Maps on /tg/station | |
In Use | BoxStation, MetaStation, PubbyStation, DeltaStation, Donutstation |
Outdated, removed, or not in rotation | AsteroidStation, BirdboatStation, CereStation, Discstation, Dreamstation, EfficiencyStation, MiniStation, OmegaStation, RuntimeStation |
Map Rotation[edit]
The server currently uses a unique map rotation feature that will swap between maps based on player map preferences, these being located in your character setup page. The game is weighed to use Boxstation as the default station but will, depending on player preferences and how long the current round has lasted, have a higher chance to use another map.
The current, and next selected, map information are located in the 'Status' tab.
In Rotation Maps[edit]
These maps are currently in rotation, and can be selected and played on.
Map Image | Information | Additional Points |
Error creating thumbnail: File with dimensions greater than 12.5 MP | BoxStation is widely regarded as the "official" map of SS13. It may be confusing at first, but it is actually neatly organized, so that every department gets their own wing. The Command Sector is in a centralized location, holding the Bridge, the Gravity Generator and the AI Upload. Other departments extend out into various wings around the command sector. | Notes
Map Image | Information | Additional Points |
Error creating thumbnail: File with dimensions greater than 12.5 MP | MetaStation is a fully-functioning map available on the /tg/ codebase as an alternative to BoxStation. It is currently available on both Sibyl and Basil, if players vote it in using the map-vote system. It was previously the default map on the /tg/ servers Badger and later Basil, and various edited versions have run on NoxStation, /vg/, and Paradise Station.
MetaStation ran on Basil for a long time and has been tested extensively, being generally well received. It is largely maintained and updated by Metacide, though it uses the work of many others, and has been worked on by various other people who have updated and maintained the map over its history. |
Map Image | Information | Additional Points |
Error creating thumbnail: File with dimensions greater than 12.5 MP | PubbyStation is a map inspired by Box and Meta but smaller and pure, it was created by pubby. | Notes
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DeltaStation is a map heavily influenced by Meta and Box, with a large centralized bridge area. Intended for higher populations, the map features a more fleshed out and spacious interior lushly decorated and accomodating a large number of potted plants. A large maintenance with a number of useful half-built rooms and areas give antagonists a large variety of spacious areas to make their on station bases and hiding places. It is currently maintained by Okand37, though others are welcome to suggest additions and edits. | Notes
Map Image | Information | Additional Points |
Error creating thumbnail: File with dimensions greater than 12.5 MP | Donutstation is a faithful modernization of the Goon classic, brought to /tg/station13. A large, circular hallway connects every department meaning that you'll eventually find what department you're looking for if you keep going in one direction. All escape pods can be found in the maintenance sections of each major department, same with various surplus supplies for each department. | Notes
Not in rotation but still important[edit]
These maps either aid in maintaining the game or will be added in the future.