invincible against against their own smoke bombs, no more suicide gassing
Wear this with the Bio suit to complete the look. They also hide your identity.|No description}}

| {{#if:Bio Hoods and Overalls decreases the chance of being affected by reagents in smoke and also protects from facehuggers|

{{#if:|BioHood.png|Bio Hood}}
Bio Hood
Found in: Engineering, Medbay, Custodial Closet, Virology
Used for: Bio Hoods and Overalls decreases the chance of being affected by reagents in smoke and also protects from facehuggers
Wear this with the Bio suit to complete the look. They also hide your identity.|No description}}

| {{#if:Bio Hood|

{{#if:|BioHood.png|{{#ifexist: File:BioHood.png| Bio Hood}}|no image}}
Bio Hood

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Helmet|}} {{#if:|

Found in: Lockers at Security Office and Security Posts
Used for: To protect your head, your eyes and your headset
Strategy: Wear it
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} A component of Securitrons and a distinguishing feature of Security Officers (if you're wondering why people are treating you like a piece of shit, it's because the previous shitcurity officer had the exact same uniform as you). Helmets protect against damage to the head very well. Some come with a siren. They can be found in security lockers and Cargo could order more. Every Security Officer spawns with one.

| {{#if:Wear it|

Found in: Lockers at Security Office and Security Posts
Used for: To protect your head, your eyes and your headset
Strategy: Wear it
{{#if:A component of Securitrons and a distinguishing feature of Security Officers (if you're wondering why people are treating you like a piece of shit, it's because the previous shitcurity officer had the exact same uniform as you). Helmets protect against damage to the head very well. Some come with a siren. They can be found in security lockers and Cargo could order more. Every Security Officer spawns with one.|A component of Securitrons and a distinguishing feature of Security Officers (if you're wondering why people are treating you like a piece of shit, it's because the previous shitcurity officer had the exact same uniform as you). Helmets protect against damage to the head very well. Some come with a siren. They can be found in security lockers and Cargo could order more. Every Security Officer spawns with one.|No description}}

| {{#if:To protect your head, your eyes and your headset|

Found in: Lockers at Security Office and Security Posts
Used for: To protect your head, your eyes and your headset
{{#if:A component of Securitrons and a distinguishing feature of Security Officers (if you're wondering why people are treating you like a piece of shit, it's because the previous shitcurity officer had the exact same uniform as you). Helmets protect against damage to the head very well. Some come with a siren. They can be found in security lockers and Cargo could order more. Every Security Officer spawns with one.|A component of Securitrons and a distinguishing feature of Security Officers (if you're wondering why people are treating you like a piece of shit, it's because the previous shitcurity officer had the exact same uniform as you). Helmets protect against damage to the head very well. Some come with a siren. They can be found in security lockers and Cargo could order more. Every Security Officer spawns with one.|No description}}

| {{#if:Helmet|

{{#if:|helmet.png|{{#ifexist: File:helmet.png| Helmet}}|no image}}

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Riot Helmet|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Riothelm.png|Riot Helmet}}
Riot Helmet
Found in: Armory
Used for: To protect your head from melee attacks and your face from facehuggers
Strategy: Wear it
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} An helmet with marginally better protection from melee attacks, but worse protection from energy weapons. The real value of this helmet is its visor, which protects you from facehuggers.

| {{#if:Wear it

{{#if:|Riothelm.png|Riot Helmet}}
Riot Helmet
Found in: Armory
Used for: To protect your head from melee attacks and your face from facehuggers
Strategy: Wear it
An helmet with marginally better protection from melee attacks, but worse protection from energy weapons. The real value of this helmet is its visor, which protects you from facehuggers.|No description}}

| {{#if:To protect your head from melee attacks and your face from facehuggers|

{{#if:|Riothelm.png|Riot Helmet}}
Riot Helmet
Found in: Armory
Used for: To protect your head from melee attacks and your face from facehuggers
An helmet with marginally better protection from melee attacks, but worse protection from energy weapons. The real value of this helmet is its visor, which protects you from facehuggers.|No description}}

| {{#if:Riot Helmet|

{{#if:|Riothelm.png|{{#ifexist: File:Riothelm.png| Riot Helmet}}|no image}}
Riot Helmet

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Cake Hat|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Cakehat.PNG|Cake Hat}}
Cake Hat
Found in: Bar
Used for: To celebrate birthdays
Strategy: Wear it
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Comes with a candle that is guaranteed to light any plasma you walk through on fire. Can be used to make a birthday cake

| {{#if:Wear it|

{{#if:|Cakehat.PNG|Cake Hat}}
Cake Hat
Found in: Bar
Used for: To celebrate birthdays
Strategy: Wear it
{{#if:Comes with a candle that is guaranteed to light any plasma you walk through on fire. Can be used to make a birthday cake|Comes with a candle that is guaranteed to light any plasma you walk through on fire. Can be used to make a birthday cake|No description}}

| {{#if:To celebrate birthdays|

{{#if:|Cakehat.PNG|Cake Hat}}
Cake Hat
Found in: Bar
Used for: To celebrate birthdays
{{#if:Comes with a candle that is guaranteed to light any plasma you walk through on fire. Can be used to make a birthday cake|Comes with a candle that is guaranteed to light any plasma you walk through on fire. Can be used to make a birthday cake|No description}}

| {{#if:Cake Hat|

{{#if:|Cakehat.PNG|{{#ifexist: File:Cakehat.PNG| Cake Hat}}|no image}}
Cake Hat

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:EVA Helmet|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Evahelmet.png|EVA Helmet}}
EVA Helmet
Found in: EVA, Space Suit Crate
Used for: To prevent exposure of the wearer to depressurized areas and the void of space.
Strategy: Wear it with an EVA Suit when going out on spacewalks or when anticipating depressurized areas of the station.


Contents Description
{{{contents}}} A simple space suit helmet for use in EVA activities. Keeps you insulated from the cold and pressure, but cannot handle high temperatures and direct fire contact.

| {{#if:Wear it with an EVA Suit when going out on spacewalks or when anticipating depressurized areas of the station.


{{#if:|Evahelmet.png|EVA Helmet}}
EVA Helmet
Found in: EVA, Space Suit Crate
Used for: To prevent exposure of the wearer to depressurized areas and the void of space.
Strategy: Wear it with an EVA Suit when going out on spacewalks or when anticipating depressurized areas of the station.


A simple space suit helmet for use in EVA activities. Keeps you insulated from the cold and pressure, but cannot handle high temperatures and direct fire contact.|No description}}

| {{#if:To prevent exposure of the wearer to depressurized areas and the void of space.|

{{#if:|Evahelmet.png|EVA Helmet}}
EVA Helmet
Found in: EVA, Space Suit Crate
Used for: To prevent exposure of the wearer to depressurized areas and the void of space.
A simple space suit helmet for use in EVA activities. Keeps you insulated from the cold and pressure, but cannot handle high temperatures and direct fire contact.|No description}}

| {{#if:EVA Helmet|

{{#if:|Evahelmet.png|{{#ifexist: File:Evahelmet.png| EVA Helmet}}|no image}}
EVA Helmet

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Plasmaman Helmet|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Plasmaman_helmet.png|Plasmaman Helmet}}
Plasmaman Helmet
Found in: Plasmamen, Plasmaman Supply Kit
Used for: To prevent exposure of the wearer to oxygen in air
Strategy: Wear it. As a plasmaman, only take it off to join a Revolution or to set yourself on fire!


Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Plasmaman start off wearing these. If you're set on fire and you're wearing this and the plasmaman jumpsuit, you'll be extinguished as soon as the auto-extinguishing system is ready. Non-plasmamen won't suffocate while wearing one.

Expect a killer to remove this helmet from a dead or dying plasmaman, turning them into a lasting fire.

| {{#if:Wear it. As a plasmaman, only take it off to join a Revolution or to set yourself on fire!


{{#if:|Plasmaman_helmet.png|Plasmaman Helmet}}
Plasmaman Helmet
Found in: Plasmamen, Plasmaman Supply Kit
Used for: To prevent exposure of the wearer to oxygen in air
Strategy: Wear it. As a plasmaman, only take it off to join a Revolution or to set yourself on fire!


{{#if:Plasmaman start off wearing these. If you're set on fire and you're wearing this and the plasmaman jumpsuit, you'll be extinguished as soon as the auto-extinguishing system is ready. Non-plasmamen won't suffocate while wearing one.

Expect a killer to remove this helmet from a dead or dying plasmaman, turning them into a lasting fire.|Plasmaman start off wearing these. If you're set on fire and you're wearing this and the plasmaman jumpsuit, you'll be extinguished as soon as the auto-extinguishing system is ready. Non-plasmamen won't suffocate while wearing one. Expect a killer to remove this helmet from a dead or dying plasmaman, turning them into a lasting fire.|No description}}

| {{#if:To prevent exposure of the wearer to oxygen in air|

{{#if:|Plasmaman_helmet.png|Plasmaman Helmet}}
Plasmaman Helmet
Found in: Plasmamen, Plasmaman Supply Kit
Used for: To prevent exposure of the wearer to oxygen in air
{{#if:Plasmaman start off wearing these. If you're set on fire and you're wearing this and the plasmaman jumpsuit, you'll be extinguished as soon as the auto-extinguishing system is ready. Non-plasmamen won't suffocate while wearing one.

Expect a killer to remove this helmet from a dead or dying plasmaman, turning them into a lasting fire.|Plasmaman start off wearing these. If you're set on fire and you're wearing this and the plasmaman jumpsuit, you'll be extinguished as soon as the auto-extinguishing system is ready. Non-plasmamen won't suffocate while wearing one. Expect a killer to remove this helmet from a dead or dying plasmaman, turning them into a lasting fire.|No description}}

| {{#if:Plasmaman Helmet|

{{#if:|Plasmaman_helmet.png|{{#ifexist: File:Plasmaman_helmet.png| Plasmaman Helmet}}|no image}}
Plasmaman Helmet

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}


Different masks can provide you with oxygen, filter out bad gases and germs, hide your identity or make you look cool.

{{#if:Breath Mask|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|BreathMask.png|Breath Mask}}
Breath Mask
Found in: It is very common for a crewmate to wear a breath mask, since every employee is provided with a complementary box of internals in their backpack prior to their trip on the arrival shuttle
Used for: They are transparent and cover only part of the face, so can't be used in hiding your identity
Strategy: Used when people with Voice Changers are on the loose
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Unlike gas masks, breath masks must be attached to an air tank in order to have any benefit.

| {{#if:Used when people with Voice Changers are on the loose|

{{#if:|BreathMask.png|Breath Mask}}
Breath Mask
Found in: It is very common for a crewmate to wear a breath mask, since every employee is provided with a complementary box of internals in their backpack prior to their trip on the arrival shuttle
Used for: They are transparent and cover only part of the face, so can't be used in hiding your identity
Strategy: Used when people with Voice Changers are on the loose
Unlike gas masks, breath masks must be attached to an air tank in order to have any benefit.|No description}}

| {{#if:They are transparent and cover only part of the face, so can't be used in hiding your identity|

{{#if:|BreathMask.png|Breath Mask}}
Breath Mask
Found in: It is very common for a crewmate to wear a breath mask, since every employee is provided with a complementary box of internals in their backpack prior to their trip on the arrival shuttle
Used for: They are transparent and cover only part of the face, so can't be used in hiding your identity
Unlike gas masks, breath masks must be attached to an air tank in order to have any benefit.|No description}}

| {{#if:Breath Mask|

{{#if:|BreathMask.png|{{#ifexist: File:BreathMask.png| Breath Mask}}|no image}}
Breath Mask

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Gas Mask|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Gas_mask.png|Gas Mask}}
Gas Mask
Found in: Engineering, Maintenance
Used for: Gas masks can be used in conjunction with a gas tank of any type to set up internals
Strategy: Without internals they will hide your identity, protect your face, and filter out any contaminations in the air. It however does not mask your voice, unlike the Voice changer gasmask, which will change your voice to the voice of the ID you're wearing
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} A face-covering mask that can be connected to an air supply. Protects from most toxic gases.

| {{#if:Without internals they will hide your identity, protect your face, and filter out any contaminations in the air. It however does not mask your voice, unlike the Voice changer gasmask, which will change your voice to the voice of the ID you're wearing|

{{#if:|Gas_mask.png|Gas Mask}}
Gas Mask
Found in: Engineering, Maintenance
Used for: Gas masks can be used in conjunction with a gas tank of any type to set up internals
Strategy: Without internals they will hide your identity, protect your face, and filter out any contaminations in the air. It however does not mask your voice, unlike the Voice changer gasmask, which will change your voice to the voice of the ID you're wearing
A face-covering mask that can be connected to an air supply. Protects from most toxic gases.|No description}}

| {{#if:Gas masks can be used in conjunction with a gas tank of any type to set up internals|

{{#if:|Gas_mask.png|Gas Mask}}
Gas Mask
Found in: Engineering, Maintenance
Used for: Gas masks can be used in conjunction with a gas tank of any type to set up internals
A face-covering mask that can be connected to an air supply. Protects from most toxic gases.|No description}}

| {{#if:Gas Mask|

{{#if:|Gas_mask.png|{{#ifexist: File:Gas_mask.png| Gas Mask}}|no image}}
Gas Mask

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Sterile Mask|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Sterilemask.png|Sterile Mask}}
Sterile Mask
Found in: Medbay, on Doctor's faces
Used for: Slight disease prevention
Strategy: Internals provide the same disease blocking benefit as these with the added bonus of being able to breathe from oxygen tanks.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Filters toxic gases and gives a slight defense against airborne diseases.

| {{#if:Internals provide the same disease blocking benefit as these with the added bonus of being able to breathe from oxygen tanks.|

{{#if:|Sterilemask.png|Sterile Mask}}
Sterile Mask
Found in: Medbay, on Doctor's faces
Used for: Slight disease prevention
Strategy: Internals provide the same disease blocking benefit as these with the added bonus of being able to breathe from oxygen tanks.
Filters toxic gases and gives a slight defense against airborne diseases.|No description}}

| {{#if:Slight disease prevention|

{{#if:|Sterilemask.png|Sterile Mask}}
Sterile Mask
Found in: Medbay, on Doctor's faces
Used for: Slight disease prevention
Filters toxic gases and gives a slight defense against airborne diseases.|No description}}

| {{#if:Sterile Mask|

{{#if:|Sterilemask.png|{{#ifexist: File:Sterilemask.png| Sterile Mask}}|no image}}
Sterile Mask

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Muzzle|}} {{#if:|

Found in: Medbay
Used for: Keeping patients quiet
Strategy: Put it on someone's face
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Stops those pesky patients from screaming for help!

| {{#if:Put it on someone's face|

Found in: Medbay
Used for: Keeping patients quiet
Strategy: Put it on someone's face
Stops those pesky patients from screaming for help!|No description}}

| {{#if:Keeping patients quiet|

Found in: Medbay
Used for: Keeping patients quiet
Stops those pesky patients from screaming for help!|No description}}

| {{#if:Muzzle|

{{#if:|Muzzle.png|{{#ifexist: File:Muzzle.png| Muzzle}}|no image}}

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}


These items can be worn over your jumpsuit, giving your protection or just to dress up nicely.

{{#if:Radiation Suit|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|RadiationSuit.png|Radiation Suit}}
Radiation Suit
Found in: Engineering in a Radiation Suit Closet
Used for: Protecting from radiation
Strategy: Wear it and go near a radiation source
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} A highly recommended bodywear when being close to the Singularity, a powered up Supermatter shard or the Gravity Generator. Comes with a Radiation Suit Hood.

| {{#if:Wear it and go near a radiation source|

{{#if:|RadiationSuit.png|Radiation Suit}}
Radiation Suit
Found in: Engineering in a Radiation Suit Closet
Used for: Protecting from radiation
Strategy: Wear it and go near a radiation source
{{#if:A highly recommended bodywear when being close to the Singularity, a powered up Supermatter shard or the Gravity Generator. Comes with a Radiation Suit Hood.|A highly recommended bodywear when being close to the Singularity, a powered up Supermatter shard or the Gravity Generator. Comes with a Radiation Suit Hood.|No description}}

| {{#if:Protecting from radiation|

{{#if:|RadiationSuit.png|Radiation Suit}}
Radiation Suit
Found in: Engineering in a Radiation Suit Closet
Used for: Protecting from radiation
{{#if:A highly recommended bodywear when being close to the Singularity, a powered up Supermatter shard or the Gravity Generator. Comes with a Radiation Suit Hood.|A highly recommended bodywear when being close to the Singularity, a powered up Supermatter shard or the Gravity Generator. Comes with a Radiation Suit Hood.|No description}}

| {{#if:Radiation Suit|

{{#if:|RadiationSuit.png|{{#ifexist: File:RadiationSuit.png| Radiation Suit}}|no image}}
Radiation Suit

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Bio-suit|}} {{#if:|

Found in: Engineering, Medbay, Custodial Closet, Virology in a Level-3 Biohazard Suit Closet
Used for: Bio Suits and Overalls decreases the chance of being infected by diseases or affected by reagents in smoke.
Strategy: Short for biohazardous suit. Protects from almost all radiation, direct exposure to chemicals, and disease. Wearing one increases your immunity and is one more barrier between you and an acid spill or outbreak.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} A suit that protects against biological contamination and offers good radiation resistance. Comes with a Bio-suit Hood.

| {{#if:Short for biohazardous suit. Protects from almost all radiation, direct exposure to chemicals, and disease. Wearing one increases your immunity and is one more barrier between you and an acid spill or outbreak.|

Found in: Engineering, Medbay, Custodial Closet, Virology in a Level-3 Biohazard Suit Closet
Used for: Bio Suits and Overalls decreases the chance of being infected by diseases or affected by reagents in smoke.
Strategy: Short for biohazardous suit. Protects from almost all radiation, direct exposure to chemicals, and disease. Wearing one increases your immunity and is one more barrier between you and an acid spill or outbreak.
{{#if:A suit that protects against biological contamination and offers good radiation resistance. Comes with a Bio-suit Hood.|A suit that protects against biological contamination and offers good radiation resistance. Comes with a Bio-suit Hood.|No description}}

| {{#if:Bio Suits and Overalls decreases the chance of being infected by diseases or affected by reagents in smoke.|

Found in: Engineering, Medbay, Custodial Closet, Virology in a Level-3 Biohazard Suit Closet
Used for: Bio Suits and Overalls decreases the chance of being infected by diseases or affected by reagents in smoke.
{{#if:A suit that protects against biological contamination and offers good radiation resistance. Comes with a Bio-suit Hood.|A suit that protects against biological contamination and offers good radiation resistance. Comes with a Bio-suit Hood.|No description}}

| {{#if:Bio-suit|

{{#if:|BioSuit.png|{{#ifexist: File:BioSuit.png| Bio-suit}}|no image}}

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Security Bio-suit|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|SecBioSuit.png|Security Bio-suit}}
Security Bio-suit
Found in: Armory
Used for: Specially designed Bio-suit that provides complete protection from biological exposure akin to a Bio-suit but also provides a minor amount of protection thanks to the built in armour.
Strategy: Short for biohazardous suit. Protects from direct exposure to chemicals and disease, as well as most radiation. Wearing one increases your immunity and is one more barrier between you and an acid spill or outbreak
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} A suit that protects against biological contamination, most radiation and some damage. Comes with a Security Bio-suit Hood.

| {{#if:Short for biohazardous suit. Protects from direct exposure to chemicals and disease, as well as most radiation. Wearing one increases your immunity and is one more barrier between you and an acid spill or outbreak|

{{#if:|SecBioSuit.png|Security Bio-suit}}
Security Bio-suit
Found in: Armory
Used for: Specially designed Bio-suit that provides complete protection from biological exposure akin to a Bio-suit but also provides a minor amount of protection thanks to the built in armour.
Strategy: Short for biohazardous suit. Protects from direct exposure to chemicals and disease, as well as most radiation. Wearing one increases your immunity and is one more barrier between you and an acid spill or outbreak
{{#if:A suit that protects against biological contamination, most radiation and some damage. Comes with a Security Bio-suit Hood.|A suit that protects against biological contamination, most radiation and some damage. Comes with a Security Bio-suit Hood.|No description}}

| {{#if:Specially designed Bio-suit that provides complete protection from biological exposure akin to a Bio-suit but also provides a minor amount of protection thanks to the built in armour.|

{{#if:|SecBioSuit.png|Security Bio-suit}}
Security Bio-suit
Found in: Armory
Used for: Specially designed Bio-suit that provides complete protection from biological exposure akin to a Bio-suit but also provides a minor amount of protection thanks to the built in armour.
{{#if:A suit that protects against biological contamination, most radiation and some damage. Comes with a Security Bio-suit Hood.|A suit that protects against biological contamination, most radiation and some damage. Comes with a Security Bio-suit Hood.|No description}}

| {{#if:Security Bio-suit|

{{#if:|SecBioSuit.png|{{#ifexist: File:SecBioSuit.png| Security Bio-suit}}|no image}}
Security Bio-suit

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Bomb-suit|}} {{#if:|

Found in: Armory, Toxins Lab in an EOD Closet
Used for: You will not be gibbed by bombs when you wear this.
Strategy: Wear it while tampering with bombs!
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} A suit designed for safety when handling explosives. Comes with a Bomb Hood.

| {{#if:Wear it while tampering with bombs!|

Found in: Armory, Toxins Lab in an EOD Closet
Used for: You will not be gibbed by bombs when you wear this.
Strategy: Wear it while tampering with bombs!
{{#if:A suit designed for safety when handling explosives. Comes with a Bomb Hood.|A suit designed for safety when handling explosives. Comes with a Bomb Hood.|No description}}

| {{#if:You will not be gibbed by bombs when you wear this.|

Found in: Armory, Toxins Lab in an EOD Closet
Used for: You will not be gibbed by bombs when you wear this.
{{#if:A suit designed for safety when handling explosives. Comes with a Bomb Hood.|A suit designed for safety when handling explosives. Comes with a Bomb Hood.|No description}}

| {{#if:Bomb-suit|

{{#if:|Bomb-suit.png|{{#ifexist: File:Bomb-suit.png| Bomb-suit}}|no image}}

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Labcoat|}} {{#if:|

Found in: Medbay, Science
Used for: Storing medical and scientific items.
Strategy: Wear it to look like a real science man.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} A suit that protects against minor chemical spills.

| {{#if:Wear it to look like a real science man.|

Found in: Medbay, Science
Used for: Storing medical and scientific items.
Strategy: Wear it to look like a real science man.
A suit that protects against minor chemical spills.|No description}}

| {{#if:Storing medical and scientific items.|

Found in: Medbay, Science
Used for: Storing medical and scientific items.
A suit that protects against minor chemical spills.|No description}}

| {{#if:Labcoat|

{{#if:|Labcoat.png|{{#ifexist: File:Labcoat.png| Labcoat}}|no image}}

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Hazard Vest|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Hazard.png|Hazard Vest}}
Hazard Vest
Found in: Engineering, Atmospherics, Construction Area
Used for: Accessing the suit storage slot
Strategy: This will make you look like a real engineer. It simply allows another storage slot for tools or flashlights. Also a very weak armor
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} A high-visibility vest used in work zones.

| {{#if:This will make you look like a real engineer. It simply allows another storage slot for tools or flashlights. Also a very weak armor|

{{#if:|Hazard.png|Hazard Vest}}
Hazard Vest
Found in: Engineering, Atmospherics, Construction Area
Used for: Accessing the suit storage slot
Strategy: This will make you look like a real engineer. It simply allows another storage slot for tools or flashlights. Also a very weak armor
A high-visibility vest used in work zones.|No description}}

| {{#if:Accessing the suit storage slot|

{{#if:|Hazard.png|Hazard Vest}}
Hazard Vest
Found in: Engineering, Atmospherics, Construction Area
Used for: Accessing the suit storage slot
A high-visibility vest used in work zones.|No description}}

| {{#if:Hazard Vest|

{{#if:|Hazard.png|{{#ifexist: File:Hazard.png| Hazard Vest}}|no image}}
Hazard Vest

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Emergency Firesuit|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Firesuit.png|Emergency Firesuit}}
Emergency Firesuit
Found in: Atmospherics, Maintenance, Fire Safety Closets around the station
Used for: Fighting fires
Strategy: Wearing a firesuit along with a fire helmet will protect you from extreme heat. Slows you down slightly when worn. Wear it in space and it will protect you from the low pressure, though you'll still freeze.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} A budget firesuit that protects against fire, heat, and pressure. Can be used as part of a ghetto EVA outfit.

| {{#if:Wearing a firesuit along with a fire helmet will protect you from extreme heat. Slows you down slightly when worn. Wear it in space and it will protect you from the low pressure, though you'll still freeze.|

{{#if:|Firesuit.png|Emergency Firesuit}}
Emergency Firesuit
Found in: Atmospherics, Maintenance, Fire Safety Closets around the station
Used for: Fighting fires
Strategy: Wearing a firesuit along with a fire helmet will protect you from extreme heat. Slows you down slightly when worn. Wear it in space and it will protect you from the low pressure, though you'll still freeze.
A budget firesuit that protects against fire, heat, and pressure. Can be used as part of a ghetto EVA outfit.|No description}}

| {{#if:Fighting fires|

{{#if:|Firesuit.png|Emergency Firesuit}}
Emergency Firesuit
Found in: Atmospherics, Maintenance, Fire Safety Closets around the station
Used for: Fighting fires
A budget firesuit that protects against fire, heat, and pressure. Can be used as part of a ghetto EVA outfit.|No description}}

| {{#if:Emergency Firesuit|

{{#if:|Firesuit.png|{{#ifexist: File:Firesuit.png| Emergency Firesuit}}|no image}}
Emergency Firesuit

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Firesuit|}} {{#if:|

Found in: Atmospherics
Used for: Fighting the fiercest of fires
Strategy: Wearing this firesuit along with the atmos tech's firefighting helmet will protect you from the greatest extremes in temperature. Slows you down to the same degree as the emergency firesuit.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} An expensive firesuit that protects against even the most deadly of station fires. Designed to protect even if the wearer is set aflame. Can be used as part of a ghetto EVA outfit.

| {{#if:Wearing this firesuit along with the atmos tech's firefighting helmet will protect you from the greatest extremes in temperature. Slows you down to the same degree as the emergency firesuit.|

Found in: Atmospherics
Used for: Fighting the fiercest of fires
Strategy: Wearing this firesuit along with the atmos tech's firefighting helmet will protect you from the greatest extremes in temperature. Slows you down to the same degree as the emergency firesuit.
An expensive firesuit that protects against even the most deadly of station fires. Designed to protect even if the wearer is set aflame. Can be used as part of a ghetto EVA outfit.|No description}}

| {{#if:Fighting the fiercest of fires|

Found in: Atmospherics
Used for: Fighting the fiercest of fires
An expensive firesuit that protects against even the most deadly of station fires. Designed to protect even if the wearer is set aflame. Can be used as part of a ghetto EVA outfit.|No description}}

| {{#if:Firesuit|

{{#if:|atmos_firesuit.png|{{#ifexist: File:atmos_firesuit.png| Firesuit}}|no image}}

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Straight Jacket|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Straight_Jacket.png|Straight Jacket}}
Straight Jacket
Found in: Medbay, Prison Wing
Used for: Keeping a crazy person restrained
Strategy: Wear it (not recommended) or put it on someone who you want restrained
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} A suit that completely restrains the wearer. Without help you must resist to take it off, which requires you to stand still about 5 minutes.

| {{#if:Wear it (not recommended) or put it on someone who you want restrained|

{{#if:|Straight_Jacket.png|Straight Jacket}}
Straight Jacket
Found in: Medbay, Prison Wing
Used for: Keeping a crazy person restrained
Strategy: Wear it (not recommended) or put it on someone who you want restrained
{{#if:A suit that completely restrains the wearer. Without help you must resist to take it off, which requires you to stand still about 5 minutes.|A suit that completely restrains the wearer. Without help you must resist to take it off, which requires you to stand still about 5 minutes.|No description}}

| {{#if:Keeping a crazy person restrained|

{{#if:|Straight_Jacket.png|Straight Jacket}}
Straight Jacket
Found in: Medbay, Prison Wing
Used for: Keeping a crazy person restrained
{{#if:A suit that completely restrains the wearer. Without help you must resist to take it off, which requires you to stand still about 5 minutes.|A suit that completely restrains the wearer. Without help you must resist to take it off, which requires you to stand still about 5 minutes.|No description}}

| {{#if:Straight Jacket|

{{#if:|Straight_Jacket.png|{{#ifexist: File:Straight_Jacket.png| Straight Jacket}}|no image}}
Straight Jacket

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Void Space Suit|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Grey_space_suit.png|Space Suit (Softsuit)}}
Space Suit (Softsuit)
Found in: E.V.A.
Used for: Spacewalks, firefighting, surviving viral outbreaks
Strategy: Wearing this with a space helmet will protect you from the coldness of space. Significantly slows down the wearer.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} A suit that protects against cold and low pressure environments, but doesn't offer the melee and electric protection of hardsuits. Offers minor fire, radiation and acid protection.

| {{#if:Wearing this with a space helmet will protect you from the coldness of space. Significantly slows down the wearer.

{{#if:|Grey_space_suit.png|Space Suit (Softsuit)}}
Space Suit (Softsuit)
Found in: E.V.A.
Used for: Spacewalks, firefighting, surviving viral outbreaks
Strategy: Wearing this with a space helmet will protect you from the coldness of space. Significantly slows down the wearer.
A suit that protects against cold and low pressure environments, but doesn't offer the melee and electric protection of hardsuits. Offers minor fire, radiation and acid protection.|No description}}

| {{#if:Spacewalks, firefighting, surviving viral outbreaks|

{{#if:|Grey_space_suit.png|Space Suit (Softsuit)}}
Space Suit (Softsuit)
Found in: E.V.A.
Used for: Spacewalks, firefighting, surviving viral outbreaks
A suit that protects against cold and low pressure environments, but doesn't offer the melee and electric protection of hardsuits. Offers minor fire, radiation and acid protection.|No description}}

| {{#if:Space Suit (Softsuit)|

{{#if:|Grey_space_suit.png|{{#ifexist: File:Grey_space_suit.png| Space Suit (Softsuit)}}|no image}}
Space Suit (Softsuit)

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:NASA Voidsuit|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Voidsuit.png|NASA Voidsuit}}
NASA Voidsuit
Found in: Abandoned Satellite
Used for: Spacewalks
Strategy: Wearing this with a space helmet will protect you from the coldness of space. Slows the wearer down less than other spacesuits.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} An old, NASA Centcom branch designed, dark red space suit helmet.

| {{#if:Wearing this with a space helmet will protect you from the coldness of space. Slows the wearer down less than other spacesuits.

{{#if:|Voidsuit.png|NASA Voidsuit}}
NASA Voidsuit
Found in: Abandoned Satellite
Used for: Spacewalks
Strategy: Wearing this with a space helmet will protect you from the coldness of space. Slows the wearer down less than other spacesuits.
An old, NASA Centcom branch designed, dark red space suit helmet.|No description}}

| {{#if:Spacewalks|

{{#if:|Voidsuit.png|NASA Voidsuit}}
NASA Voidsuit
Found in: Abandoned Satellite
Used for: Spacewalks
An old, NASA Centcom branch designed, dark red space suit helmet.|No description}}

| {{#if:NASA Voidsuit|

{{#if:|Voidsuit.png|{{#ifexist: File:Voidsuit.png| NASA Voidsuit}}|no image}}
NASA Voidsuit

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Body Armor|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Armor.png|Body Armor}}
Body Armor
Found in: Lockers in Security Office and Security Posts, Bartender's formal closet, Head of Personnel's locker
Used for: To protect your chest
Strategy: Wear it
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} If you're a Security Officer, wear it! It has saved many lives. You can find replacements in almost all Security lockers. If these supplies have been exhausted, the Warden can provide you with some. It's for the protection of one's self in around the chest from brute damage, but not temperature extremes. If you have an open slot in your exo-suit, don't hesitate wearing this armor, it wont slow you down. It also provides you with a handy-dandy exosuit slot for stashing your taser or stun-baton!
There's a variant of body armor that's described as a 'slim armored vest'. It's functionally identical to the other armor vest.

| {{#if:Wear it|

{{#if:|Armor.png|Body Armor}}
Body Armor
Found in: Lockers in Security Office and Security Posts, Bartender's formal closet, Head of Personnel's locker
Used for: To protect your chest
Strategy: Wear it
{{#if:If you're a Security Officer, wear it! It has saved many lives. You can find replacements in almost all Security lockers. If these supplies have been exhausted, the Warden can provide you with some. It's for the protection of one's self in around the chest from brute damage, but not temperature extremes. If you have an open slot in your exo-suit, don't hesitate wearing this armor, it wont slow you down. It also provides you with a handy-dandy exosuit slot for stashing your taser or stun-baton!
There's a variant of body armor that's described as a 'slim armored vest'. It's functionally identical to the other armor vest.|If you're a Security Officer, wear it! It has saved many lives. You can find replacements in almost all Security lockers. If these supplies have been exhausted, the Warden can provide you with some. It's for the protection of one's self in around the chest from brute damage, but not temperature extremes. If you have an open slot in your exo-suit, don't hesitate wearing this armor, it wont slow you down. It also provides you with a handy-dandy exosuit slot for stashing your taser or stun-baton!
There's a variant of body armor that's described as a 'slim armored vest'. It's functionally identical to the other armor vest.|No description}}

| {{#if:To protect your chest|

{{#if:|Armor.png|Body Armor}}
Body Armor
Found in: Lockers in Security Office and Security Posts, Bartender's formal closet, Head of Personnel's locker
Used for: To protect your chest
{{#if:If you're a Security Officer, wear it! It has saved many lives. You can find replacements in almost all Security lockers. If these supplies have been exhausted, the Warden can provide you with some. It's for the protection of one's self in around the chest from brute damage, but not temperature extremes. If you have an open slot in your exo-suit, don't hesitate wearing this armor, it wont slow you down. It also provides you with a handy-dandy exosuit slot for stashing your taser or stun-baton!
There's a variant of body armor that's described as a 'slim armored vest'. It's functionally identical to the other armor vest.|If you're a Security Officer, wear it! It has saved many lives. You can find replacements in almost all Security lockers. If these supplies have been exhausted, the Warden can provide you with some. It's for the protection of one's self in around the chest from brute damage, but not temperature extremes. If you have an open slot in your exo-suit, don't hesitate wearing this armor, it wont slow you down. It also provides you with a handy-dandy exosuit slot for stashing your taser or stun-baton!
There's a variant of body armor that's described as a 'slim armored vest'. It's functionally identical to the other armor vest.|No description}}

| {{#if:Body Armor|

{{#if:|Armor.png|{{#ifexist: File:Armor.png| Body Armor}}|no image}}
Body Armor

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Captains Armor|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Capscarapace.png|Captain's Carapace}}
Captain's Carapace
Found in: Captain's Quarters
Used for: Protection
Strategy: Wear to avoid death
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} A special armor vest unique to the Captain. Offers far greater protection than most armor, and displays your authority to the crew.

| {{#if:Wear to avoid death|

{{#if:|Capscarapace.png|Captain's Carapace}}
Captain's Carapace
Found in: Captain's Quarters
Used for: Protection
Strategy: Wear to avoid death
A special armor vest unique to the Captain. Offers far greater protection than most armor, and displays your authority to the crew.|No description}}

| {{#if:Protection|

{{#if:|Capscarapace.png|Captain's Carapace}}
Captain's Carapace
Found in: Captain's Quarters
Used for: Protection
A special armor vest unique to the Captain. Offers far greater protection than most armor, and displays your authority to the crew.|No description}}

| {{#if:Captain's Carapace|

{{#if:|Capscarapace.png|{{#ifexist: File:Capscarapace.png| Captain's Carapace}}|no image}}
Captain's Carapace

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Riot Armor|}}{{#if:Riot Suit|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Swatarmor.png|Riot Suit}}
Riot Suit
Found in: Armory
Used for: To protect you from melee attacks
Strategy: Wear it
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Gives great protection against melee attacks, not very useful if you're attacked with a gun though. Commonly used with the Riot Shield.

| {{#if:Wear it|

{{#if:|Swatarmor.png|Riot Suit}}
Riot Suit
Found in: Armory
Used for: To protect you from melee attacks
Strategy: Wear it
{{#if:Gives great protection against melee attacks, not very useful if you're attacked with a gun though. Commonly used with the Riot Shield.|Gives great protection against melee attacks, not very useful if you're attacked with a gun though. Commonly used with the Riot Shield.|No description}}

| {{#if:To protect you from melee attacks|

{{#if:|Swatarmor.png|Riot Suit}}
Riot Suit
Found in: Armory
Used for: To protect you from melee attacks
{{#if:Gives great protection against melee attacks, not very useful if you're attacked with a gun though. Commonly used with the Riot Shield.|Gives great protection against melee attacks, not very useful if you're attacked with a gun though. Commonly used with the Riot Shield.|No description}}

| {{#if:Riot Suit|

{{#if:|Swatarmor.png|{{#ifexist: File:Swatarmor.png| Riot Suit}}|no image}}
Riot Suit

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Bulletproof Vest|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Bulletproofvest.png|Bulletproof Vest}}
Bulletproof Vest
Found in: Armory
Used for: To protect you from bullets
Strategy: Wear it
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} A vest that will protect you extremely well from projectile weapons like guns. It is useless against energy weapons. Stored in the armory.

| {{#if:Wear it|

{{#if:|Bulletproofvest.png|Bulletproof Vest}}
Bulletproof Vest
Found in: Armory
Used for: To protect you from bullets
Strategy: Wear it
A vest that will protect you extremely well from projectile weapons like guns. It is useless against energy weapons. Stored in the armory.|No description}}

| {{#if:To protect you from bullets|

{{#if:|Bulletproofvest.png|Bulletproof Vest}}
Bulletproof Vest
Found in: Armory
Used for: To protect you from bullets
A vest that will protect you extremely well from projectile weapons like guns. It is useless against energy weapons. Stored in the armory.|No description}}

| {{#if:Bulletproof Vest|

{{#if:|Bulletproofvest.png|{{#ifexist: File:Bulletproofvest.png| Bulletproof Vest}}|no image}}
Bulletproof Vest

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Reflector Vest|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Ablative.png|Reflector Vest}}
Reflector Vest
Found in: Armory
Used for: To deflect fire from energy weapons
Strategy: Wear it
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} A blue and white vest that is made to deflect energy weapons. When you are wearing it, there is a chance that energy shots to your chest will be reflected back to the shooter. Useless against projectile weapons. It is stocked in the armory, and can be ordered in a secure crate from the cargo bay. This is a high-risk item.

| {{#if:Wear it|

{{#if:|Ablative.png|Reflector Vest}}
Reflector Vest
Found in: Armory
Used for: To deflect fire from energy weapons
Strategy: Wear it
{{#if:A blue and white vest that is made to deflect energy weapons. When you are wearing it, there is a chance that energy shots to your chest will be reflected back to the shooter. Useless against projectile weapons. It is stocked in the armory, and can be ordered in a secure crate from the cargo bay. This is a high-risk item.|A blue and white vest that is made to deflect energy weapons. When you are wearing it, there is a chance that energy shots to your chest will be reflected back to the shooter. Useless against projectile weapons. It is stocked in the armory, and can be ordered in a secure crate from the cargo bay. This is a high-risk item.|No description}}

| {{#if:To deflect fire from energy weapons|

{{#if:|Ablative.png|Reflector Vest}}
Reflector Vest
Found in: Armory
Used for: To deflect fire from energy weapons
{{#if:A blue and white vest that is made to deflect energy weapons. When you are wearing it, there is a chance that energy shots to your chest will be reflected back to the shooter. Useless against projectile weapons. It is stocked in the armory, and can be ordered in a secure crate from the cargo bay. This is a high-risk item.|A blue and white vest that is made to deflect energy weapons. When you are wearing it, there is a chance that energy shots to your chest will be reflected back to the shooter. Useless against projectile weapons. It is stocked in the armory, and can be ordered in a secure crate from the cargo bay. This is a high-risk item.|No description}}

| {{#if:Reflector Vest|

{{#if:|Ablative.png|{{#ifexist: File:Ablative.png| Reflector Vest}}|no image}}
Reflector Vest

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Armored Coat|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Armoredcoat.png|Armored Coat}}
Armored Coat
Found in: Head of Security's Office
Used for: To deflect fire from energy weapons
Strategy: Wear it
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} A greatcoat enchanced with a special alloy for some protection and style.

| {{#if:Wear it|

{{#if:|Armoredcoat.png|Armored Coat}}
Armored Coat
Found in: Head of Security's Office
Used for: To deflect fire from energy weapons
Strategy: Wear it
{{#if:A greatcoat enchanced with a special alloy for some protection and style.|A greatcoat enchanced with a special alloy for some protection and style.|No description}}

| {{#if:To deflect fire from energy weapons|

{{#if:|Armoredcoat.png|Armored Coat}}
Armored Coat
Found in: Head of Security's Office
Used for: To deflect fire from energy weapons
{{#if:A greatcoat enchanced with a special alloy for some protection and style.|A greatcoat enchanced with a special alloy for some protection and style.|No description}}

| {{#if:Armored Coat|

{{#if:|Armoredcoat.png|{{#ifexist: File:Armoredcoat.png| Armored Coat}}|no image}}
Armored Coat

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}


Hardsuits are coldproof, pressureproof, protect from electric arcs (especially when worn with yellow gloves!) and come with a built-in helmet that can be toggled on/off.
Most are flashproof and offer a bit of protection from brute damage, heat and radiation.

{{#if:Hardsuit|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|RIG.png|Engineering Hardsuit}}
Engineering Hardsuit
Found in: Engineering
Used for: Spacewalks, fixing gravity generators and engines
Strategy: Engineering is provided with hardsuits to assist with setting up some engines, wiring the solar panels, and repairing hull breaches. Significantly slows the wearer down.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Has better radiation shielding than most other spacesuits.
Resistances: melee = 10, bullet = 5, laser = 10, energy = 5, bomb = 10, bio = 100, rad = 75, fire = 50, acid = 75.

| {{#if:Engineering is provided with hardsuits to assist with setting up some engines, wiring the solar panels, and repairing hull breaches. Significantly slows the wearer down.

{{#if:|RIG.png|Engineering Hardsuit}}
Engineering Hardsuit
Found in: Engineering
Used for: Spacewalks, fixing gravity generators and engines
Strategy: Engineering is provided with hardsuits to assist with setting up some engines, wiring the solar panels, and repairing hull breaches. Significantly slows the wearer down.
Has better radiation shielding than most other spacesuits.
Resistances: melee = 10, bullet = 5, laser = 10, energy = 5, bomb = 10, bio = 100, rad = 75, fire = 50, acid = 75.|No description}}

| {{#if:Spacewalks, fixing gravity generators and engines|

{{#if:|RIG.png|Engineering Hardsuit}}
Engineering Hardsuit
Found in: Engineering
Used for: Spacewalks, fixing gravity generators and engines
Has better radiation shielding than most other spacesuits.
Resistances: melee = 10, bullet = 5, laser = 10, energy = 5, bomb = 10, bio = 100, rad = 75, fire = 50, acid = 75.|No description}}

| {{#if:Engineering Hardsuit|

{{#if:|RIG.png|{{#ifexist: File:RIG.png| Engineering Hardsuit}}|no image}}
Engineering Hardsuit

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Atmospherics Hardsuit|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Atmospherics_Hardsuit.png|Atmospherics Hardsuit}}
Atmospherics Hardsuit
Found in: Atmospherics
Used for: Spacewalking and strolling through plasma fires.
Strategy: Suits for Atmospheric Technicians working in very hostile temperatures.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} The best firefighting suit, fireproof and very resistant to heat. However, it has very little radiation shielding. Protects from temperatures up to 35000 K°.
Resistances: melee = 30, bullet = 5, laser = 10, energy = 5, bomb = 10, bio = 100, rad = 25, fire = 100, acid = 75.

| {{#if:Suits for Atmospheric Technicians working in very hostile temperatures.

{{#if:|Atmospherics_Hardsuit.png|Atmospherics Hardsuit}}
Atmospherics Hardsuit
Found in: Atmospherics
Used for: Spacewalking and strolling through plasma fires.
Strategy: Suits for Atmospheric Technicians working in very hostile temperatures.
The best firefighting suit, fireproof and very resistant to heat. However, it has very little radiation shielding. Protects from temperatures up to 35000 K°.
Resistances: melee = 30, bullet = 5, laser = 10, energy = 5, bomb = 10, bio = 100, rad = 25, fire = 100, acid = 75.|No description}}

| {{#if:Spacewalking and strolling through plasma fires.|

{{#if:|Atmospherics_Hardsuit.png|Atmospherics Hardsuit}}
Atmospherics Hardsuit
Found in: Atmospherics
Used for: Spacewalking and strolling through plasma fires.
The best firefighting suit, fireproof and very resistant to heat. However, it has very little radiation shielding. Protects from temperatures up to 35000 K°.
Resistances: melee = 30, bullet = 5, laser = 10, energy = 5, bomb = 10, bio = 100, rad = 25, fire = 100, acid = 75.|No description}}

| {{#if:Atmospherics Hardsuit|

{{#if:|Atmospherics_Hardsuit.png|{{#ifexist: File:Atmospherics_Hardsuit.png| Atmospherics Hardsuit}}|no image}}
Atmospherics Hardsuit

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Mining Hardsuit|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Mining_Hardsuit.png|Mining Hardsuit}}
Mining Hardsuit
Found in: Mining Station
Used for: Mining and spacewalking
Strategy: Reinforced against heat and explosions, but weaker against radiation and fire than the regular engineering hardsuit. Often enhanced with armored plates from certain asteroid-dwelling creatures.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Bought by Miners at their vending machine. Offers decent heat and blast protection. Useful for exploring space. Sees very little actual use on lavaland, as the slowdown is a death sentence against Megafauna, unless you find a way to remove the slowdown.
Resistances: melee = 30, bullet = 5, laser = 10, energy = 5, bomb = 50, bio = 100, rad = 50, fire = 50, acid = 75.

| {{#if:Reinforced against heat and explosions, but weaker against radiation and fire than the regular engineering hardsuit. Often enhanced with armored plates from certain asteroid-dwelling creatures.

{{#if:|Mining_Hardsuit.png|Mining Hardsuit}}
Mining Hardsuit
Found in: Mining Station
Used for: Mining and spacewalking
Strategy: Reinforced against heat and explosions, but weaker against radiation and fire than the regular engineering hardsuit. Often enhanced with armored plates from certain asteroid-dwelling creatures.
{{#if:Bought by Miners at their vending machine. Offers decent heat and blast protection. Useful for exploring space. Sees very little actual use on lavaland, as the slowdown is a death sentence against Megafauna, unless you find a way to remove the slowdown.
Resistances: melee = 30, bullet = 5, laser = 10, energy = 5, bomb = 50, bio = 100, rad = 50, fire = 50, acid = 75.|Bought by Miners at their vending machine. Offers decent heat and blast protection. Useful for exploring space. Sees very little actual use on lavaland, as the slowdown is a death sentence against Megafauna, unless you find a way to remove the slowdown.
Resistances: melee = 30, bullet = 5, laser = 10, energy = 5, bomb = 50, bio = 100, rad = 50, fire = 50, acid = 75.|No description}}

| {{#if:Mining and spacewalking|

{{#if:|Mining_Hardsuit.png|Mining Hardsuit}}
Mining Hardsuit
Found in: Mining Station
Used for: Mining and spacewalking
{{#if:Bought by Miners at their vending machine. Offers decent heat and blast protection. Useful for exploring space. Sees very little actual use on lavaland, as the slowdown is a death sentence against Megafauna, unless you find a way to remove the slowdown.
Resistances: melee = 30, bullet = 5, laser = 10, energy = 5, bomb = 50, bio = 100, rad = 50, fire = 50, acid = 75.|Bought by Miners at their vending machine. Offers decent heat and blast protection. Useful for exploring space. Sees very little actual use on lavaland, as the slowdown is a death sentence against Megafauna, unless you find a way to remove the slowdown.
Resistances: melee = 30, bullet = 5, laser = 10, energy = 5, bomb = 50, bio = 100, rad = 50, fire = 50, acid = 75.|No description}}

| {{#if:Mining Hardsuit|

{{#if:|Mining_Hardsuit.png|{{#ifexist: File:Mining_Hardsuit.png| Mining Hardsuit}}|no image}}
Mining Hardsuit

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Advanced_Hardsuit|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|AdvRIG.png|Advanced Hardsuit}}
Advanced Hardsuit
Found in: Chief Engineer's Office
Used for: Repairing a delaminating Supermatter Engine
Strategy: Has more protection against brute, blasts and radiation than the regular engineering/atmospherics hardsuits.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Comes with a jetpack, fire immunity, high heat protection, and almost complete protection from radiation as well as acid. Good explosion and brute protection too. Protects from temperatures up to 35000 K°.
Resistances: melee = 40, bullet = 5, laser = 10, energy = 5, bomb = 50, bio = 100, rad = 90 (helmet has 100), fire = 100, acid = 90.

| {{#if:Has more protection against brute, blasts and radiation than the regular engineering/atmospherics hardsuits.

{{#if:|AdvRIG.png|Advanced Hardsuit}}
Advanced Hardsuit
Found in: Chief Engineer's Office
Used for: Repairing a delaminating Supermatter Engine
Strategy: Has more protection against brute, blasts and radiation than the regular engineering/atmospherics hardsuits.
Comes with a jetpack, fire immunity, high heat protection, and almost complete protection from radiation as well as acid. Good explosion and brute protection too. Protects from temperatures up to 35000 K°.
Resistances: melee = 40, bullet = 5, laser = 10, energy = 5, bomb = 50, bio = 100, rad = 90 (helmet has 100), fire = 100, acid = 90.|No description}}

| {{#if:Repairing a delaminating Supermatter Engine|

{{#if:|AdvRIG.png|Advanced Hardsuit}}
Advanced Hardsuit
Found in: Chief Engineer's Office
Used for: Repairing a delaminating Supermatter Engine
Comes with a jetpack, fire immunity, high heat protection, and almost complete protection from radiation as well as acid. Good explosion and brute protection too. Protects from temperatures up to 35000 K°.
Resistances: melee = 40, bullet = 5, laser = 10, energy = 5, bomb = 50, bio = 100, rad = 90 (helmet has 100), fire = 100, acid = 90.|No description}}

| {{#if:Advanced Hardsuit|

{{#if:|AdvRIG.png|{{#ifexist: File:AdvRIG.png| Advanced Hardsuit}}|no image}}
Advanced Hardsuit

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Sec_Hardsuit|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Security_Hardsuit.png|Security Hardsuit}}
Security Hardsuit
Found in: Armory
Used for: Catching criminals while spacewalking
Strategy: Additional protection against brute and lasers
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Security hardsuits have a bit of bullet, laser and brute protection, but not as good as "real" armor.
Resistances: melee = 35, bullet = 15, laser = 30, energy = 10, bomb = 10, bio = 100, rad = 50, fire = 75, acid = 75.

| {{#if:Additional protection against brute and lasers

{{#if:|Security_Hardsuit.png|Security Hardsuit}}
Security Hardsuit
Found in: Armory
Used for: Catching criminals while spacewalking
Strategy: Additional protection against brute and lasers
Security hardsuits have a bit of bullet, laser and brute protection, but not as good as "real" armor.
Resistances: melee = 35, bullet = 15, laser = 30, energy = 10, bomb = 10, bio = 100, rad = 50, fire = 75, acid = 75.|No description}}

| {{#if:Catching criminals while spacewalking|

{{#if:|Security_Hardsuit.png|Security Hardsuit}}
Security Hardsuit
Found in: Armory
Used for: Catching criminals while spacewalking
Security hardsuits have a bit of bullet, laser and brute protection, but not as good as "real" armor.
Resistances: melee = 35, bullet = 15, laser = 30, energy = 10, bomb = 10, bio = 100, rad = 50, fire = 75, acid = 75.|No description}}

| {{#if:Security Hardsuit|

{{#if:|Security_Hardsuit.png|{{#ifexist: File:Security_Hardsuit.png| Security Hardsuit}}|no image}}
Security Hardsuit

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:HoS_Hardsuit|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|HoSRIG.png|Head of Security's Hardsuit}}
Head of Security's Hardsuit
Found in: HoS Office
Used for: Catching criminals while spacewalking
Strategy: Additional protection against brute and lasers
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Essentially a beefed up Security hardsuit that comes with an internal jetpack.
Resistances: melee = 45, bullet = 25, laser = 30, energy = 10, bomb = 25, bio = 100, rad = 50, fire = 95, acid = 95.

| {{#if:Additional protection against brute and lasers

{{#if:|HoSRIG.png|Head of Security's Hardsuit}}
Head of Security's Hardsuit
Found in: HoS Office
Used for: Catching criminals while spacewalking
Strategy: Additional protection against brute and lasers
Essentially a beefed up Security hardsuit that comes with an internal jetpack.
Resistances: melee = 45, bullet = 25, laser = 30, energy = 10, bomb = 25, bio = 100, rad = 50, fire = 95, acid = 95.|No description}}

| {{#if:Catching criminals while spacewalking|

{{#if:|HoSRIG.png|Head of Security's Hardsuit}}
Head of Security's Hardsuit
Found in: HoS Office
Used for: Catching criminals while spacewalking
Essentially a beefed up Security hardsuit that comes with an internal jetpack.
Resistances: melee = 45, bullet = 25, laser = 30, energy = 10, bomb = 25, bio = 100, rad = 50, fire = 95, acid = 95.|No description}}

| {{#if:Head of Security's Hardsuit|

{{#if:|HoSRIG.png|{{#ifexist: File:HoSRIG.png| Head of Security's Hardsuit}}|no image}}
Head of Security's Hardsuit

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Medical_Hardsuit|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Medical_Hardsuit.png|Medical Hardsuit}}
Medical Hardsuit
Found in: Chief Medical Officers Office
Used for: Retrieving people from space and the SME chamber.
Strategy: Slows the wearer down less than other spacesuits, while providing diagnostic data.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Has some radiation shielding, is decent against fire and slows wearers down less than other hardsuits. Does not protect from flashes.
Resistances: melee = 30, bullet = 5, laser = 10, energy = 5, bomb = 10, bio = 100, rad = 60, fire = 60, acid = 75.

| {{#if:Slows the wearer down less than other spacesuits, while providing diagnostic data.

{{#if:|Medical_Hardsuit.png|Medical Hardsuit}}
Medical Hardsuit
Found in: Chief Medical Officers Office
Used for: Retrieving people from space and the SME chamber.
Strategy: Slows the wearer down less than other spacesuits, while providing diagnostic data.
Has some radiation shielding, is decent against fire and slows wearers down less than other hardsuits. Does not protect from flashes.
Resistances: melee = 30, bullet = 5, laser = 10, energy = 5, bomb = 10, bio = 100, rad = 60, fire = 60, acid = 75.|No description}}

| {{#if:Retrieving people from space and the SME chamber.|

{{#if:|Medical_Hardsuit.png|Medical Hardsuit}}
Medical Hardsuit
Found in: Chief Medical Officers Office
Used for: Retrieving people from space and the SME chamber.
Has some radiation shielding, is decent against fire and slows wearers down less than other hardsuits. Does not protect from flashes.
Resistances: melee = 30, bullet = 5, laser = 10, energy = 5, bomb = 10, bio = 100, rad = 60, fire = 60, acid = 75.|No description}}

| {{#if:Medical Hardsuit|

{{#if:|Medical_Hardsuit.png|{{#ifexist: File:Medical_Hardsuit.png| Medical Hardsuit}}|no image}}
Medical Hardsuit

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:RD_Hardsuit|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|RDRIG.png|Prototype Hardsuit}}
Prototype Hardsuit
Found in: Research Directors Office, Toxins_Test_Chamber
Used for: Conducting experiments with the safety of a space proof bomb suit.
Strategy: Works like a bomb suit, preventing your body from being gibbed by explosions.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Great protection from blasts and acid, decent protection from heat and radiation.
The helmet has a diagnostics HUD, science goggles and a tachyon-doppler array (shows informations about detonated bombs) installed.
Resistances: melee = 30, bullet = 5, laser = 10, energy = 5, bomb = 100, bio = 100, rad = 60, fire = 60, acid = 80.

| {{#if:Works like a bomb suit, preventing your body from being gibbed by explosions.

{{#if:|RDRIG.png|Prototype Hardsuit}}
Prototype Hardsuit
Found in: Research Directors Office, Toxins_Test_Chamber
Used for: Conducting experiments with the safety of a space proof bomb suit.
Strategy: Works like a bomb suit, preventing your body from being gibbed by explosions.
Great protection from blasts and acid, decent protection from heat and radiation.
The helmet has a diagnostics HUD, science goggles and a tachyon-doppler array (shows informations about detonated bombs) installed.
Resistances: melee = 30, bullet = 5, laser = 10, energy = 5, bomb = 100, bio = 100, rad = 60, fire = 60, acid = 80.|No description}}

| {{#if:Conducting experiments with the safety of a space proof bomb suit.|

{{#if:|RDRIG.png|Prototype Hardsuit}}
Prototype Hardsuit
Found in: Research Directors Office, Toxins_Test_Chamber
Used for: Conducting experiments with the safety of a space proof bomb suit.
Great protection from blasts and acid, decent protection from heat and radiation.
The helmet has a diagnostics HUD, science goggles and a tachyon-doppler array (shows informations about detonated bombs) installed.
Resistances: melee = 30, bullet = 5, laser = 10, energy = 5, bomb = 100, bio = 100, rad = 60, fire = 60, acid = 80.|No description}}

| {{#if:Prototype Hardsuit|

{{#if:|RDRIG.png|{{#ifexist: File:RDRIG.png| Prototype Hardsuit}}|no image}}
Prototype Hardsuit

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:MK.II SWAT Suit|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Mk2swat.png|MK.II SWAT Suit}}
Found in: Centcom
Used for: Providing extensive armor and utility in a combat situation.
Strategy: Fitted with beefy armor, reserved for use by Nanotrasen Special Forces.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} An MK.II SWAT suit with streamlined joints and armor made out of superior materials, insulated against intense heat. The most advanced tactical armor available. No built-in jetpack.
Resistances: melee = 40, bullet = 50, laser = 50, energy = 25, bomb = 50, bio = 100, rad = 50, fire = 100, acid = 100.

| {{#if:Fitted with beefy armor, reserved for use by Nanotrasen Special Forces.

{{#if:|Mk2swat.png|MK.II SWAT Suit}}
Found in: Centcom
Used for: Providing extensive armor and utility in a combat situation.
Strategy: Fitted with beefy armor, reserved for use by Nanotrasen Special Forces.
An MK.II SWAT suit with streamlined joints and armor made out of superior materials, insulated against intense heat. The most advanced tactical armor available. No built-in jetpack.
Resistances: melee = 40, bullet = 50, laser = 50, energy = 25, bomb = 50, bio = 100, rad = 50, fire = 100, acid = 100.|No description}}

| {{#if:Providing extensive armor and utility in a combat situation.|

{{#if:|Mk2swat.png|MK.II SWAT Suit}}
Found in: Centcom
Used for: Providing extensive armor and utility in a combat situation.
An MK.II SWAT suit with streamlined joints and armor made out of superior materials, insulated against intense heat. The most advanced tactical armor available. No built-in jetpack.
Resistances: melee = 40, bullet = 50, laser = 50, energy = 25, bomb = 50, bio = 100, rad = 50, fire = 100, acid = 100.|No description}}

| {{#if:MK.II SWAT Suit|

{{#if:|Mk2swat.png|{{#ifexist: File:Mk2swat.png| MK.II SWAT Suit}}|no image}}

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Captain's SWAT Suit|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|CaptArmor.png|Captain's SWAT Suit}}
Captain's SWAT Suit
Found in: Captain's Quarters
Used for: Avoiding death once hell breaks loose
Strategy: Fitted with beefy armor, solid choice when Nuke Ops come knocking at your door.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Slows wearers down less while offering extremely high protection from anything but bombs and radiation. Usually reserved for heavy hitter corporate security, this one has a regal finish in Nanotrasen company colors. No built-in jetpack.
Resistances: melee = 40, bullet = 50, laser = 50, energy = 25, bomb = 50, bio = 100, rad = 50, fire = 100, acid = 100.

| {{#if:Fitted with beefy armor, solid choice when Nuke Ops come knocking at your door.

{{#if:|CaptArmor.png|Captain's SWAT Suit}}
Captain's SWAT Suit
Found in: Captain's Quarters
Used for: Avoiding death once hell breaks loose
Strategy: Fitted with beefy armor, solid choice when Nuke Ops come knocking at your door.
Slows wearers down less while offering extremely high protection from anything but bombs and radiation. Usually reserved for heavy hitter corporate security, this one has a regal finish in Nanotrasen company colors. No built-in jetpack.
Resistances: melee = 40, bullet = 50, laser = 50, energy = 25, bomb = 50, bio = 100, rad = 50, fire = 100, acid = 100.|No description}}

| {{#if:Avoiding death once hell breaks loose|

{{#if:|CaptArmor.png|Captain's SWAT Suit}}
Captain's SWAT Suit
Found in: Captain's Quarters
Used for: Avoiding death once hell breaks loose
Slows wearers down less while offering extremely high protection from anything but bombs and radiation. Usually reserved for heavy hitter corporate security, this one has a regal finish in Nanotrasen company colors. No built-in jetpack.
Resistances: melee = 40, bullet = 50, laser = 50, energy = 25, bomb = 50, bio = 100, rad = 50, fire = 100, acid = 100.|No description}}

| {{#if:Captain's SWAT Suit|

{{#if:|CaptArmor.png|{{#ifexist: File:CaptArmor.png| Captain's SWAT Suit}}|no image}}
Captain's SWAT Suit

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}


Shoes can look stylish, and they can also help you not go all John McClane on the glass shards.
Certain shoes and boots can be used to store items - for example a knife or an esword.

{{#if:Shoes|}} {{#if:|

Found in: Locker Room, Dorms, Arrivals, Medbay
Used for: Protecting your feet from glass, making you walk faster
Strategy: Wear them. Don't take them off unless you're changing them for another pair
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} A pair of brown shoes.

| {{#if:Wear them. Don't take them off unless you're changing them for another pair|

Found in: Locker Room, Dorms, Arrivals, Medbay
Used for: Protecting your feet from glass, making you walk faster
Strategy: Wear them. Don't take them off unless you're changing them for another pair
A pair of brown shoes.|No description}}

| {{#if:Protecting your feet from glass, making you walk faster|

Found in: Locker Room, Dorms, Arrivals, Medbay
Used for: Protecting your feet from glass, making you walk faster
A pair of brown shoes.|No description}}

| {{#if:Shoes|

{{#if:|Brshoe.png|{{#ifexist: File:Brshoe.png| Shoes}}|no image}}

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Clown's Shoes|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Clshoe.png|Clown's Shoes}}
Clown's Shoes
Found in: HONK!!!
Used for: Squeaking, and making H.O.N.K. mechs
Strategy: Makes that annoying squeaking sound as the clown walks. Slightly slower than normal shoes.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} The prankster's standard-issue clowning shoes. Damn, they're huge! Can be used to store items.

| {{#if:Makes that annoying squeaking sound as the clown walks. Slightly slower than normal shoes.|

{{#if:|Clshoe.png|Clown's Shoes}}
Clown's Shoes
Found in: HONK!!!
Used for: Squeaking, and making H.O.N.K. mechs
Strategy: Makes that annoying squeaking sound as the clown walks. Slightly slower than normal shoes.
The prankster's standard-issue clowning shoes. Damn, they're huge! Can be used to store items.|No description}}

| {{#if:Squeaking, and making H.O.N.K. mechs|

{{#if:|Clshoe.png|Clown's Shoes}}
Clown's Shoes
Found in: HONK!!!
Used for: Squeaking, and making H.O.N.K. mechs
The prankster's standard-issue clowning shoes. Damn, they're huge! Can be used to store items.|No description}}

| {{#if:Clown's Shoes|

{{#if:|Clshoe.png|{{#ifexist: File:Clshoe.png| Clown's Shoes}}|no image}}
Clown's Shoes

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Janitor's Galoshes|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Jshoe.png|Janitor's Galoshes}}
Janitor's Galoshes
Found in: The Janitor's Closet
Used for: They prevent you from slipping on everything but space lube
Strategy: Other crew members will often seek these out to avoid falling victim to the clown or excessive mopping.
Wearing these will reduce your walking speed.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Rubber boots. Spraying these with Drying Agent will make them remove any water puddles you walk over.
(If you don't want people to slip, why are you using the mop in the first place?)

| {{#if:Other crew members will often seek these out to avoid falling victim to the clown or excessive mopping.
Wearing these will reduce your walking speed.|

{{#if:|Jshoe.png|Janitor's Galoshes}}
Janitor's Galoshes
Found in: The Janitor's Closet
Used for: They prevent you from slipping on everything but space lube
Strategy: Other crew members will often seek these out to avoid falling victim to the clown or excessive mopping.
Wearing these will reduce your walking speed.
{{#if:Rubber boots. Spraying these with Drying Agent will make them remove any water puddles you walk over.
(If you don't want people to slip, why are you using the mop in the first place?)|Rubber boots. Spraying these with Drying Agent will make them remove any water puddles you walk over.
(If you don't want people to slip, why are you using the mop in the first place?)|No description}}

| {{#if:They prevent you from slipping on everything but space lube|

{{#if:|Jshoe.png|Janitor's Galoshes}}
Janitor's Galoshes
Found in: The Janitor's Closet
Used for: They prevent you from slipping on everything but space lube
{{#if:Rubber boots. Spraying these with Drying Agent will make them remove any water puddles you walk over.
(If you don't want people to slip, why are you using the mop in the first place?)|Rubber boots. Spraying these with Drying Agent will make them remove any water puddles you walk over.
(If you don't want people to slip, why are you using the mop in the first place?)|No description}}

| {{#if:Janitor's Galoshes|

{{#if:|Jshoe.png|{{#ifexist: File:Jshoe.png| Janitor's Galoshes}}|no image}}
Janitor's Galoshes

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Magnetic Boots|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Mashoe.png|Magnetic Boots}}
Magnetic Boots
Found in: Chief Engineers Office, EVA storage
Used for: Preventing you from moving unintentionally in space
Strategy: Make sure you toggle them on via the object tab for them to work. Prevents unintentional movement whilst EVA and slows you down greatly for careful, deliberate movement
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Magnetic boots, often used during extravehicular activity to ensure the user remains safely attached to the vehicle.

| {{#if:Make sure you toggle them on via the object tab for them to work. Prevents unintentional movement whilst EVA and slows you down greatly for careful, deliberate movement|

{{#if:|Mashoe.png|Magnetic Boots}}
Magnetic Boots
Found in: Chief Engineers Office, EVA storage
Used for: Preventing you from moving unintentionally in space
Strategy: Make sure you toggle them on via the object tab for them to work. Prevents unintentional movement whilst EVA and slows you down greatly for careful, deliberate movement
Magnetic boots, often used during extravehicular activity to ensure the user remains safely attached to the vehicle.|No description}}

| {{#if:Preventing you from moving unintentionally in space|

{{#if:|Mashoe.png|Magnetic Boots}}
Magnetic Boots
Found in: Chief Engineers Office, EVA storage
Used for: Preventing you from moving unintentionally in space
Magnetic boots, often used during extravehicular activity to ensure the user remains safely attached to the vehicle.|No description}}

| {{#if:Magnetic Boots|

{{#if:|Mashoe.png|{{#ifexist: File:Mashoe.png| Magnetic Boots}}|no image}}
Magnetic Boots

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Legcuffs|}} {{#if:|

Found in: Prison Wing lockers
Used for: Dressing your prisoners
Strategy: Apply cuffs to shoes, put them on prisoners
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Make prisoners wear these to keep them in line. Slows them down considerably.

| {{#if:Apply cuffs to shoes, put them on prisoners|

Found in: Prison Wing lockers
Used for: Dressing your prisoners
Strategy: Apply cuffs to shoes, put them on prisoners
Make prisoners wear these to keep them in line. Slows them down considerably.|No description}}

| {{#if:Dressing your prisoners|

Found in: Prison Wing lockers
Used for: Dressing your prisoners
Make prisoners wear these to keep them in line. Slows them down considerably.|No description}}

| {{#if:Legcuffs|

{{#if:|JOrshoe.png|{{#ifexist: File:JOrshoe.png| Legcuffs}}|no image}}

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}


Can be used to hide fingerprints and protection from certain objects. You can wash gloves with a crayon to change their color.

{{#if:Black Gloves|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|BGloves.png|Black Gloves}}
Black Gloves
Found in: Cargo Bay, Atmospherics, some other places in the station
Used for: Completing a outfit, or hiding fingerprints
Strategy: These gloves give heat protection, so wear them while firefighting and removing lightbulbs
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} These gloves are fire-resistant.

| {{#if:These gloves give heat protection, so wear them while firefighting and removing lightbulbs|

{{#if:|BGloves.png|Black Gloves}}
Black Gloves
Found in: Cargo Bay, Atmospherics, some other places in the station
Used for: Completing a outfit, or hiding fingerprints
Strategy: These gloves give heat protection, so wear them while firefighting and removing lightbulbs
These gloves are fire-resistant.|No description}}

| {{#if:Completing a outfit, or hiding fingerprints|

{{#if:|BGloves.png|Black Gloves}}
Black Gloves
Found in: Cargo Bay, Atmospherics, some other places in the station
Used for: Completing a outfit, or hiding fingerprints
These gloves are fire-resistant.|No description}}

| {{#if:Black Gloves|

{{#if:|BGloves.png|{{#ifexist: File:BGloves.png| Black Gloves}}|no image}}
Black Gloves

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Budget Insulated Gloves|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|IGloves.png|Budget Insulated Gloves}}
Budget Insulated Gloves
Found in: Engineering and Primary Tool Storage
Used for: Trolling
Strategy: With all these budget cuts, Nanotrasen cannot afford high quality gloves for all crewmen. Budget gloves usually only provide the half protection from electric shocks most other gloves give, but can sometimes have full protection, 25% protection, or make you take more damage than if you were otherwise bare handed! These are far easier to obtain than regular insulated gloves, so roll the dice with them if you want.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} These gloves are cheap copies of the coveted gloves, no way this can end badly.

| {{#if:With all these budget cuts, Nanotrasen cannot afford high quality gloves for all crewmen. Budget gloves usually only provide the half protection from electric shocks most other gloves give, but can sometimes have full protection, 25% protection, or make you take more damage than if you were otherwise bare handed! These are far easier to obtain than regular insulated gloves, so roll the dice with them if you want.|

{{#if:|IGloves.png|Budget Insulated Gloves}}
Budget Insulated Gloves
Found in: Engineering and Primary Tool Storage
Used for: Trolling
Strategy: With all these budget cuts, Nanotrasen cannot afford high quality gloves for all crewmen. Budget gloves usually only provide the half protection from electric shocks most other gloves give, but can sometimes have full protection, 25% protection, or make you take more damage than if you were otherwise bare handed! These are far easier to obtain than regular insulated gloves, so roll the dice with them if you want.
These gloves are cheap copies of the coveted gloves, no way this can end badly.|No description}}

| {{#if:Trolling|

{{#if:|IGloves.png|Budget Insulated Gloves}}
Budget Insulated Gloves
Found in: Engineering and Primary Tool Storage
Used for: Trolling
These gloves are cheap copies of the coveted gloves, no way this can end badly.|No description}}

| {{#if:Budget Insulated Gloves|

{{#if:|IGloves.png|{{#ifexist: File:IGloves.png| Budget Insulated Gloves}}|no image}}
Budget Insulated Gloves

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Insulated Gloves|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|IGloves.png|Insulated Gloves}}
Insulated Gloves
Found in: Engineering, tech storage, and ordered by Cargo
Used for: To stop you from being shocked
Strategy: Trade your old gloves in for these, if you're not worried about disease. These handy yellow gloves are much coveted by the crew. While not as stylish as black gloves, they hide your fingerprints just as well and also protect the wearer from electric shock when hacking and manipulating power cables. Washing gloves with a yellow crayon will name them insulated gloves, but they will not protect you from shocks. Throw these gloves in a washing machine with a crayon to change the glove's distinct colour and name so you are not accosted for wearing them.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} These gloves will protect the wearer from electric shock - whether by Hacking or delaminating Supermatter Engine.

| {{#if:Trade your old gloves in for these, if you're not worried about disease. These handy yellow gloves are much coveted by the crew. While not as stylish as black gloves, they hide your fingerprints just as well and also protect the wearer from electric shock when hacking and manipulating power cables. Washing gloves with a yellow crayon will name them insulated gloves, but they will not protect you from shocks. Throw these gloves in a washing machine with a crayon to change the glove's distinct colour and name so you are not accosted for wearing them.|

{{#if:|IGloves.png|Insulated Gloves}}
Insulated Gloves
Found in: Engineering, tech storage, and ordered by Cargo
Used for: To stop you from being shocked
Strategy: Trade your old gloves in for these, if you're not worried about disease. These handy yellow gloves are much coveted by the crew. While not as stylish as black gloves, they hide your fingerprints just as well and also protect the wearer from electric shock when hacking and manipulating power cables. Washing gloves with a yellow crayon will name them insulated gloves, but they will not protect you from shocks. Throw these gloves in a washing machine with a crayon to change the glove's distinct colour and name so you are not accosted for wearing them.
{{#if:These gloves will protect the wearer from electric shock - whether by Hacking or delaminating Supermatter Engine.|These gloves will protect the wearer from electric shock - whether by Hacking or delaminating Supermatter Engine.|No description}}

| {{#if:To stop you from being shocked|

{{#if:|IGloves.png|Insulated Gloves}}
Insulated Gloves
Found in: Engineering, tech storage, and ordered by Cargo
Used for: To stop you from being shocked
{{#if:These gloves will protect the wearer from electric shock - whether by Hacking or delaminating Supermatter Engine.|These gloves will protect the wearer from electric shock - whether by Hacking or delaminating Supermatter Engine.|No description}}

| {{#if:Insulated Gloves|

{{#if:|IGloves.png|{{#ifexist: File:IGloves.png| Insulated Gloves}}|no image}}
Insulated Gloves

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Latex Gloves|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|LGloves.png|Latex Gloves}}
Latex Gloves
Found in: Latex gloves can be easily secured from the morgue and medbay. They can also be found on the hands of medical personnel
Used for: They partially prevent the passing of disease and leave only partial fingerprints
Strategy: Latex gloves are white and thin, they are the least suspicious of the gloves to be worn because they are so common and so freely passed out. It is far easier to dispose of gloves than it is to wash your bare hands. They can also be blown up into balloons! You will still burn yourself on light bulbs with these. You will only take 30% damage from shocks with these. When washed with a crayon, they become normal gloves.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Cheap sterile gloves made from latex

| {{#if:Latex gloves are white and thin, they are the least suspicious of the gloves to be worn because they are so common and so freely passed out. It is far easier to dispose of gloves than it is to wash your bare hands. They can also be blown up into balloons! You will still burn yourself on light bulbs with these. You will only take 30% damage from shocks with these. When washed with a crayon, they become normal gloves.|

{{#if:|LGloves.png|Latex Gloves}}
Latex Gloves
Found in: Latex gloves can be easily secured from the morgue and medbay. They can also be found on the hands of medical personnel
Used for: They partially prevent the passing of disease and leave only partial fingerprints
Strategy: Latex gloves are white and thin, they are the least suspicious of the gloves to be worn because they are so common and so freely passed out. It is far easier to dispose of gloves than it is to wash your bare hands. They can also be blown up into balloons! You will still burn yourself on light bulbs with these. You will only take 30% damage from shocks with these. When washed with a crayon, they become normal gloves.
Cheap sterile gloves made from latex|No description}}

| {{#if:They partially prevent the passing of disease and leave only partial fingerprints|

{{#if:|LGloves.png|Latex Gloves}}
Latex Gloves
Found in: Latex gloves can be easily secured from the morgue and medbay. They can also be found on the hands of medical personnel
Used for: They partially prevent the passing of disease and leave only partial fingerprints
Cheap sterile gloves made from latex|No description}}

| {{#if:Latex Gloves|

{{#if:|LGloves.png|{{#ifexist: File:LGloves.png| Latex Gloves}}|no image}}
Latex Gloves

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Nitrile Gloves|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Nitrile_gloves.png|Nitrile Gloves}}
Nitrile Gloves
Found in: There are three pairs of this gloves on the whole station. One in the CMO's office and two in the medbay storage.
Used for: Decreasing a chance of speading a disease and not leaving fingerprints.
Strategy: Thicker and rarer brother of latex gloves. They do not leave fingerprints, they will however leave a nitrile fibers so be wary. Similarly to latex gloves they provide 30% shock resistance.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Pricy sterile gloves that are stronger than latex.

| {{#if:Thicker and rarer brother of latex gloves. They do not leave fingerprints, they will however leave a nitrile fibers so be wary. Similarly to latex gloves they provide 30% shock resistance.|

{{#if:|Nitrile_gloves.png|Nitrile Gloves}}
Nitrile Gloves
Found in: There are three pairs of this gloves on the whole station. One in the CMO's office and two in the medbay storage.
Used for: Decreasing a chance of speading a disease and not leaving fingerprints.
Strategy: Thicker and rarer brother of latex gloves. They do not leave fingerprints, they will however leave a nitrile fibers so be wary. Similarly to latex gloves they provide 30% shock resistance.
Pricy sterile gloves that are stronger than latex.|No description}}

| {{#if:Decreasing a chance of speading a disease and not leaving fingerprints.|

{{#if:|Nitrile_gloves.png|Nitrile Gloves}}
Nitrile Gloves
Found in: There are three pairs of this gloves on the whole station. One in the CMO's office and two in the medbay storage.
Used for: Decreasing a chance of speading a disease and not leaving fingerprints.
Pricy sterile gloves that are stronger than latex.|No description}}

| {{#if:Nitrile Gloves|

{{#if:|Nitrile_gloves.png|{{#ifexist: File:Nitrile_gloves.png| Nitrile Gloves}}|no image}}
Nitrile Gloves

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Botanist's Gloves|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|BoGlove.png|Botanist's Gloves}}
Botanist's Gloves
Found in: Botanist's hands
Used for: Holding some special plant types
Strategy: Holding nettles and growing them to insta-crit people. They also protect against temperature.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} These leather gloves protect against thorns, barbs, prickles, spikes and other harmful objects of floral origin.

| {{#if:Holding nettles and growing them to insta-crit people. They also protect against temperature.|

{{#if:|BoGlove.png|Botanist's Gloves}}
Botanist's Gloves
Found in: Botanist's hands
Used for: Holding some special plant types
Strategy: Holding nettles and growing them to insta-crit people. They also protect against temperature.
These leather gloves protect against thorns, barbs, prickles, spikes and other harmful objects of floral origin.|No description}}

| {{#if:Holding some special plant types|

{{#if:|BoGlove.png|Botanist's Gloves}}
Botanist's Gloves
Found in: Botanist's hands
Used for: Holding some special plant types
These leather gloves protect against thorns, barbs, prickles, spikes and other harmful objects of floral origin.|No description}}

| {{#if:Botanist's Gloves|

{{#if:|BoGlove.png|{{#ifexist: File:BoGlove.png| Botanist's Gloves}}|no image}}
Botanist's Gloves

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Combat Gloves|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|BGloves.png|Combat Gloves}}
Combat Gloves
Found in: Derelict, Nuclear Agents, Traitor Uplinks
Used for: Both combat and electrical work.
Strategy: Hiding fingerprints while hacking doors in safety.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} These tactical gloves are fireproof and shock resistant.

| {{#if:Hiding fingerprints while hacking doors in safety.|

{{#if:|BGloves.png|Combat Gloves}}
Combat Gloves
Found in: Derelict, Nuclear Agents, Traitor Uplinks
Used for: Both combat and electrical work.
Strategy: Hiding fingerprints while hacking doors in safety.
These tactical gloves are fireproof and shock resistant.|No description}}

| {{#if:Both combat and electrical work.|

{{#if:|BGloves.png|Combat Gloves}}
Combat Gloves
Found in: Derelict, Nuclear Agents, Traitor Uplinks
Used for: Both combat and electrical work.
These tactical gloves are fireproof and shock resistant.|No description}}

| {{#if:Combat Gloves|

{{#if:|BGloves.png|{{#ifexist: File:BGloves.png| Combat Gloves}}|no image}}
Combat Gloves

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}


These items can be worn over your eyes, providing protection, visual information or other things

{{#if:Health Scanner HUD|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|MedGlasses.png|Health Scanner HUD}}
Health Scanner HUD
Found in: Surgery, CMO's Office, Virology
Used for: Seeing a visual overlay of people's health and disease status
Strategy: Use it to prioritize critical patients...or prioritize your targets
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} A heads-up display that scans the humans in view and provides accurate data about their health status.
Click here for an overview of what the symbols mean.

| {{#if:Use it to prioritize critical patients...or prioritize your targets|

{{#if:|MedGlasses.png|Health Scanner HUD}}
Health Scanner HUD
Found in: Surgery, CMO's Office, Virology
Used for: Seeing a visual overlay of people's health and disease status
Strategy: Use it to prioritize critical patients...or prioritize your targets
{{#if:A heads-up display that scans the humans in view and provides accurate data about their health status.
Click here for an overview of what the symbols mean.|A heads-up display that scans the humans in view and provides accurate data about their health status.
Click here for an overview of what the symbols mean.|No description}}

| {{#if:Seeing a visual overlay of people's health and disease status|

{{#if:|MedGlasses.png|Health Scanner HUD}}
Health Scanner HUD
Found in: Surgery, CMO's Office, Virology
Used for: Seeing a visual overlay of people's health and disease status
{{#if:A heads-up display that scans the humans in view and provides accurate data about their health status.
Click here for an overview of what the symbols mean.|A heads-up display that scans the humans in view and provides accurate data about their health status.
Click here for an overview of what the symbols mean.|No description}}

| {{#if:Health Scanner HUD|

{{#if:|MedGlasses.png|{{#ifexist: File:MedGlasses.png| Health Scanner HUD}}|no image}}
Health Scanner HUD

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Optical Meson Scanners|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|MGlasses.png|Optical Meson Scanners}}
Optical Meson Scanners
Found in: Engineering and maintenance areas.
Used for: Seeing structural layout.
Strategy: Wear these when mining, or seeing where structural damage is though walls. Removes all darkness effects, but you still will not see people or objects until you get close.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Used for seeing walls, floors, and stuff through anything.

| {{#if:Wear these when mining, or seeing where structural damage is though walls. Removes all darkness effects, but you still will not see people or objects until you get close.|

{{#if:|MGlasses.png|Optical Meson Scanners}}
Optical Meson Scanners
Found in: Engineering and maintenance areas.
Used for: Seeing structural layout.
Strategy: Wear these when mining, or seeing where structural damage is though walls. Removes all darkness effects, but you still will not see people or objects until you get close.
Used for seeing walls, floors, and stuff through anything.|No description}}

| {{#if:Seeing structural layout.|

{{#if:|MGlasses.png|Optical Meson Scanners}}
Optical Meson Scanners
Found in: Engineering and maintenance areas.
Used for: Seeing structural layout.
Used for seeing walls, floors, and stuff through anything.|No description}}

| {{#if:Optical Meson Scanners|

{{#if:|MGlasses.png|{{#ifexist: File:MGlasses.png| Optical Meson Scanners}}|no image}}
Optical Meson Scanners

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Optical T-Ray Scanner|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|TrayScanner.png|Optical T-Ray Scanner}}
Optical T-Ray Scanner
Found in: Atmospherics.
Used for: Seeing under floor tiles.
Strategy: Use these to plan out wires and pipes.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} When activated it will reveal wires and pipes under the flooring, as well as Critters and Creatures inside pipes, as well as make cloaked people flicker.

| {{#if:Use these to plan out wires and pipes.|

{{#if:|TrayScanner.png|Optical T-Ray Scanner}}
Optical T-Ray Scanner
Found in: Atmospherics.
Used for: Seeing under floor tiles.
Strategy: Use these to plan out wires and pipes.
When activated it will reveal wires and pipes under the flooring, as well as Critters and Creatures inside pipes, as well as make cloaked people flicker.|No description}}

| {{#if:Seeing under floor tiles.|

{{#if:|TrayScanner.png|Optical T-Ray Scanner}}
Optical T-Ray Scanner
Found in: Atmospherics.
Used for: Seeing under floor tiles.
When activated it will reveal wires and pipes under the flooring, as well as Critters and Creatures inside pipes, as well as make cloaked people flicker.|No description}}

| {{#if:Optical T-Ray Scanner|

{{#if:|TrayScanner.png|{{#ifexist: File:TrayScanner.png| Optical T-Ray Scanner}}|no image}}
Optical T-Ray Scanner

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Engineering Scanner Goggles|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|EngiScanners.png|Engineering Scanner Goggles}}
Engineering Scanner Goggles
Found in: Engineering.
Used for: Seeing structural layout, spotting radiation leaks or seeing under floor tiles.
Strategy: Switch between meson, radiation and T-ray scanning when needed.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} The Meson Scanner mode lets you see basic structural and terrain layouts through walls, regardless of lighting condition. The T-ray Scanner mode lets you see underfloor objects such as cables and pipes. The Radiation Scanner mode lets you spot irradiated items.

| {{#if:Switch between meson, radiation and T-ray scanning when needed.|

{{#if:|EngiScanners.png|Engineering Scanner Goggles}}
Engineering Scanner Goggles
Found in: Engineering.
Used for: Seeing structural layout, spotting radiation leaks or seeing under floor tiles.
Strategy: Switch between meson, radiation and T-ray scanning when needed.
The Meson Scanner mode lets you see basic structural and terrain layouts through walls, regardless of lighting condition. The T-ray Scanner mode lets you see underfloor objects such as cables and pipes. The Radiation Scanner mode lets you spot irradiated items.|No description}}

| {{#if:Seeing structural layout, spotting radiation leaks or seeing under floor tiles.|

{{#if:|EngiScanners.png|Engineering Scanner Goggles}}
Engineering Scanner Goggles
Found in: Engineering.
Used for: Seeing structural layout, spotting radiation leaks or seeing under floor tiles.
The Meson Scanner mode lets you see basic structural and terrain layouts through walls, regardless of lighting condition. The T-ray Scanner mode lets you see underfloor objects such as cables and pipes. The Radiation Scanner mode lets you spot irradiated items.|No description}}

| {{#if:Engineering Scanner Goggles|

{{#if:|EngiScanners.png|{{#ifexist: File:EngiScanners.png| Engineering Scanner Goggles}}|no image}}
Engineering Scanner Goggles

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Sunglasses|}} {{#if:|

Found in: Security Office, Maintenance.
Used for: Protection against flashes, useful when against Revs and flashes, wearing at night and when your vision is augmented.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Strangely ancient technology used to help provide rudimentary eye cover. Enhanced shielding blocks flashes, but isn't strong enough to weld with.


Found in: Security Office, Maintenance.
Used for: Protection against flashes, useful when against Revs and flashes, wearing at night and when your vision is augmented.
Strangely ancient technology used to help provide rudimentary eye cover. Enhanced shielding blocks flashes, but isn't strong enough to weld with.|No description}}

| {{#if:Protection against flashes, useful when against Revs and flashes, wearing at night and when your vision is augmented.|

Found in: Security Office, Maintenance.
Used for: Protection against flashes, useful when against Revs and flashes, wearing at night and when your vision is augmented.
Strangely ancient technology used to help provide rudimentary eye cover. Enhanced shielding blocks flashes, but isn't strong enough to weld with.|No description}}

| {{#if:Sunglasses|

{{#if:|SGlasses.png|{{#ifexist: File:SGlasses.png| Sunglasses}}|no image}}

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Security HUD|}}{{#if:HUDSunglasses|}} {{#if:|

Found in: Security Office
Used for: Combines Sunglasses and Security Scanner
Strategy: Security starts with these, allow you to see a persons ID level and wanted status along with resistance to flashes. You will also get automated notifications from beepsky and brig cells.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Recommended for all security members. In addition to protection from flashes, it provides nifty icons over the heads of everyone you can see. It displays their rank, arrest status, if the have a tracking implant (flashing red dot) or a mindshield implant (blinking blue outline). Also allows for on-the-fly Security Records management by simply examining your target. You'll also get notified when Beepsky makes an arrest, or when a prisoner is released from the brig.

| {{#if:Security starts with these, allow you to see a persons ID level and wanted status along with resistance to flashes. You will also get automated notifications from beepsky and brig cells.|

Found in: Security Office
Used for: Combines Sunglasses and Security Scanner
Strategy: Security starts with these, allow you to see a persons ID level and wanted status along with resistance to flashes. You will also get automated notifications from beepsky and brig cells.
{{#if:Recommended for all security members. In addition to protection from flashes, it provides nifty icons over the heads of everyone you can see. It displays their rank, arrest status, if the have a tracking implant (flashing red dot) or a mindshield implant (blinking blue outline). Also allows for on-the-fly Security Records management by simply examining your target. You'll also get notified when Beepsky makes an arrest, or when a prisoner is released from the brig.|Recommended for all security members. In addition to protection from flashes, it provides nifty icons over the heads of everyone you can see. It displays their rank, arrest status, if the have a tracking implant (flashing red dot) or a mindshield implant (blinking blue outline). Also allows for on-the-fly Security Records management by simply examining your target. You'll also get notified when Beepsky makes an arrest, or when a prisoner is released from the brig.|No description}}

| {{#if:Combines Sunglasses and Security Scanner|

Found in: Security Office
Used for: Combines Sunglasses and Security Scanner
{{#if:Recommended for all security members. In addition to protection from flashes, it provides nifty icons over the heads of everyone you can see. It displays their rank, arrest status, if the have a tracking implant (flashing red dot) or a mindshield implant (blinking blue outline). Also allows for on-the-fly Security Records management by simply examining your target. You'll also get notified when Beepsky makes an arrest, or when a prisoner is released from the brig.|Recommended for all security members. In addition to protection from flashes, it provides nifty icons over the heads of everyone you can see. It displays their rank, arrest status, if the have a tracking implant (flashing red dot) or a mindshield implant (blinking blue outline). Also allows for on-the-fly Security Records management by simply examining your target. You'll also get notified when Beepsky makes an arrest, or when a prisoner is released from the brig.|No description}}

| {{#if:HUDSunglasses|

{{#if:|Hudsunglasses.png|{{#ifexist: File:Hudsunglasses.png| HUDSunglasses}}|no image}}

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Welding Goggles|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Welding_Goggles.png|Welding Goggles}}
Welding Goggles
Found in: R&D Lab
Used for: Welding without receiving eye damage, without a welding mask!
Strategy: Wear it while using a welding tool, or to get by flashers. Wearing the Welding Helmet makes you practically blind. Clicking the Welding Helmet while in hand, will flip it up so it doesn't cover the face
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Protects the eyes from welders, approved by the mad scientist association.

| {{#if:Wear it while using a welding tool, or to get by flashers. Wearing the Welding Helmet makes you practically blind. Clicking the Welding Helmet while in hand, will flip it up so it doesn't cover the face|

{{#if:|Welding_Goggles.png|Welding Goggles}}
Welding Goggles
Found in: R&D Lab
Used for: Welding without receiving eye damage, without a welding mask!
Strategy: Wear it while using a welding tool, or to get by flashers. Wearing the Welding Helmet makes you practically blind. Clicking the Welding Helmet while in hand, will flip it up so it doesn't cover the face
Protects the eyes from welders, approved by the mad scientist association.|No description}}

| {{#if:Welding without receiving eye damage, without a welding mask!|

{{#if:|Welding_Goggles.png|Welding Goggles}}
Welding Goggles
Found in: R&D Lab
Used for: Welding without receiving eye damage, without a welding mask!
Protects the eyes from welders, approved by the mad scientist association.|No description}}

| {{#if:Welding Goggles|

{{#if:|Welding_Goggles.png|{{#ifexist: File:Welding_Goggles.png| Welding Goggles}}|no image}}
Welding Goggles

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Science Goggles|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Science_Goggles.png|Science Goggles}}
Science Goggles
Found in: Chemistry, R&D Lab
Used for: Nothing
Strategy: Wear them and do science
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Allows you to see what reagents are in a container.

| {{#if:Wear them and do science|

{{#if:|Science_Goggles.png|Science Goggles}}
Science Goggles
Found in: Chemistry, R&D Lab
Used for: Nothing
Strategy: Wear them and do science
Allows you to see what reagents are in a container.|No description}}

| {{#if:Nothing|

{{#if:|Science_Goggles.png|Science Goggles}}
Science Goggles
Found in: Chemistry, R&D Lab
Used for: Nothing
Allows you to see what reagents are in a container.|No description}}

| {{#if:Science Goggles|

{{#if:|Science_Goggles.png|{{#ifexist: File:Science_Goggles.png| Science Goggles}}|no image}}
Science Goggles

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Blindfold|}} {{#if:|

Found in: Theater
Used for: Kinky stuff, blinding people without hurting them.
Strategy: Don't wear this if you want to see.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Covers the eyes, preventing sight.

| {{#if:Don't wear this if you want to see.|

Found in: Theater
Used for: Kinky stuff, blinding people without hurting them.
Strategy: Don't wear this if you want to see.
Covers the eyes, preventing sight.|No description}}

| {{#if:Kinky stuff, blinding people without hurting them.|

Found in: Theater
Used for: Kinky stuff, blinding people without hurting them.
Covers the eyes, preventing sight.|No description}}

| {{#if:Blindfold|

{{#if:|blindfold.png|{{#ifexist: File:blindfold.png| Blindfold}}|no image}}

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Night Vision Goggles|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|NightVision.png|Night Vision Goggles}}
Night Vision Goggles
Found in: Abandoned Satellite, Nuclear Agents.
Used for: Seeing people in the dark.
Strategy: Wear these when you know a power outage is about to happen.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} You can totally see in the dark now!

| {{#if:Wear these when you know a power outage is about to happen.|

{{#if:|NightVision.png|Night Vision Goggles}}
Night Vision Goggles
Found in: Abandoned Satellite, Nuclear Agents.
Used for: Seeing people in the dark.
Strategy: Wear these when you know a power outage is about to happen.
You can totally see in the dark now!|No description}}

| {{#if:Seeing people in the dark.|

{{#if:|NightVision.png|Night Vision Goggles}}
Night Vision Goggles
Found in: Abandoned Satellite, Nuclear Agents.
Used for: Seeing people in the dark.
You can totally see in the dark now!|No description}}

| {{#if:Night Vision Goggles|

{{#if:|NightVision.png|{{#ifexist: File:NightVision.png| Night Vision Goggles}}|no image}}
Night Vision Goggles

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Prescription Glasses|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|PGlasses.png|Prescription Glasses}}
Prescription Glasses
Found in: Just about anywhere in the Medbay
Used for: Fixing eye damage.
Strategy: Wear these, wait eyes to heal up.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Made by Nerd. Co.

| {{#if:Wear these, wait eyes to heal up.|

{{#if:|PGlasses.png|Prescription Glasses}}
Prescription Glasses
Found in: Just about anywhere in the Medbay
Used for: Fixing eye damage.
Strategy: Wear these, wait eyes to heal up.
Made by Nerd. Co.|No description}}

| {{#if:Fixing eye damage.|

{{#if:|PGlasses.png|Prescription Glasses}}
Prescription Glasses
Found in: Just about anywhere in the Medbay
Used for: Fixing eye damage.
Made by Nerd. Co.|No description}}

| {{#if:Prescription Glasses|

{{#if:|PGlasses.png|{{#ifexist: File:PGlasses.png| Prescription Glasses}}|no image}}
Prescription Glasses

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}


Different kinds of things which go on your back. Most people will wear a backpack, satchel or dufflebag at all times.

{{#if:Backpack|}}{{#if:Medical Backpack|}}{{#if:Security Backpack|}}{{#if:Giggles von Honkerton|}} {{#if:|

Found in: Dorms lockers, normal crew members may spawn wearing one
Used for: Storing unneeded crap
Strategy: You're going to want this. It's used for storing stuff, but, keep in mind that a backpack cannot store everything, such as toolboxes and other backpacks. But can generally store everything else. You also have a limited storage space.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} You wear this on your back and put items into it.
Most jobs have their own variety of backpack: Medical Backpack, Security Backpack and Giggles von Honkerton, to name a few.

| {{#if:You're going to want this. It's used for storing stuff, but, keep in mind that a backpack cannot store everything, such as toolboxes and other backpacks. But can generally store everything else. You also have a limited storage space.|

Found in: Dorms lockers, normal crew members may spawn wearing one
Used for: Storing unneeded crap
Strategy: You're going to want this. It's used for storing stuff, but, keep in mind that a backpack cannot store everything, such as toolboxes and other backpacks. But can generally store everything else. You also have a limited storage space.
{{#if:You wear this on your back and put items into it.
Most jobs have their own variety of backpack: Medical Backpack, Security Backpack and Giggles von Honkerton, to name a few.|You wear this on your back and put items into it.
Most jobs have their own variety of backpack: Medical Backpack, Security Backpack and Giggles von Honkerton, to name a few.|No description}}

| {{#if:Storing unneeded crap|

Found in: Dorms lockers, normal crew members may spawn wearing one
Used for: Storing unneeded crap
{{#if:You wear this on your back and put items into it.
Most jobs have their own variety of backpack: Medical Backpack, Security Backpack and Giggles von Honkerton, to name a few.|You wear this on your back and put items into it.
Most jobs have their own variety of backpack: Medical Backpack, Security Backpack and Giggles von Honkerton, to name a few.|No description}}

| {{#if:Backpack|

{{#if:|Backpack.png|{{#ifexist: File:Backpack.png| Backpack}}|no image}}

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Satchel|}}{{#if:Leather Satchel|}} {{#if:|

Found in: Dorms lockers, normal crew members may spawn wearing one
Used for: Storing unneeded crap
Strategy: Functionally identical to the backpack, but it looks more fashionable.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} You put this on your back slot and put items into it. Most jobs have their own variety of satchel. The Leather Satchel works the same as any satchel or backpack.

| {{#if:Functionally identical to the backpack, but it looks more fashionable.|

Found in: Dorms lockers, normal crew members may spawn wearing one
Used for: Storing unneeded crap
Strategy: Functionally identical to the backpack, but it looks more fashionable.
{{#if:You put this on your back slot and put items into it. Most jobs have their own variety of satchel. The Leather Satchel works the same as any satchel or backpack.|You put this on your back slot and put items into it. Most jobs have their own variety of satchel. The Leather Satchel works the same as any satchel or backpack.|No description}}

| {{#if:Storing unneeded crap|

Found in: Dorms lockers, normal crew members may spawn wearing one
Used for: Storing unneeded crap
{{#if:You put this on your back slot and put items into it. Most jobs have their own variety of satchel. The Leather Satchel works the same as any satchel or backpack.|You put this on your back slot and put items into it. Most jobs have their own variety of satchel. The Leather Satchel works the same as any satchel or backpack.|No description}}

| {{#if:Satchel|

{{#if:|GSatchel.png|{{#ifexist: File:GSatchel.png| Satchel}}|no image}}

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Dufflebag|}} {{#if:|

Found in: Dorms lockers, normal crew members may spawn wearing one
Used for: Storing more unneeded crap
Strategy: Functionally similar to the backpack, but can hold more things at the expense of slowing you down.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} You put this on your back and put items into it. Most jobs have their own variety of dufflebag.

| {{#if:Functionally similar to the backpack, but can hold more things at the expense of slowing you down.|

Found in: Dorms lockers, normal crew members may spawn wearing one
Used for: Storing more unneeded crap
Strategy: Functionally similar to the backpack, but can hold more things at the expense of slowing you down.
You put this on your back and put items into it. Most jobs have their own variety of dufflebag.|No description}}

| {{#if:Storing more unneeded crap|

Found in: Dorms lockers, normal crew members may spawn wearing one
Used for: Storing more unneeded crap
You put this on your back and put items into it. Most jobs have their own variety of dufflebag.|No description}}

| {{#if:Dufflebag|

{{#if:|Dufflebag.png|{{#ifexist: File:Dufflebag.png| Dufflebag}}|no image}}

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Jetpack|}} {{#if:|

Found in: EVA
Used for: Propelling yourself in space
Strategy: Put it on your back and switch it on to maneuver in space or low-gravity areas.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} The jet pack is a backpack slot item filled with either Carbon Dioxide or Oxygen. Since it has no air intake and carries its own fuel, it is actually a rocket pack, but the game can't seem to tell the difference so here we are. This item allows one to maneuver in a frictionless environment by firing either an expendable gas or a precious air supply out the back. Two black jetpacks filled with CO2 spawn in EVA. Syndicate operatives start with compact Oxygen-filled harnesses. The Captain has a unique oxygen-filled jetpack.

For proper use of a jetpack, remember these simple rules:

  • Black jetpacks are filled with carbon dioxide by default. Using these jetpacks as internals will knock you unconscious and suffocate you. Can be refilled with anything.
  • Refill blue jetpacks with oxygen, not air (if you wish to use it for your internals, otherwise fill with any gas).
  • Always set it to 16-25 pressure if you aren't using the emergency mask from your starting box. If you still have that, hurry up and find something else!
  • Always toggle it on when you want to move or need to move quickly, but toggle stabilization off if you're just drifting so as to not waste your supply and remain untrackable.

Most jetpacks are too bulky to be stowed in a backpack.

Hardsuits can be upgraded to have an integrated jetpack, which works with a gas tank in the suit storage slot. Advanced hardsuits start off with one of these installed.

Void Jet Packs may also be found in [REDACTED], which are filled with oxygen.

| {{#if:Put it on your back and switch it on to maneuver in space or low-gravity areas.|

Found in: EVA
Used for: Propelling yourself in space
Strategy: Put it on your back and switch it on to maneuver in space or low-gravity areas.
{{#if:The jet pack is a backpack slot item filled with either Carbon Dioxide or Oxygen. Since it has no air intake and carries its own fuel, it is actually a rocket pack, but the game can't seem to tell the difference so here we are. This item allows one to maneuver in a frictionless environment by firing either an expendable gas or a precious air supply out the back. Two black jetpacks filled with CO2 spawn in EVA. Syndicate operatives start with compact Oxygen-filled harnesses. The Captain has a unique oxygen-filled jetpack.

For proper use of a jetpack, remember these simple rules:

  • Black jetpacks are filled with carbon dioxide by default. Using these jetpacks as internals will knock you unconscious and suffocate you. Can be refilled with anything.
  • Refill blue jetpacks with oxygen, not air (if you wish to use it for your internals, otherwise fill with any gas).
  • Always set it to 16-25 pressure if you aren't using the emergency mask from your starting box. If you still have that, hurry up and find something else!
  • Always toggle it on when you want to move or need to move quickly, but toggle stabilization off if you're just drifting so as to not waste your supply and remain untrackable.

Most jetpacks are too bulky to be stowed in a backpack.

Hardsuits can be upgraded to have an integrated jetpack, which works with a gas tank in the suit storage slot. Advanced hardsuits start off with one of these installed.

Void Jet Packs may also be found in [REDACTED], which are filled with oxygen.|The jet pack is a backpack slot item filled with either Carbon Dioxide or Oxygen. Since it has no air intake and carries its own fuel, it is actually a rocket pack, but the game can't seem to tell the difference so here we are. This item allows one to maneuver in a frictionless environment by firing either an expendable gas or a precious air supply out the back. Two black jetpacks filled with CO2 spawn in EVA. Syndicate operatives start with compact Oxygen-filled harnesses. The Captain has a unique oxygen-filled jetpack.

For proper use of a jetpack, remember these simple rules:

  • Black jetpacks are filled with carbon dioxide by default. Using these jetpacks as internals will knock you unconscious and suffocate you. Can be refilled with anything.
  • Refill blue jetpacks with oxygen, not air (if you wish to use it for your internals, otherwise fill with any gas).
  • Always set it to 16-25 pressure if you aren't using the emergency mask from your starting box. If you still have that, hurry up and find something else!
  • Always toggle it on when you want to move or need to move quickly, but toggle stabilization off if you're just drifting so as to not waste your supply and remain untrackable.

Most jetpacks are too bulky to be stowed in a backpack.

Hardsuits can be upgraded to have an integrated jetpack, which works with a gas tank in the suit storage slot. Advanced hardsuits start off with one of these installed.

Void Jet Packs may also be found in [REDACTED], which are filled with oxygen.|No description}}

| {{#if:Propelling yourself in space|

Found in: EVA
Used for: Propelling yourself in space
{{#if:The jet pack is a backpack slot item filled with either Carbon Dioxide or Oxygen. Since it has no air intake and carries its own fuel, it is actually a rocket pack, but the game can't seem to tell the difference so here we are. This item allows one to maneuver in a frictionless environment by firing either an expendable gas or a precious air supply out the back. Two black jetpacks filled with CO2 spawn in EVA. Syndicate operatives start with compact Oxygen-filled harnesses. The Captain has a unique oxygen-filled jetpack.

For proper use of a jetpack, remember these simple rules:

  • Black jetpacks are filled with carbon dioxide by default. Using these jetpacks as internals will knock you unconscious and suffocate you. Can be refilled with anything.
  • Refill blue jetpacks with oxygen, not air (if you wish to use it for your internals, otherwise fill with any gas).
  • Always set it to 16-25 pressure if you aren't using the emergency mask from your starting box. If you still have that, hurry up and find something else!
  • Always toggle it on when you want to move or need to move quickly, but toggle stabilization off if you're just drifting so as to not waste your supply and remain untrackable.

Most jetpacks are too bulky to be stowed in a backpack.

Hardsuits can be upgraded to have an integrated jetpack, which works with a gas tank in the suit storage slot. Advanced hardsuits start off with one of these installed.

Void Jet Packs may also be found in [REDACTED], which are filled with oxygen.|The jet pack is a backpack slot item filled with either Carbon Dioxide or Oxygen. Since it has no air intake and carries its own fuel, it is actually a rocket pack, but the game can't seem to tell the difference so here we are. This item allows one to maneuver in a frictionless environment by firing either an expendable gas or a precious air supply out the back. Two black jetpacks filled with CO2 spawn in EVA. Syndicate operatives start with compact Oxygen-filled harnesses. The Captain has a unique oxygen-filled jetpack.

For proper use of a jetpack, remember these simple rules:

  • Black jetpacks are filled with carbon dioxide by default. Using these jetpacks as internals will knock you unconscious and suffocate you. Can be refilled with anything.
  • Refill blue jetpacks with oxygen, not air (if you wish to use it for your internals, otherwise fill with any gas).
  • Always set it to 16-25 pressure if you aren't using the emergency mask from your starting box. If you still have that, hurry up and find something else!
  • Always toggle it on when you want to move or need to move quickly, but toggle stabilization off if you're just drifting so as to not waste your supply and remain untrackable.

Most jetpacks are too bulky to be stowed in a backpack.

Hardsuits can be upgraded to have an integrated jetpack, which works with a gas tank in the suit storage slot. Advanced hardsuits start off with one of these installed.

Void Jet Packs may also be found in [REDACTED], which are filled with oxygen.|No description}}

| {{#if:Jetpack|

{{#if:|Jetpack-black.gif|{{#ifexist: File:Jetpack-black.gif| Jetpack}}|no image}}

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}


Belts are a type of containers that can only hold specific items. They are to not be confused with belt slot of character's inventory. Belts that exist in the game are:

{{#if:Tool Belt|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|utilitybelt.png|Tool Belt}}
Tool Belt
Found in: Engineering or in maintenance, and on a engineer or roboticist. Can be made at hydroponics through the biogenerator or ordered through mechanical maintenance crates
Used for: Toolbelts can hold some kinds of tiny items, most commonly tools
Strategy: They are worn as a belt and hold the same amount as a toolbox, though they are less useful as weapons. Sometimes the clown will steal these and hack EVA, just get your toolbox and robust him.
Can hold: Crowbar, Screwdriver, Welding tool, Wirecutters, Wrench, Multitool, Flashlight, Cable coil, T-ray scanner, Analyzer, Station Bounced Radio, Insulated Gloves
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Can hold various tools, such as:

| {{#if:They are worn as a belt and hold the same amount as a toolbox, though they are less useful as weapons. Sometimes the clown will steal these and hack EVA, just get your toolbox and robust him.
Can hold: Crowbar, Screwdriver, Welding tool, Wirecutters, Wrench, Multitool, Flashlight, Cable coil, T-ray scanner, Analyzer, Station Bounced Radio, Insulated Gloves|

{{#if:|utilitybelt.png|Tool Belt}}
Tool Belt
Found in: Engineering or in maintenance, and on a engineer or roboticist. Can be made at hydroponics through the biogenerator or ordered through mechanical maintenance crates
Used for: Toolbelts can hold some kinds of tiny items, most commonly tools
Strategy: They are worn as a belt and hold the same amount as a toolbox, though they are less useful as weapons. Sometimes the clown will steal these and hack EVA, just get your toolbox and robust him.
Can hold: Crowbar, Screwdriver, Welding tool, Wirecutters, Wrench, Multitool, Flashlight, Cable coil, T-ray scanner, Analyzer, Station Bounced Radio, Insulated Gloves
{{#if:Can hold various tools, such as:

| {{#if:Toolbelts can hold some kinds of tiny items, most commonly tools|

{{#if:|utilitybelt.png|Tool Belt}}
Tool Belt
Found in: Engineering or in maintenance, and on a engineer or roboticist. Can be made at hydroponics through the biogenerator or ordered through mechanical maintenance crates
Used for: Toolbelts can hold some kinds of tiny items, most commonly tools
{{#if:Can hold various tools, such as:

| {{#if:Tool Belt|

{{#if:|utilitybelt.png|{{#ifexist: File:utilitybelt.png| Tool Belt}}|no image}}
Tool Belt

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:CE Belt|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Ce_belt.png|Chief Engineer's Belt}}
Chief Engineer's Belt
Found in: Spawned with the Chief Engineer
Used for: Holding more advanced tools
Strategy: {{{strategy}}}
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Can hold:

| {{#if:|

{{#if:|Ce_belt.png|Chief Engineer's Belt}}
Chief Engineer's Belt
Found in: Spawned with the Chief Engineer
Used for: Holding more advanced tools
Strategy: {{{strategy}}}
{{#if:Can hold:

| {{#if:Holding more advanced tools|

{{#if:|Ce_belt.png|Chief Engineer's Belt}}
Chief Engineer's Belt
Found in: Spawned with the Chief Engineer
Used for: Holding more advanced tools
{{#if:Can hold:

| {{#if:Chief Engineer's Belt|

{{#if:|Ce_belt.png|{{#ifexist: File:Ce_belt.png| Chief Engineer's Belt}}|no image}}
Chief Engineer's Belt

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Medical Belt|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|medicalbelt.png|Medical Belt}}
Medical Belt
Found in: Medbay
Used for: Holding medical items
Strategy: Like the Utility Belt, but for holding medical items only. Think of these as your medkit- but on a belt.
Can hold: Health analyzer, DNA-Injector, Dropper, Beaker, Bottle, Pill, Syringe, Dispensed-beaker, Zippo lighter, Cigarette packet, Pill bottle, Medical box, Penlight.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Can hold various medical equipment, such as:

| {{#if:Like the Utility Belt, but for holding medical items only. Think of these as your medkit- but on a belt.
Can hold: Health analyzer, DNA-Injector, Dropper, Beaker, Bottle, Pill, Syringe, Dispensed-beaker, Zippo lighter, Cigarette packet, Pill bottle, Medical box, Penlight.|

{{#if:|medicalbelt.png|Medical Belt}}
Medical Belt
Found in: Medbay
Used for: Holding medical items
Strategy: Like the Utility Belt, but for holding medical items only. Think of these as your medkit- but on a belt.
Can hold: Health analyzer, DNA-Injector, Dropper, Beaker, Bottle, Pill, Syringe, Dispensed-beaker, Zippo lighter, Cigarette packet, Pill bottle, Medical box, Penlight.
{{#if:Can hold various medical equipment, such as:

| {{#if:Holding medical items|

{{#if:|medicalbelt.png|Medical Belt}}
Medical Belt
Found in: Medbay
Used for: Holding medical items
{{#if:Can hold various medical equipment, such as:

| {{#if:Medical Belt|

{{#if:|medicalbelt.png|{{#ifexist: File:medicalbelt.png| Medical Belt}}|no image}}
Medical Belt

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Security Belt|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|secbelt.png|Security Belt}}
Security Belt
Found in: Warden's locker, Security Office lockers
Used for: Holding security stuff
Strategy: Like the utility belt, but for security uses only.
Can hold: Flashbang, Handcuffs, Flash, Glasses, Shotgun ammo, Magazines, Donuts
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Can hold security gear, such as:

| {{#if:Like the utility belt, but for security uses only.
Can hold: Flashbang, Handcuffs, Flash, Glasses, Shotgun ammo, Magazines, Donuts|

{{#if:|secbelt.png|Security Belt}}
Security Belt
Found in: Warden's locker, Security Office lockers
Used for: Holding security stuff
Strategy: Like the utility belt, but for security uses only.
Can hold: Flashbang, Handcuffs, Flash, Glasses, Shotgun ammo, Magazines, Donuts
{{#if:Can hold security gear, such as:

| {{#if:Holding security stuff|

{{#if:|secbelt.png|Security Belt}}
Security Belt
Found in: Warden's locker, Security Office lockers
Used for: Holding security stuff
{{#if:Can hold security gear, such as:

| {{#if:Security Belt|

{{#if:|secbelt.png|{{#ifexist: File:secbelt.png| Security Belt}}|no image}}
Security Belt

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Janibelt|}} {{#if:|

Found in: Custodial Closet
Used for: Holding janitorial supplies
Strategy: {{{strategy}}}
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Can hold:

| {{#if:|

Found in: Custodial Closet
Used for: Holding janitorial supplies
Strategy: {{{strategy}}}
{{#if:Can hold:

| {{#if:Holding janitorial supplies|

Found in: Custodial Closet
Used for: Holding janitorial supplies
{{#if:Can hold:

| {{#if:Janibelt|

{{#if:|Janibelt.png|{{#ifexist: File:Janibelt.png| Janibelt}}|no image}}

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}


These little devices are issued to every crew member upon arrival on the station. Every job, no matter how insignificant, gets some form of headset. In order to talk to the station with it simply type say ;(your text here).

Different branches of the station get a unique headset with its own private channel. In order to use this channel type in say .h (your text here). And your message will be broadcast to others with the same type of headset. Note that this does not work on the basic model. You can tell the basic model by its black coloring and lack of label.

All headsets are equipped with a standard encryption key used for the common channel. Screwdrivers can be used to remove the encryption keys and use them in a different headset. All department headsets come with two keys. Use your headset in hand to manually enable or disable keys, or change your default channel.

Here is a list of channels and how to access them. Examining your headset also shows you all possible channels. # and . can be used instead of :

.c = Command
.s = Security
.e = Engineering
.u = Supply
.m = Medical
.n = Science
.v = Service

Using .h will connect you with your default department's channel.

Other uses:

.b = Binary (For AI and cyborgs)
.a = Alien
.g = Changeling
.i = Intercom
.h = AI Holopad (For AI)
.o = AI Private (For AI)
.l = Left Hand
.r = Right Hand
.t = Syndicate/Traitor (For when you have a Syndicate encryption key)

See Radio channels.

{{#if:Command Radio Headset|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Headheadset.png|Command Staff's Headset}}
Command Staff's Headset
Found in: Captain's Quarters locker, on the Captain's ear.
Used for: Normal radio chat as well as all department channels.
Strategy: Use this to coordinate all departments.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} The headset of the heads.

Captain's headset:
.c - command, .s - security, .e - engineering, .u - supply, .v - service, .m - medical, .n - science

Head of Personnel's headset:
.c - command, .u - supply, .v - service

Head of Security's headset:
.c - command, .s - security

Chief Engineer's headset:
.c - command, .e - engineering

Research Director's headset:
.c - command, .n - research

Chief Medical Officer's headset:
.c - command, .m - medical

| {{#if:Use this to coordinate all departments.|

{{#if:|Headheadset.png|Command Staff's Headset}}
Command Staff's Headset
Found in: Captain's Quarters locker, on the Captain's ear.
Used for: Normal radio chat as well as all department channels.
Strategy: Use this to coordinate all departments.
{{#if:The headset of the heads.

Captain's headset:
.c - command, .s - security, .e - engineering, .u - supply, .v - service, .m - medical, .n - science

Head of Personnel's headset:
.c - command, .u - supply, .v - service

Head of Security's headset:
.c - command, .s - security

Chief Engineer's headset:
.c - command, .e - engineering

Research Director's headset:
.c - command, .n - research

Chief Medical Officer's headset:
.c - command, .m - medical|The headset of the heads. Captain's headset:
.c - command, .s - security, .e - engineering, .u - supply, .v - service, .m - medical, .n - science

Head of Personnel's headset:
.c - command, .u - supply, .v - service

Head of Security's headset:
.c - command, .s - security

Chief Engineer's headset:
.c - command, .e - engineering

Research Director's headset:
.c - command, .n - research

Chief Medical Officer's headset:
.c - command, .m - medical|No description}}

| {{#if:Normal radio chat as well as all department channels.|

{{#if:|Headheadset.png|Command Staff's Headset}}
Command Staff's Headset
Found in: Captain's Quarters locker, on the Captain's ear.
Used for: Normal radio chat as well as all department channels.
{{#if:The headset of the heads.

Captain's headset:
.c - command, .s - security, .e - engineering, .u - supply, .v - service, .m - medical, .n - science

Head of Personnel's headset:
.c - command, .u - supply, .v - service

Head of Security's headset:
.c - command, .s - security

Chief Engineer's headset:
.c - command, .e - engineering

Research Director's headset:
.c - command, .n - research

Chief Medical Officer's headset:
.c - command, .m - medical|The headset of the heads. Captain's headset:
.c - command, .s - security, .e - engineering, .u - supply, .v - service, .m - medical, .n - science

Head of Personnel's headset:
.c - command, .u - supply, .v - service

Head of Security's headset:
.c - command, .s - security

Chief Engineer's headset:
.c - command, .e - engineering

Research Director's headset:
.c - command, .n - research

Chief Medical Officer's headset:
.c - command, .m - medical|No description}}

| {{#if:Command Staff's Headset|

{{#if:|Headheadset.png|{{#ifexist: File:Headheadset.png| Command Staff's Headset}}|no image}}
Command Staff's Headset

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Engineering Radio Headset|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Engineheadset.png|Engineering Radio Headset}}
Engineering Radio Headset
Found in: Engineering lockers, Atmospherics lockers, Engineer's ear, Atmos tech's ear.
Used for: Used for engineering channel to report damage and to make sure that somebody has checked the engine recently.
Strategy: Use to coordinate repairs.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} When the engineers wish to chat like girls. To access the engineering channel, use .e.

| {{#if:Use to coordinate repairs.|

{{#if:|Engineheadset.png|Engineering Radio Headset}}
Engineering Radio Headset
Found in: Engineering lockers, Atmospherics lockers, Engineer's ear, Atmos tech's ear.
Used for: Used for engineering channel to report damage and to make sure that somebody has checked the engine recently.
Strategy: Use to coordinate repairs.
When the engineers wish to chat like girls. To access the engineering channel, use .e.|No description}}

| {{#if:Used for engineering channel to report damage and to make sure that somebody has checked the engine recently.|

{{#if:|Engineheadset.png|Engineering Radio Headset}}
Engineering Radio Headset
Found in: Engineering lockers, Atmospherics lockers, Engineer's ear, Atmos tech's ear.
Used for: Used for engineering channel to report damage and to make sure that somebody has checked the engine recently.
When the engineers wish to chat like girls. To access the engineering channel, use .e.|No description}}

| {{#if:Engineering Radio Headset|

{{#if:|Engineheadset.png|{{#ifexist: File:Engineheadset.png| Engineering Radio Headset}}|no image}}
Engineering Radio Headset

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Medical Radio Headset|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Medheadset.png|Medical/Genetics Radio Headset}}
Medical/Genetics Radio Headset
Found in: Medbay lockers, Doctor's ear.
Used for: Talking to various jobs throughout the medbay via the medical channel.
Strategy: Use this to order things from chemistry or inform geneticists of bodies that need cloning.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} A headset for the trained staff of the Medbay. To access the medical channel, use .m. Genetics get an extra channel to .n - science.

| {{#if:Use this to order things from chemistry or inform geneticists of bodies that need cloning.|

{{#if:|Medheadset.png|Medical/Genetics Radio Headset}}
Medical/Genetics Radio Headset
Found in: Medbay lockers, Doctor's ear.
Used for: Talking to various jobs throughout the medbay via the medical channel.
Strategy: Use this to order things from chemistry or inform geneticists of bodies that need cloning.
A headset for the trained staff of the Medbay. To access the medical channel, use .m. Genetics get an extra channel to .n - science.|No description}}

| {{#if:Talking to various jobs throughout the medbay via the medical channel.|

{{#if:|Medheadset.png|Medical/Genetics Radio Headset}}
Medical/Genetics Radio Headset
Found in: Medbay lockers, Doctor's ear.
Used for: Talking to various jobs throughout the medbay via the medical channel.
A headset for the trained staff of the Medbay. To access the medical channel, use .m. Genetics get an extra channel to .n - science.|No description}}

| {{#if:Medical/Genetics Radio Headset|

{{#if:|Medheadset.png|{{#ifexist: File:Medheadset.png| Medical/Genetics Radio Headset}}|no image}}
Medical/Genetics Radio Headset

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Supply Radio Headset|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Cargoheadset.png|Supply Radio Headset}}
Supply Radio Headset
Found in: Cargo Bay lockers, Mining Dock lockers. The ears of the QM, Cargo Techs and Miners.
Used for: The Quartermaster and his slaves to talk to one another about the supply chain.
Strategy: Allows miners and techs to communicate with each other.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} A headset used by the QM and his slaves. To access the supply channel, use .u.

| {{#if:Allows miners and techs to communicate with each other.|

{{#if:|Cargoheadset.png|Supply Radio Headset}}
Supply Radio Headset
Found in: Cargo Bay lockers, Mining Dock lockers. The ears of the QM, Cargo Techs and Miners.
Used for: The Quartermaster and his slaves to talk to one another about the supply chain.
Strategy: Allows miners and techs to communicate with each other.
A headset used by the QM and his slaves. To access the supply channel, use .u.|No description}}

| {{#if:The Quartermaster and his slaves to talk to one another about the supply chain.|

{{#if:|Cargoheadset.png|Supply Radio Headset}}
Supply Radio Headset
Found in: Cargo Bay lockers, Mining Dock lockers. The ears of the QM, Cargo Techs and Miners.
Used for: The Quartermaster and his slaves to talk to one another about the supply chain.
A headset used by the QM and his slaves. To access the supply channel, use .u.|No description}}

| {{#if:Supply Radio Headset|

{{#if:|Cargoheadset.png|{{#ifexist: File:Cargoheadset.png| Supply Radio Headset}}|no image}}
Supply Radio Headset

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Science Radio Headset|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Scienceheadset.png|Science Radio Headset}}
Science Radio Headset
Found in: Robotics lockers and R&D Lab lockers. Roboticist's and Scientist's ear.
Used for: Communication in the science department.
Strategy: Has access to the science channel.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} A sciency headset. Like usual. To access the science channel, use .n.

| {{#if:Has access to the science channel.|

{{#if:|Scienceheadset.png|Science Radio Headset}}
Science Radio Headset
Found in: Robotics lockers and R&D Lab lockers. Roboticist's and Scientist's ear.
Used for: Communication in the science department.
Strategy: Has access to the science channel.
A sciency headset. Like usual. To access the science channel, use .n.|No description}}

| {{#if:Communication in the science department.|

{{#if:|Scienceheadset.png|Science Radio Headset}}
Science Radio Headset
Found in: Robotics lockers and R&D Lab lockers. Roboticist's and Scientist's ear.
Used for: Communication in the science department.
A sciency headset. Like usual. To access the science channel, use .n.|No description}}

| {{#if:Science Radio Headset|

{{#if:|Scienceheadset.png|{{#ifexist: File:Scienceheadset.png| Science Radio Headset}}|no image}}
Science Radio Headset

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Security Radio Headset|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|Secheadset.png|Security Radio Headset}}
Security Radio Headset
Found in: Security Office lockers and the ears of anyone in the security department.
Used for: Coordinating security and requesting arrest orders via the security channel.
Strategy: Don't let traitors get their hands on these.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} This is used by your elite security force. To access the security channel, use .s.

| {{#if:Don't let traitors get their hands on these.|

{{#if:|Secheadset.png|Security Radio Headset}}
Security Radio Headset
Found in: Security Office lockers and the ears of anyone in the security department.
Used for: Coordinating security and requesting arrest orders via the security channel.
Strategy: Don't let traitors get their hands on these.
This is used by your elite security force. To access the security channel, use .s.|No description}}

| {{#if:Coordinating security and requesting arrest orders via the security channel.|

{{#if:|Secheadset.png|Security Radio Headset}}
Security Radio Headset
Found in: Security Office lockers and the ears of anyone in the security department.
Used for: Coordinating security and requesting arrest orders via the security channel.
This is used by your elite security force. To access the security channel, use .s.|No description}}

| {{#if:Security Radio Headset|

{{#if:|Secheadset.png|{{#ifexist: File:Secheadset.png| Security Radio Headset}}|no image}}
Security Radio Headset

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Standard Radio Headset|}} {{#if:|

{{#if:|headset.png|Standard/Service Radio Headset}}
Standard/Service Radio Headset
Found in: Any civilian's ear, as well as Medbay's patient lockers, Dorms and Locker Room lockers, and any public locker.
Used for: Annoying people, screaming for help, letting people know that the singularity is out.
Strategy: None.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} A standard radio headset. Carries no additional encryption keys. Nothing fancy, except the Bartender, Chef and Botanists all share a .v - service channel.

| {{#if:None.|

{{#if:|headset.png|Standard/Service Radio Headset}}
Standard/Service Radio Headset
Found in: Any civilian's ear, as well as Medbay's patient lockers, Dorms and Locker Room lockers, and any public locker.
Used for: Annoying people, screaming for help, letting people know that the singularity is out.
Strategy: None.
A standard radio headset. Carries no additional encryption keys. Nothing fancy, except the Bartender, Chef and Botanists all share a .v - service channel.|No description}}

| {{#if:Annoying people, screaming for help, letting people know that the singularity is out.|

{{#if:|headset.png|Standard/Service Radio Headset}}
Standard/Service Radio Headset
Found in: Any civilian's ear, as well as Medbay's patient lockers, Dorms and Locker Room lockers, and any public locker.
Used for: Annoying people, screaming for help, letting people know that the singularity is out.
A standard radio headset. Carries no additional encryption keys. Nothing fancy, except the Bartender, Chef and Botanists all share a .v - service channel.|No description}}

| {{#if:Standard/Service Radio Headset|

{{#if:|headset.png|{{#ifexist: File:headset.png| Standard/Service Radio Headset}}|no image}}
Standard/Service Radio Headset

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}

{{#if:Earmuffs|}} {{#if:|

Found in: Prison Wing and Engineering
Used for: Blocking out sound, Torturing people.
Strategy: Pretty much the only defense against loud HONK mechs. This only stops sound from coming in.
Contents Description
{{{contents}}} Protects your hearing from loud noises, and quiet ones as well.

| {{#if:Pretty much the only defense against loud HONK mechs. This only stops sound from coming in.|

Found in: Prison Wing and Engineering
Used for: Blocking out sound, Torturing people.
Strategy: Pretty much the only defense against loud HONK mechs. This only stops sound from coming in.
Protects your hearing from loud noises, and quiet ones as well.|No description}}

| {{#if:Blocking out sound, Torturing people.|

Found in: Prison Wing and Engineering
Used for: Blocking out sound, Torturing people.
Protects your hearing from loud noises, and quiet ones as well.|No description}}

| {{#if:Earmuffs|

{{#if:|earmuffs.png|{{#ifexist: File:earmuffs.png| Earmuffs}}|no image}}

| The item needs to have the name defined. }} }} }} }}